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Rating:  Summary: please dont step in the bull twinkies.... Review: First: there is some misrepresentation from certain reviewers: Either they should spell it out properly or not spell it out at all. This book does not "just use the LBJ tapes". In fact, when I had heard that the tapes came out, I had wondered why the author(S) hadnt referenced them AT ALL. Second: the author(s) shows with extensive evidence that JFK wasnt the saintly liberal everyone made him out to be, and i am not talking about adultery, I am talking about his diplomacy and political alliances. Some of those alliances being the mafia. JFK stepped on one too many toes to get what he wanted. In the end he got his "pay-back". Plain & simple. Third: when the entire crime was reenacted, scientific evidence proved that rifle fire could have come from another location beside "lil ol ozzies" location...why does a certain negative reviewer not mention that point, as well as many others. BTW, when have Dan Rather & Peter Jennings become the purveyors of infallibility and truth? As if they CANT make mistakes...as if they dont look up to JFK as an idol of the liberal establishment. I even like some of JFK'S policies and his oratory skills were second to none. However, Dan & Petie are probably 2 of the most biased reporters the last century every heard from. Lastly, the then "Attorney General" RFK couldve gotten alot more evidence on his bro's death but decided to ignore/suppress it because it could further implicate the Kennedy's in organized crime. That is what a certain reviewer ignores about this well written book. I dont go for all the conspiracy out there, but this book convinced me "SOME" of it is true. Even BOTH PARTIES in Congress have stated that "organized crime was involved". Also "good ol ozzie" and ruby both worked for the mafia at one time or the other. so please dont mention that "good ol ozzie" pulled this off by himself. btw, when has the CIA become a GOP organization when the CIA was a creation of democratic presidencies? Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 establishing the CIA. "The National Security Act charged the CIA with coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security." I think we need a CIA. any good idea can be abused. i can also admit that the GOP arent squeaky clean, but lets not paint the DEMS as "colorless". Personally i dont stay awake at night worrying about either political party or the CIA. this book was a fast and thorough read. read without the misconceptions of others...including mine.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY LIKE I DID!! The author is MEDIA!! Review: I thought this book was going to be a great one. WRONG!!!!! To start with, bear in mind (which I didn't realize when I bought it or I wouldn't have wasted my money) that one of the authors is (or maybe by now WAS) "president of Associated Television News in Los Angeles." For everyone who has done any SERIOUS reseach into the assasination, that says it all right there! The PRESS!!! My take on this book is that it is the government's (through their friend the media) concession FINALLY that of course, as all the rest of us have known for years, it was NOT Oswald that shot President Kennedy and that it WAS a conspiracy! But we can't tell the TRUTH!!! Let's find someone to blame it on and whitewash government involvement! The findings have now evolved WAY beyond "who" did it! The best hypotheses out there show several shooters (none being Oswald) from several different locations. The most sensible thing starts to look like they were all involved separately and not familiar with the others (except for maybe a couple point people). There are several scenarios out there that show very likely looking assasins and would be assasins, in place and shooting. But the story is NOT about them anymore! The "who" ceased to be important long ago. The importance now is on who HIRED them and how they were able to get away with what they did and the coverup and the lies that have taken place continuously for the last 40 years, and the fact that our whole government and way of life is a sham, and will be until we know the truth! Of course we KNOW it was a conspiracy! That was proven when people saw someone who identified himself as "secret service" when it was later proven there WERE no secret service in that area! You need nothing more than that fact to prove conspiracy! So now they're finally going to come down and say yeah, well probably it WAS a conspiracy after all, but the blame all needs to be on this guy over here (or the French Mafia). (Did they HIRE that little guy, and forget to tell you that part????) I truly think this book is no more than a ploy to try to draw off people and send them off in the wrong direction--away from those who are truly guilty! THIS BOOK SHOULD HAVE ZERO STARS!
Rating:  Summary: DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY LIKE I DID!! The author is MEDIA!! Review: There are so many things wrong with the basic assertions in this book it is hard to know where to start, but here goes: The main premise of this book rests upon the assumption that JFK had Ngo Diem, leader of south Vietnam, assasinated and that it was this which precipitated his own death. This lie has been doing the rounds for years despite the fact that there is documentary evidence to the contrary. The murder of Ngo Diem was AGAINST JFK's express wishes - he backed the coup admittedly but almost all reports suggest that he DID NOT want Diem killed. There is much proof of this, for instance, General Maxwell Taylor wrote that upon learning of Diem's death JFK "leapt to his feet and rushed from the room with a look of shock and dismay on his face" while Senator George Smathers reported that JFK blamed the CIA for Diems death and felt that he would have to strip them of their exorbitant powers. Even if you doubt such witness testimony there is the most pertinent fact of all. The CIA had tried to mislead the public into believing that they had his approval for assasination since the 70's at least. JOHN DEAN, the WATERGATE whistle blower, on opening E Howard Hunt's safe, found, among the other documents, bogus telegrams, prepared by Hunt, falsely linking JFK with the assasination of Diem!!!! Showing their desire both to discredit the Kennedy's (and the Democratic party) and to cover up their errant behaviour (This is not a conspiracy theory this is well documented fact). Finally O'Leary and Seymour's assertion is based mainly on the 'new' evidence of the Johnson phone tapes! Johnson by this time was heavily involved in a v.unpopular war in Vietnam it was in his interests to shift the blame to Kennedy - certainly as he openly despised the brothers. Are we really meant to believe that a proven lie of the last 3 decades has suddenly become true because Johnson stated it?? Elements of the CIA are now known to have been in the habit of operating beyond government knowledge (for instance their involvement with the mafia at this time)and were not averse to disrupting presidential plans. While the CIA (certainly covert elements) are heavily implicated in JFK'S own assasination. The great tragedy of this is that certain propagandistic rumours aimed at discrediting JFK have found their way yet again into the public arena as 'fact'. I'm not a 'fan' of Kennedy's - he had his drawbacks. But this kind of thing is not just unfair it is historically inaccurate. For anyone genuinely interested in the assasination or in U.S. foreign policy there are no credible answers here. I'd advise anyone with an interest in historical accuracy and in the politics if the era to avoid this one like the plague!
