Rating:  Summary: Shame on our government! Review: As an American who lived in Saudi Arabia for many years, it quickly became clear that the American Embassy would be the last place I would go should I need assistance. In Saudi Arabia, it appeared that our government representatives only cared about the feelings of the Saudi government, and couldn't have cared less about American citizens. This was very troubling to me then, and extremely upsetting to me now. Pat Roush's book reminded me again of the shameful behavior of America's state department. Her case was not a question of a marital dispute or even child custody, it was a case of kidnapping! I am incensed that former Ambassadors end up on the Saudi payroll. Frankly, I believe it should be forbidden for any former American government official to accept jobs or money from the Saudis, or from any other foreign government. Why is this not a criminal offense? I think Pat Roush is remarkable. She has never stopped fighting for her children, against all odds. Her book is very readable, although your heart aches for her, and for her two children who never had the opportunity to grow up with their loving mother. I just wish there was something I could do to right this situation, but only our government can make a difference. Every American should be INCENSED that our own government refuses to help these mothers--actually, the state department works AGAINST these American mothers! I applaud Pat Roush and pray that one day, she'll have her two American daughters and their children back where they belong, in America. And, I hope that every American who has worked on behalf of the Saudis to hurt these mothers, will one day understand the terrible hurt and harm they have caused...
Rating:  Summary: Shame on our government! Review: As an American who lived in Saudi Arabia for many years, it quickly became clear that the American Embassy would be the last place I would go should I need assistance. In Saudi Arabia, it appeared that our government representatives only cared about the feelings of the Saudi government, and couldn't have cared less about American citizens. This was very troubling to me then, and extremely upsetting to me now. Pat Roush's book reminded me again of the shameful behavior of America's state department. Her case was not a question of a marital dispute or even child custody, it was a case of kidnapping! I am incensed that former Ambassadors end up on the Saudi payroll. Frankly, I believe it should be forbidden for any former American government official to accept jobs or money from the Saudis, or from any other foreign government. Why is this not a criminal offense? I think Pat Roush is remarkable. She has never stopped fighting for her children, against all odds. Her book is very readable, although your heart aches for her, and for her two children who never had the opportunity to grow up with their loving mother. I just wish there was something I could do to right this situation, but only our government can make a difference. Every American should be INCENSED that our own government refuses to help these mothers--actually, the state department works AGAINST these American mothers! I applaud Pat Roush and pray that one day, she'll have her two American daughters and their children back where they belong, in America. And, I hope that every American who has worked on behalf of the Saudis to hurt these mothers, will one day understand the terrible hurt and harm they have caused...
Rating:  Summary: This is a fascinating book, written by a woman of true grit Review: I am amazed at the misfortunes this valiant woman and her family have gone through. The author gives details of American greed for oil, leading to the unwillingness of our government to stand up for the rights of American citizens. And throughout the book, Ms. Roush is very honest, and shows great insight into herself, and both Saudi Arabia and America. Pat Roush is an inspiring role model who has shown steadfastness and determination through troubles that would have crushed a lesser person. This book is one I'm always going to keep on my bookshelves.
Rating:  Summary: This is a fascinating book, written by a woman of true grit Review: I am amazed at the misfortunes this valiant woman and her family have gone through. The author gives details of American greed for oil, leading to the unwillingness of our government to stand up for the rights of American citizens. And throughout the book, Ms. Roush is very honest, and shows great insight into herself, and both Saudi Arabia and America. Pat Roush is an inspiring role model who has shown steadfastness and determination through troubles that would have crushed a lesser person. This book is one I'm always going to keep on my bookshelves.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best out there Review: I have read many books on the Middle East. Some of which relate to this issue. This book is by far the worst I have ever read. It was long and boring. I had to skip many parts just to get through the book. This was such an important issue. She should have written it differently. I would not recommend this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful! Review: Once I started reading it, I couldn't put this book down. I was flabbergasted by what this woman has been through. I could never have imagined the kind of uphill battle she has been facing. I knew that people who can't see themselves in a situation are often incapable of finding empathy for others. Her children are living a fate worse then death, but one, unlike death, that is potentially remedied, and the only response she gets to her efforts to save her children is a "what do expect me to do about?" attitude! But I never imagined how callously government officials could betray an American and put oil interestes ahead of her daughter's lives. That is why laws and diplomatic policies must be put in place; you can't rely on the good will of individuals. This book reveals this time and time again. The author was very honest with herself and the reader, revealing the her innermost thoughts and her personal development along her treacherous journey. After reading this book, I have nothing but respect for her and am in awe of her strength and perseverance. I hope one day her daughters will be able to read the book and through it to come to know the depth of their mother's love which they were deprived of.
