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Rating:  Summary: All Americans should read this book. America's future Review: Bill Clinton's reckless handling of our foreign policy - and especially our national security - during his terms in office left the U.S. extremely vulnerable to rogue nations. Some of the actions he personally took part in or that took place under his watch are the acts of a traitor; however, many of these activities were covered up in the turmoil of his many scandals and a press willing to cover up for "their" man in office. If not for the reporting of Bill Gertz in the Washington Times, none of these activites would have ever come to light. Mr. Gertz compiled much of the information he gathered for his works and put them together for "Betrayal", a very readable and eye-opening look at the undermining of our national security. Here we get accounts, backed up by official documentation, of - among other things - Clinton's sell-out to the Chinese Communists, the smoke-and-mirrors policy he undertook with North Korea's nuclear program, and his efforts to keep Boris Yeltsin in office at the expense of our defense programs. The information is incredible, and quite frightening. He has allowed missile programs in China, North Korea, Iraq, and other rogue states to advance in quantum leaps, while allowing the U.S. to almost backpedal in its defensive readiness and national security arenas. He allowed the Russians to continue to stockpile their nuclear missiles while de-targeting and destroying our stockpiles. It confirms that the Clinton legacy is one of putting the United States at far more dangerous risks now and well into the future. For the reader who does not follow news - or, more specifically, military and national security news - this will be a shocking introduction to what really happened during the Clinton administration. However, for readers like me who read Mr. Gertz's articles in the Washington Times frequently, and who stay abreast of national security affairs, there is really nothing new presented here - outside of the appendix, which included his supporting documentation. The book really seemed to me to be nothing more than a re-hash of his articles. This was somewhat disappointing, and led to my decision to rate this with only three stars. I am certainly glad that Mr. Gertz has published this book, because it will lead to getting this vital information to a broader audience than his Washington Times articles might. I give him all the kudos in the world for doing so, and I encourage all those readers who don't follow this news to buy this book despite my rating. However, if you are up-to-date on this information, as I was, I would suggest not investing your dollars in this, since you will likely come away with a sense of disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Accurate portrayal of a moral relativist former President. Review: Bill Gertz is probably the foremost authority in the United States on American-Chinese relations. During the Clinton years Gertz kept America informed, through his brilliant articles in The Washington Times, regarding the Administration's ill-advised "policy of engagement" with China, a policy which, at the end of Clinton's eight years in office, had served to permit China to aid rogue nations in the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and to improve its arsenal of ICBMs, many of which were aimed at us, while aiding Mr. Clinton's Hollywood contributors and several unscrupulous high-tech corporations as they developed markets in China for their products. As the author of "The China Connection," I was particularly interested in Gertz's carefully researched Chapter 5, "The Long March Forward" in which he describes how several American high-tech corporations, all huge contributors to the Democratic National Committee and to the Clinton Re-Election campaign, enabled the Chinese to not only greatly improve their commercial space launchers, but also to make their nuclear-tipped intercontinetal ballistic missiles more reliable. In my novel, "The China Connection" meticulously researched fact-based fiction, I show, through the actions and dialogue of characters, most of them based upon real people, the bankrupt moral and political philosophy behind the Clinton Administration in this area. I explain how moral relativism combined with political expediency can be dangerous characteristics when joined in politicians and others in positions of power who lack high moral standards. Yes! Character does count, and so does integrity, when electing our leaders. I recommend "Betrayal" highly. After you've finished, I suggest picking up "The China Connection" as a painless, even enjoyable way of learning about the problem of moral relativism and how the actions of our former president strengthened the Chinese and endangered America during his years as president and far into the future.
Rating:  Summary: Let's Call It What It Really Is: TREASON Review: Bill Gertz should win a Pulitzer Prize for this book. He shows in documented detail what Bill Clinton and his 'evil empire' have done to undermine the security of this nation. They have committed nothing less than treason. It remains to be seen if it was done in stupidity and just for the money or if their motives were even more sinister. And by the way, has anyone noticed how the main-stream media have done their best to ignore if not bury this book?