Rating:  Summary: Some good info but the wrong conclusion Review: This book is actually worth reading, because it provides some worthwhile information about people related in one way or another to the assassination drama such as Jean Rene Souetre (sometimes accused but not actually a player in it) and Carlos Marcello (one of the players). The book is worth while for what the reader can learn about those individuals and their role (or lack thereof). But I can't give it more than two stars because the thesis of this book just isn't accurate, and there really isn't much in the way of evidence presented to support the authors' conclusions about the root cause of the conspiracy that killed President Kennedy. Nevertheless, if you'd like to know some things about Souetre and Marcello that would be hard to find elsewhere, then check out this book.
Rating:  Summary: Vindication for Chomsky after the JFK film controversy Review: This book reads almost like an updated (with new documentary references from January 2003) vindication and supplementation of Chomsky's "Rethinking Camelot" from the early '90s. Why don't the authors carry any reference to Chomsky? They might have been intimidated by the fact that the publisher which they submitted the book to (WorldNetDaily) is currently trying to sell a similar bag of lies for a Republican Administration in Iraq to that which the media had once packaged for Democratic Administrations in Vietnam. This fact alone may be enough to turn some prospective readers away, particularly those who have committed their lives to fantasizing that JFK wished to light candles and bring peace on earth. While the general hypocrisy and cynicism of WND's editors shouldn't require elaboration right here, suffice it to say that as a documentary on the facts surrounding Kennedy's imperial war-mongering and how this inter-laced with his assassination, the book is extremely concise. A single place where the authors smudge the meaning of a phrase is when they reference the "military-industrial complex theory" and then proceed to describe it as a theory that US generals and capitalists might actually wish to lose (or drag out) a "low-level" colonial war in a country like Vietnam. Actually, no such theory claims any such thing, although the assertion has been made that broader more nebulously defined "struggles" such as a "Cold War" or a "War on Terrorism" frequently are pushed in ways that make it impossible to respond to Stalin's March-April 1952 offer for German unification under international supervision with neutrality guaranteed. No one, however, would suggest that in passing from a nebulous "Cold War" ("War on Terrorism") to a specific colonial war in Vietnam (Iraq) that either generals or industrialist wish to lose. This false statement by the authors is, again, probably just a bone thrown to WND editors to help facilitate publication. With these qualifications, the book should be viewed as highly documented and focused overall. It centrally makes the point that the famed attempt by Kennedy to "withdraw from Vietnam" was a standard policy on the part of all US policy-makers with the only thing specific to Kennedy being the attempt to overthrow Diem. Chomsky made many of these points a decade ago, but now the documentation released after all the massive efforts to vindicate Kennedy has simply given a much more convincing case for what Chomsky originally said. Don't be put off by the hypocrisy of WND's editors in pushing this story now when they think it will help Bush carry through another imperial campaign by disgracing any Republican rivals. Study the history and learn that both Dems and Reps serve the same elite interests.
Rating:  Summary: Shocking! Review: This book, "Triangle of death" is a shocking new book on the Assassination Conspiracy of President Kennedy.
Not many people know this, but a very dangerous assassin, who had connections to the CIA and the Mafia, was in Dallas on the afternoon that Kennedy was shot. This assassin left the country within 48 hours of the murder. The FBI was trailing this man and they lost him on the morning of the assassination of Kennedy.
Again, it cannot be overstated. Professional killer. In Dallas when Kennedy was killed. Left country very soon afterwards. The French government also admits that this man was indeed in Dallas when Kennedy was killed, and they essentially say that he was involved in the Conspiracy. This could be the key to the entire assassination Conspiracy, and this new book, "Triangle of Death" claims to present the shocking truth using actual US government documents.
I must say however, that the authors were WAY off concerning the directions from which the shots came. They dont believe that a shot came from the Grassy Knoll, and most researchers know full well that atleast two shots came from the knoll, based on the evidence. That is why I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5. But this book doesnt claim to give us expertise about the shots and from which direction they came, they only wanted to discuss the French Killer who was in Dallas when Kennedy was killed.
Was the Corsican Mafia involved with elements of the CIA in killing Kennedy?
All Americans owe it to themselves to learn as much of the truth as we can. This book is a great place to start.
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