Rating:  Summary: This book saved my life Review: My problem was that i was just not consious of how much anger I was carrying around and what it was doing to me and the people in my life, especially those that I loved the most. When I first read the book, I saw my life unfold before my eyes. It was shocking to say the least. I read the entire thing in one night. Then I read it again and and a third time just to make sure I understood everything. I did what it told me and my life has changed because of it. I now have the ability to be conscious of my anger and have learned to let it go. Consequently, I have more patience, more energy, less stress and I can finally feel happiness, compassion and love. I cannot say enough good things about this book. I would highly recommend it for anyone who thinks that they may have a problem with anger. Even people who don't think they have an anger problem may learn something about themselves by reading this book. It has changed my life for the better. Thank you Ron.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for ragers and their partners Review: My wife needlessly becomes ballistically angry. We bought thiss book and I was shocked at how the chapter for partners of angry people describes my situation to a "T". My wife feels the same way about the rest of the book.It is written in simple easy to understand languuge. It is brief. 136 pages with relatively large typeface. No technical mumbo-jumbo to pad tha page count and price. If your spouse admits they have a problem, get them this book. If they won't, get it for yourself and take chapter ten to heart. If you are a rager yourself, you are admitting it or you wouldn't be reading this. This book is for you. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: This book helped to save my life Review: Over a year ago I was involved with a stalker girlfried who tried to stab me with a butcher knife. I have since moved away and sent this book to her after she had tried to commit suicide. She has since institutionalized herself and thanks to this book and probably thorazine she's on the road to recovery.Thanks for writing Anger all the Time.
Rating:  Summary: This book helped give me a life I never knew Review: Over the course of my life I have run into many problems with anger. I used to beat on my sister when I was little. When I grew older, my parents tried to discipline me, but my Dad would rage and I would rage and there were several times I had my bags packed ready to run away from home. I have used my resentments and my anger to keep people away. I thought that since I had many bad experiences that the world owed me something. When I started to read this book, it was as if someone put out the fire on my short fuse. I was almost convinced that the author had a hidden camera in my house. I found myself nodding my head in agreement to many of the points he brought up. I used to get angry about once an hour and scream and yell, it has been a week now and I am at peace for the first time in my life. I am working on patching up the relationships that my old "angry" self has severed.
Rating:  Summary: Short, to - the - point ... a good read for the angry man Review: Overall, I have been pleased with the content of this book, as it clearly outlines symptoms and issues of anger, without pulling punches or surrounding the truth in psycho-babble or Christian nonsense. I must disagree with 'reader from the US', as the book does NOT confuse the reader with contradictory remarks, but attempts to teach the reader the value of CONTROLLING anger and expressing it assertively, rather than aggressively. Although this book is no substitute for a professional counselor, it will aid the reader in understanding, and, quite possibly, send the reader searching for further information and help.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic for anyone to read! Review: Practical, easy to understand, and easy to follow steps give almost instant improvement in a person's life. