Rating:  Summary: Mind Control Yes, New World Order No Review: This book is one in a long line of conspiracy-theories on a "New World Order," predicted long ago by Nostradamas (as one commenter already noted), and more recently and purposefully planned by Hitler.
The book is interesting and shocking, hard to put down at first. But it comes severely pornographic...it implicates illicit sexual acts with a star-studded list of politicians, (Reagan who `triggers' her into sexual acts by calling her "kitten," her witnessing Bill Clinton engage in two homosexual acts, George Bush's pedophilia, Dick Cheney's abusive sodomy of her, and lesbian activities between her and Hilary Clinton.) Heard enough?? The anecdotes go on and on and attempt to create a string of events that Ms. O'Brien now miraculously remembers with remarkable clarity. Not only are her memories of the events where she was used to transport messages or perform lewd acts remembered with details (such as exact quotes), but she places them squarely within the political happenings of the era. She seems to be knee deep in every single well-publicized scandal at the time. For example during the Iran-Contra deal, she is chosen to deliver Reagan's personal message to Noriega that their "shared endeavors" have been a success and a warning to "have your house in order, as does Olie North." (p150) The conspiracy web gets deeper and deeper. Preying on the reader's worst fears, everyone in position of power is involved in the NWO and, more shockingly, EVERYONE seems to have some bizarre sexual fixations.
If this book was simply a book about CIA abuses using mind control techniques to accomplish certain objectives it might be believable, but these New World Order implications put it over the top. The CIA did in fact do some research in this field in the 60's, although much of it seems to focus on the use of LSD and attempts to isolate a type of truth-serum. (Do your own research on CIA project MKUltra). Whether Ms. O'Brien was mind-controlled or programmed by the CIA is difficult to say. (She also implicates NASA, the DOD, the MOB, and pornographers, et al as doing programming but doesn't state who did what or when, only that each institution had its own nuances).
My suspicion is that Mark Phillips, the supposed savior of Ms. O'Brien, is a first class jerk. If you read the book, his story (which he personally details for the FIRST 30 pages of the book) doesn't quite add up. It is brought to his attention by an Asian business associate that the wife and daughter of his business partner, Mr. Houston, are being enlisted in a type of mind-controlled slavery. At the drop of a hat he decides to "rescue" them from Mr. Houston, divorce his own wife (she "agrees" that she'd be happier emotionally without him and moves to Florida is all he says), ruin his relationship with his own son (which he laments a few times but never reconciles), and cart off to Alaska with no money. The money issue is particularly interesting because he says his Asia dealings were set to pay him and his acquaintance, Mr. Yoon, 10 Million Dollars. But apparently he didn't get this money as they struggle to pay any bills and Alaska, especially Kelly's asthma medication, and proceed to live on Welfare.
More bizarre is how much Mr. Phillips already knows about mind control. In fact, he basically knows enough to be able to "de-program" Cathy. How did he get this knowledge? He mentions but does not elaborate on his own work at the Department of Defense and CIA. But he attributes all his knowledge of psychology to his own study inspired by a traumatic childhood experience in which his own mother fell off a horse (he was in the saddle as well) and suffered debilitating brain problems. As a point of pride he details how he has no degrees in psychology or PhD, but has become an expert. Furthermore, Mr. Phillips has countless contacts in the government and CIA who he calls from Alaska in order to learn more about how to de-program her. These people confide in him facts as though he were an insider. And in fact, were he not an insider it is hard to believe he would know to call them, much less that they would share this info.
SO, my suspicion is that Mark Phillips probably kidnapped Mr. O'Brien and is mind-controlling her to this very day. Either that or there was no mind-control at all and they are in cahoots. His current M.O. is to script this insane book on how his wife was abused, how he saved the day, and how America is being "TRANCEformed" into a New World Order. I hope his booksales aren't affording him too nice a lifestyle.
