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Your 401(k) Handbook: 2004 Employees Guide To Investments And Decisions

Your 401(k) Handbook: 2004 Employees Guide To Investments And Decisions

List Price: $16.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An invaluable and "user friendly" instructional guide
Review: Current for 2003, Your 401(k) Handbook is an invaluable and "user friendly" instructional guide to investment decisions for employees which authoritatively covers the basic fiscal rules for taking charge of one's 401(k) plan and making personal savings grow. From basic rules such as "diversify" and "ignore fads" to the advantages of a 401(k) including flexibility and tax deferment of contributions to learning how to evaluate investment options and view how they are doing and much more, Your 401(k) Handbook is an extensively detailed financial handbook written especially to be accessible to non-specialist general readers of all experience levels ranging from the novice to the more experienced wage earner in the constantly changing world of finance.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An invaluable and "user friendly" instructional guide
Review: Current for 2003, Your 401(k) Handbook is an invaluable and "user friendly" instructional guide to investment decisions for employees which authoritatively covers the basic fiscal rules for taking charge of one's 401(k) plan and making personal savings grow. From basic rules such as "diversify" and "ignore fads" to the advantages of a 401(k) including flexibility and tax deferment of contributions to learning how to evaluate investment options and view how they are doing and much more, Your 401(k) Handbook is an extensively detailed financial handbook written especially to be accessible to non-specialist general readers of all experience levels ranging from the novice to the more experienced wage earner in the constantly changing world of finance.

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