Rating:  Summary: Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Review: Bill Gertz tells the whole, sordid story of how the Clinton administration has sold our national security for political gain and has gone to great lengths to cover it up.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Pernicious stuff Review: I am beginning to hate to read these books about President Clinton because it seems that everything he did as the President was to line his pockets. In this one it starts out with a story that seems only mildly related with the lasers which was interesting. The next ones with the dealings with China makes you think that he did the sex stuff just to cause a diversion from what he was really doing. I could not believe how far his administration would go before they would put any sanctions on China considering they were selling all their nuclear secrets to Pakistan. China paid for him to get reelected. It seemed like all the aerospace companies were hooked into this and they must have paid President. The dealings with Russia seem to make Clinton out to be a fool allowing them to use the money to rebuild their country to build new nuclear weapons facilities. Then to let them stop us from creating a missile defense system so that they could sell Russia missile defense systems around the world. Finally we let them sell nuclear secrets to Iraq. Did the Clinton administration think that no one would notice??? I just don't under stand. I you want to see some shady dealing with the Clinton administration on foreign policy you will enjoy this book if you are a Clinton support get those spin stories ready.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Pernicious stuff Review: I am beginning to hate to read these books about President Clinton because it seems that everything he did as the President was to line his pockets. In this one it starts out with a story that seems only mildly related with the lasers which was interesting. The next ones with the dealings with China makes you think that he did the sex stuff just to cause a diversion from what he was really doing. I could not believe how far his administration would go before they would put any sanctions on China considering they were selling all their nuclear secrets to Pakistan. China paid for him to get reelected. It seemed like all the aerospace companies were hooked into this and they must have paid President. The dealings with Russia seem to make Clinton out to be a fool allowing them to use the money to rebuild their country to build new nuclear weapons facilities. Then to let them stop us from creating a missile defense system so that they could sell Russia missile defense systems around the world. Finally we let them sell nuclear secrets to Iraq. Did the Clinton administration think that no one would notice??? I just don't under stand. I you want to see some shady dealing with the Clinton administration on foreign policy you will enjoy this book if you are a Clinton support get those spin stories ready.
Rating:  Summary: We have been betrayed! Review: Let's tell the truth about our security under the Clinton administration. It has been compromised and this president has sold out this country in the name of campaign cash, in the name of contempt for the armed forces of the United States, and the pretense of convincing the American people that we are living in an era of increasing global peace when the facts clearly distinguish otherwise. We say that we want our politicians to tell us the truth. Well Bill Gertz, though no politician, has done more than make assertions, he has proven it. Using documented evidence from our own intelligence community, including the testimony of those who have risked much to expose this feckless leader's deceitful bongles, he demonstrates just how the Clinton White House has, and continues to sell out this country's national security to advance its own political agenda. Gertz shows that the legacy of the Clinton years has been to cover up certain unpleasant facts about his foreign policy fiascos and to appease enemies who are determined to bring down our way of life. From Clinton's dealings with Russia, that poured hundreds of millions of US taxpayers' money into their so-called disarmament programs, to his compromises with the communists in Beijing, to the bombing of Iraq, we have been betrayed. This book should cause all Americans to ask some serious questions that some of us don't want to face. Why has this administration refused to build an anti-ballistic missile defense shield for our country? Why, in fact, did Clinton's white house help to destroy what remained of President Reagan's famed Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)? Why has this administration continued to compromise our secrets with China, allowing them to develop nuclear technology that they are now aiming at American cities? Why are we now in a growing situation with China that could lead to them becoming our main enemy in this century? And it's all thanks to William Jefferson Clinton. These appeasements are a violation of his oath to defend us from our enemies, and we need to have the guts to call them by their proper name. Bill Clinton has assaulted this country by his treasonous betrayal of our national security, and it's time we woke up to it. Gertz deserves high praise for this work, and he's not just punching rhetoric, he's got the paper trail and the testimony to prove it.
Rating:  Summary: An airtight case for treason Review: Liar, blackmailer, rapist--and now traitor. If there's an outrage Bill Clinton hasn't committed, it's one he just hasn't thought of yet. No wonder Clinton apologists hate and fear this book: it exposes, in meticulous, irrefutable detail, their hero's active complicity in the sale and theft of American nuclear weapons secrets, "dual-use" computer technology, and state-of-the-art military hardware to Beijing and Moscow, which increasingly threaten us directly and continue to deliver the goods and know-how to places like Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan. Gertz also documents the criminal roles of Albright's State Department and Reno's Justice Department in promoting the Administration's determined efforts to arm our most dangerous enemies with our most sophiticated weaponry, gut our own military, and keep the terrifying truth about all of it from Congress and the American people. Along with Year of the Rat, this book is must reading for every American and every member of Congress. I'd give it TEN stars if that were possible.
Rating:  Summary: Chinese threat Review: This book exposes the 'feel-good' and 'Why can't we all just get along?' foreign policy of the corrupt Clinton Administration. Who's side are these guys on? Clinton is (was) so anti-military and anti-intelligence that our national security has been undermined. The book lays out all the facts well and in chilling detail. This doesn't bode well for a good night's sleep. How anyone can still stand up for the Clinton-Gore Administration after reading this is beyond me.
Rating:  Summary: Lackluster but marginally revealing... Review: This is a Washington Times correspondant's look at Clinton Administration boon-doggles from overtures to the Reds, to foolish nuclear aid programs to North Korea, and the administration's blind eye to national security. Though, at times it seems trifling and it seems Gertz is fishing for intrigue. Since the highlight of the book is a spying Russian naval vessel blinding an American with a laser, I was kind of bored. But I still found some of the content redeeming.
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