I'm not the only one who thing Phillips is a Con. I encourage you to search for the web page of Kathleen A. Sullivan (who also commented on this very board). She implicates Mr. Phillips as someone who might be a repeat-offense perp of mind-control victims and says he spoke of "money in the Caymans" and joked about putting Cathy into hypnosis.
Read with discretion.
Rating:  Summary: An Argument for Renouncing One's American Citizenship Review: A century ago a book such as this would have been a call to the barricades. Today with the state as powerful as it is, this book simply makes you want to leave the United States and let it rot. For those who haven't read the book, O'Brien's story is one of a survivor of a CIA-sponsored program called MK Ultra, which aimed to explore the limits of human "suggestibility." The program began following World War II, when numerous top Nazi scientists resettled in the United States, at the invitation of the CIA, to continue their research into mind control. The project was based upon the research finding that if a person is severely traumatized, he or she will "split" off a "multiple personality" as a defense mechanism. It was those "multiples" that CIA scientists sought (successfully) to "program." Today thousand of people exist as mind-controlled slaves whose "programs" for various activities, such as performance in pornography films, prostitution, message carrying, and drug "muling," can be "accessed" by their "controllers" by cryptic keywords. A reader curious about O'Brien's book should be forewarned of the exceptionally bizarre nature of its revelations. In fact, at least in my view, the revelations are so bizarre, it would probably be a bad move to read this book without first reading something that "builds" up to it. A good primer on the subject would be John Decamp's _The Franklin Cover-Up_. Those who do read the book and are of sufficient independent thought to see through the haze of disinformation put forward every day by the state-influenced newspapers and magazines and see the truth in O'Brien's book are placed in a difficult position. They're in possession of extremely rare knowledge, and, futhermore, extremely bleak knowledge. For the picture painted by O'Brien, unfortunately, is nearly without hope. I am not a religious person, and I have always been both mildly amused and mildly offended by the stories of organized religion. But this is, I must admit, a book that can change such a person as me, for after reading _Tranceformation of America_, I'm left asking an unanswerable question. Where did all this wickedness come from?
Rating:  Summary: Brave woman Review: As much as i would like to laugh this story off and say to evryone that it is a bunch of made up stories- this lady simply knows too much. there is no way that this person would know all the detailed information about secret meetings-programs-people in our gov't. i tried to look up all the juicy parts of this book on the internet- and surely - she was telling the truth. also about her daughter and herself are also in public records. WOW! this book confirms a lot of info that author David Icke talks about in "Children of the Matrix". it's an overall great-easy read and will scare you. DO NOT READ THIS BOOK if you are happy in the way you see reality. thank you cathy o'brien for the courage to write this great book and for warning us of the dangers our gov't presents.
Rating:  Summary: TRUE Americans don't shut their eyes to the TRUTH! Review: Cathy O'Brien is either 100% lying or 100% telling the truth. Anyone who truly wants to know can go to any library, book store or search the Internet for materials about mind control, MK-ULTRA, CIA drug connections, and the New World Order. Her story fits right in the middle of these and reveals that we are already 99% New World Order, with our God-given freedoms just about completely gone. God in His mercy is using people like Cathy and Mark who will be courageous enough to tell their story so that those of us who have been in the dark, because of NWO lies being preached everywhere, can see and join the battle. I'd give this book a 100 star rating if I could because of the courage it took to write. IT IS A MUST READ FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO IS CONCERNED AT ALL ABOUT THE TRUE CONDITION OF OUR COUNTRY.