Rating:  Summary: The public needs to be aware of this story! Review: Over the years I have heard about Ms. Rouch's story through the media. This book has really opened up my eyes to our own government's betrayal of its citizens. The fact that we are all expendable to U.S. politics is especially illuminated when minor children are kidnapped and held hostage in country that abuses human rights on a regular bases. Ms. Rouch explains in great detail the deceptive measures the U.S. State Department has taken in order to not offend the Saudi government yet at the same time allows hundreds of its own citizens to whither away in foreign lands. Ms. Rouch's compelling story left me angry at our own government's betrayal of the most basic of human rights, the right of a mother to be involved in her children's lives. This book inspired me to want to take action--every U.S. citizen should be aware of this story so they can arm themselves with knowledge. This book also filled my heart with sorrow for all the parents grieving the loss of their children held hostage in foreign lands. But most of all, this book left me with hope. The extraordinary lengths this author has gone to in order to retrieve her daughters shows the strength of the human spirit and the depths one would go to for love.
Rating:  Summary: At AnyPrice Review: Patricia Roush has written a shocking and astounding true story of her daughters' kidnapping by her husband over 17 years ago. She has tenaciously followed the laws of the United State and followed appropriate legal procedure in every attempt to reunite her daughters with her. Crimes in these United States of America are deemed crimes against the state or country therefore it is the responsibility of our legal system to exact justice on behalf of instant victims as well as the controlling authority. The United States of America has miserably failed Patricia Roush and other victims in similar situations. Unlike most nations of the world there is simply no legitimate legal system in Saudi Arabia in which a non-muslim can find justice. Saudi Arabia does not recognize our laws while they take advantage ours laws and freedoms while on our soil. The kidnapping of Alia and Aisha is not a simple civil issue of custody. It is a bonifide case of felony kidnapping of American citizens with arrest warrants outstanding for over 15 years. Saudi Arabia harbors this fugitive while destroying for life the lives of 2 American citizens and their family members here. Thanks to the efforts of Patricia Roush she found one person, Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN), with guts enough to help her expose the unbelieveable corruption in Washington, DC, the pons of the so called Royal Family, and the dehumanizing conditions that exist in the desert kingdom. Regardless of country of origin the dating game can be one of chess. When that seemingly handsome young man smiles at you, lavishes you with money, gifts and promises the planet..think of Patricia, Alia, and Aisha. Know the culture, the laws, and the risk. Love is blind!! In my opinion "At Any Price" should be the subject of intense study and discussion by parents and young adults throughout the free world!
Rating:  Summary: Eye opening, easy to read, hard to put down Review: This book is a sad commentary of how an American mother and two American girls were handled by individuals working for their own Government. As this book exposes, the behavior of former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Walter Cutler, is especially aggregious...had he followed the lead of the previous US Ambassador in prohibiting the issuance of visas to family members of abductors, these two American girls would have been returned to their mother and home long ago. It is absurd that US Government employees would knowingly allow family members of a foreign abductor to obtain visas to the U.S., to enjoy our many comforts, facilities and freedoms. And now, to add insult to injury, even as adults, American women are not free to leave the country of Saudi Arabia...and the US apparently won't do anything about it. This book is full of specific information on real individuals and events that play a role in current day international affairs, and should be a very serious wake-up call to any American woman involved with a Saudi Arabian man. Eye-opening, easy to read, and hard to put down. This book exposes another important way in which Saudi continues to kick sand in the faces of Americans.
Rating:  Summary: Book written at the expense and loss of others Review: Too bad that Ms. Roush has only learned to walk all over those who have done all they could to help both she and her daughters over the years, and for what, monetary gain? She certainly does not take one step towards helping the thousands of parents who also have abducted children currently. No, she steals a photograph for the cover taken by a disabled woman without her permission, compensation, or even photographic credit. No credit or name given to the other parents, online individuals and song artists for all the hard work they have contributed through the years, without even a "thank you" from this woman. Unknown little people who were trampled. Even the song writers Doug DeForest and Craig Deanto, used for her book and not mentioned by name. Some of these people still write her and other parents, even though they are suffering with MS and other illnesses. She deletes their mail and treats them like dirt. One of the people in the photo she used without permission should not be on the cover of a book about missing children! They are a known and convicted stalker. What a nightmare this woman is. With her hatred she seems to have forgotten all of the people who lended their shoulders, money and more in her times of need. Do not give this woman any more money, please. Go find a children's organization who really helps and give them the donation.