Rating:  Summary: ADD kids aren't BAD just DIFFERENT! Review: It's about time that someone figured out that kids with ADD just think and function differently. When you read this book you can better understand your child and how to interact with him/her for the best results. Also shows how ADD can be associated with creativity and high achievement! Another book worth checking out: Perfect Parenting Dictionary of 1000 Parent Tips by Elizabeth Pantley, for quick, creative ideas for dealing with everyday behavior/discipline issues.
Rating:  Summary: This is the original "Hunter in a Farmer's World" book Review: Many people have asked me about a book they think I wrote titled "Hunter in a Farmer's World." That's this book. (It was the original title, too, although the publisher changed it.) So, if somebody recommend "that HIAFW book" to you and you can't find it, this is it. This edition also includes four new chapters over the first edition, and significant updating of studies, science, etc. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: This is the original "Hunter in a Farmer's World" book Review: Over the years, I've received many emails and letters from people looking for a book they have been told I wrote titled: "Hunter in a Farmer's World." This is the book, and that was the title when I wrote it. The distributor/publisher, in their wisdom, decided that was a not-useful title, and changed it to the current ADD:ADP. So, if you're looking for "Hunter in a Farmer's World," this is the book. I hope it's useful for you and yours! (You can find more info on it, and other ADD information, along with links back to amazon.com, on our web-site at http://www.thomhartmann.com )
Rating:  Summary: The ADD mind is the link between what is obvious and obscure Review: Persons with ADD are the catalyst of intuative thinking. Through subconsiously being a nonconformist they have an advantage over the average thinker because thier mind knows no boudaries.
Rating:  Summary: The entire book was eye-opening and validating. Review: The Hunter-Farmer Theory made sense, this is not a disease. I am not ill and neither are my children or my father. Now I know why I've always felt like a square peg in a round hole. People have been trying to force me to fit a mold of characterstics I just don't have. Thanks Thom for helping me feel good about my personality and skills.
Rating:  Summary: Revolutionary thinking, turns the ADD debate on its head! Review: The most insightful book on ADD I have read to date. While not the perfect diagnostic starter's manual for ADD newcomers, this book is an imperative read for all ADDer who have a negative view of their condition.Hartmann has crafted a scientifically supported theory that empowers ADDers. Hartmann asserts that ADDer are "hunters" living in a society that has literally evolved into a culture of "farmers." While the common ADD traits of distractibility and quick thinking were essential in hunting an antelope, they are less desirable when planting rows of crops or balancing a checkbook. Unlike many ADD books, this is not a substance-less, feel-good read. Hartmann acknowledges the working realities/difficulties of being an ADD "hunter" in a non-ADD "farmer" world. Only Harman's model, based on the evolution of the human brain, frames the ADD debate in a manner that brings ADDers on equal intellectual footing with their non-ADD counterparts. In the hunter/farmer model, ADD is not a disorder or defect of the brain, rather a set of traits that are not perfectly suited to getting through the many mundane tasks of a farmers world. Drawing upon ADDers like Einstein, Franklin and Edison, Hartmann illustrates how many ADDers have utilized their quick-react "hunter" brains to achieve incredible success in a "farmer" world. Not only is this book empowering for people who view their ADD as a "disadvantage," this book is must read for the parents and teacher who shape the perceptions of ADD children.
Rating:  Summary: Easy to read and understand Review: This author most certainly understands people with ADD and writes in such a way that makes it accessible to them. This book will leave you feeling hopeful with a sense of direction. Thank you whoever you are!
Rating:  Summary: Balderdash! Review: This book describes people with attention deficit disorder as being hunters in a world of farmers. To hunt well in a primitive society, it is necessary to constantly monitor the environment, to thow oneself completely into the hunt, be flexible and change strategy instantaneously, think visually, throw a high level of energy into the hunt, and willingly face danger. ADD is an ordinary variation, not a disorder. Several chapters, "How to Turn a Disorder Back Into a Skill" and "The Hunter's Struggle, Impulse, and its Control," give coping ideas that will help anyone improve their ability to find work and succeed on the job. "How to Work with a Hunter" will help managers. This review appeared in the "Annotated Bibliography" of Learning A Living; A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding A Job for People with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia
Rating:  Summary: A Great Theory on ADD- How this book covers employment Review: This book describes people with attention deficit disorder as being hunters in a world of farmers. To hunt well in a primitive society, it is necessary to constantly monitor the environment, to thow oneself completely into the hunt, be flexible and change strategy instantaneously, think visually, throw a high level of energy into the hunt, and willingly face danger. ADD is an ordinary variation, not a disorder. Several chapters, "How to Turn a Disorder Back Into a Skill" and "The Hunter's Struggle, Impulse, and its Control," give coping ideas that will help anyone improve their ability to find work and succeed on the job. "How to Work with a Hunter" will help managers. This review appeared in the "Annotated Bibliography" of Learning A Living; A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding A Job for People with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia
Rating:  Summary: Hunters vs. Farmers - Way to Go! Review: This book is skillfully written and is not stuffy or clinical. It's an easy, very informative book to read and understand. It's nice to know that someone (the author) offers the diagnosis as a character enhancement, rather than a negative deficit. I'm an adult "hunter," and proud of it, although I didn't know it until now, and am glad no one stuck the stigma of "ADD" on me when I was young. This should help other Hunters and parents of Hunters better understand ADD without all the negativity associated with ADD. And I agree that "Farmers are boring!" A must read for newly-diagnosed Hunters.