Rating:  Summary: Courage Review: I am in the middle of this book, and have not been able to put it down. I came back to this page because I had to read all the reviews and see what others thought about it. I am caught. On one hand this book is so audacious, it is hard to believe. On the other, as one reader put it, she is either 100% lying or 100% telling the truth...and in my mind and heart I know that what she is recounting is probably true. Before September 11 I would not have believed this at all....but could it be possible that September 11 is a HUGE TRUAMA BASED CONTROL PLOY? I can't shake the thought. Discernment is the key here, and while this information seems impossible to believe, if you hear with your heart you will have to ask why would anyone make this crazy tale up? To what end? I also have read a great deal of channeled material that supports what is reported in this fantastical tale. It is chilling and disheartening. But knowledge is power. Time to wake up WORLD. Since this is not about the US GOVT, but about CONTROL of our WORLD by a very elite group that has lost touch with who they are....Our sexual energy is our power...and these folks are so out of balance, they long for what we have, HEART, EMOTIONS... we must begin with COMPASSION. And heal not only ourselves, but them in the process. This evil is a reflection of our own shadow. In healing that part of ourselves we can raise the vibratory level of the Earth so they will not be able to exist here.... it is becoming more and more urgent every day...we must use our hearts and not our brains - they can control our brain - our brains ARE BEING CONTROLLED. So think with your heart and read this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Dunce Formation of America Review: I do not doubt that mind control exists. However the authors desperately need to take a PR 101 class so they don't alienate many who seriously want to delve into this disturbing stuff. Also I would like to see them write a book on how to heal/overcome trauma based mind control. Please check out the review at: http://www.konformist.com/mkkafe/ciaslave.htm
Rating:  Summary: Read this book! Review: I first heard of Cathy O'Brien through David Icke's books which was traumatic in their own right. Then I read Cathy's "Transformation" and I had to keep putting it down as to absorb her shocking testimony. This material WILL shock you and yet having been an entertainer in country music many years ago, I do not find such testimony unbelievable. The truly thought-provoking part is the role our so-called 'leaders' partake in these hideous events ESPECIALLY those of child abuse. After giving this book to a close family member, his reaction was "This cannot be true" (especially for being a member of the Republican party for over 50 years). My reaction was 'Why would Cathy O'Brien risk her life and her daughter's to publish this book if it were not true?" Makes you think. Cathy e-mailed me once with the one hope that her book will spread the 'news' that mind control does exist in America and that those of us who read her book will disseminate this information. Read this book. THE WORLD IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS.
Rating:  Summary: Funny how reviewers rate this 5 stars or 1 star Review: I have read this book and many many others like it. In fact, I found this book by reading David Icke's book. I check references many times that are listed in books and Cathy's book checks out. I have friends who are also victim's of mind control. Heck, we are all victims of mind control if you have ever watched a commercial on TV. Anyhow, my point is I read this book a while ago and came here to check what other people are saying. The book overall is 4 plus stars. Yet most reviews are 5 stars. It's the stupid dummies who do not read or think critically or simply debunk for no rason who gave his book 1 star. I'll bet anyone a life savings who rated this 1 star that they did not read the entire book. WAKE UP PEOPLE. THIS COUNTRY IS SCREWED UNLESS WE ALL WAKE UP. 78% OF AMERICANS GET 90% OF THEIR NEWS FROM TELEVISION. STOP WATCHING TV AND READ A BOOK, LISTEN TO THE TALK RADIO, SUBSCRIBE TO A MAGAZINE THAT ISN'T BIASED, READ THE NEWS IN OTHER COUNTRIES, WATCH NEWS LATE AT NIGHT AND SEE HOW IT IS DIFFERENT THAN WAKING HOURS.
Rating:  Summary: Valuable resource about trauma-based mind control Review: I knew Cathy O'Brien as a fellow government mind-control victim in the more distant past. We briefly reconnected in the mid-90s when I was encouraged to hire her common-law-husband, Mark Phillips, to deprogram my mind. Although my subsequent experiences with him were very negative and unhealthy, I am reasonably certain that the majority of Cathy's recollections in Trance Formation are probably valid. By using numerous personal examples, she does an excellent job of explaining how trauma, hypnosis, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (metaphorical language) are effectively used by expert mind-control perpetrators to dissociate and control the minds of victims - from childhood on through adulthood. Because I waited until I'd remembered the bulk of my own traumatic experiences before reading her book, I successfully avoided memory contamination. Having journaled thousands of emerging memories, I was quite surprised that many of the phrases - containing metaphorical, double-meanings (NLP) - that had been used to control my mind, were exactly the same ones that she'd remembered! (My memories didn't come from Mark; I'd remembered and journaled most of them before hiring him.) Regardless of the identities of the alleged perpetrators whom Cathy names, the information that she provides about the use of mind-control "language" (combined Eriksonian hypnosis and NLP) can be very helpful for professionals working with mind-control survivors - if nothing else, as a translation guide. I would not use the book for more than that, however. After breaking away from Mark, I realized that by focusing on the metaphorical mental programming and visualized, alternative inner worlds that had been created in my mind by mental programmers, I conveniently avoided facing the most important reasons for my being severely dissociated. I'd been seriously hurt and betrayed, by many individuals, particularly those who society expected to protect and love me. As I redirected my attention onto working through my foundational betrayal pain with the help of qualified mental health professionals, I was able to integrate. I also caution readers not to internalize the pervasive fear strongly expressed in Cathy's book. Such abject fear and hopelessness are often expressed by mind-control survivors in their books. After all, this was their state of mind as victim-slaves! Only as we begin to experience more "normal" life, and to interact mostly with "normal" people, do we begin to lose our deep dread that the world is going to be taken over by the people who hurt us - as our lives had been taken over by them in the past. Since I've chosen to interact mostly with people who were not victims in the past, I've discovered that regardless of what direction our country goes from here, reasonably decent people will not lose their ability to love and care for one another. And control-addicted perpetrators of mental control will always be the real prisoners - of themselves - because they will never be capable of experiencing real love and caring. (Raping, torturing, and snorting cocaine are totally inadequate substitutes for the real experience.) Because of this, they will always lose, whereas those who choose to live reasonably moral and decent lives, and to love and care about each other, will always win.
Rating:  Summary: A reader Review: I read the book - maintaining a neutral mind set (attorney/former police investigator). I let the facts help me decide. I even re-checked the photocopies of letters, business cards, and pictures after reading the book. It is just not believable. Physical evidence is sorely missing. Physical deformations/mutilations/torture (i.e. an alleged carving on a body part) are prominently mentioned repeatedly thru out book. The book is graphic in description - a picture of the carving would be no less graphic, and a physician's report as a copy. No verification of the numerous and multiple tortures perpetrated upon this woman - if true -she must be a road map of physical evidence. The "story" continues to ring untrue. Sure there are names - but provide some proof or links. Why is there NO corroboration by anyone as to the time frame of events - (i.e. no school mates that recall events - meetings with politicos, etc). The sudden (unexplained) altrusitic nature of Mr. Phillips and shadowy (unexplained) background of him as an "in the know" semi-expert on mind control who dwarts CIA, FBI, mob, and others is hard to accept. He divorces his wife, runs off his son, and helps people that he barely knows based on a conversation with a communist chinese business person. Authors claim that FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY they have been subjected to violations of rights- throughout book - yet NOT ONCE is there any document provided - even though they have been through numerous legal proceedings. No document mentions "NATIONAL SECURITY" even once as a reason for any result in any proceeding. There would be a document stating that if rights were being affected in the proceeding, such as you can't obtain discovery of evidence because of NATIONAL SECURITY, and - nothing is TOP SECRET about that kind of document. Indeed, if you accept the story as true, then the authors' conduct post escape (and Mind unwashing) is inconsistent at the least - (e.g. freely giving up child custody, believing an alleged corrupt government system would help them, releasing child into hands of abuser/serial killer rather than running away, etc). Lastly, look at page 37 of the book that has a subpoena of Mr. Phillips from 1991 - does anyone know what "Title 18, United States Code Section 871" is? I do because I checked into it- it is mailing threathening communications to the President (or his sucessor). Why wasn't Mr. Phillip's mailed communication included - was that an oversight? Or was it better to leave it out, and paint a picture? Who's mind is being misinformed? I read the book because I am a curious person. Was this a true story of horrible government projects hidden from the public? Can't say I believe the authors.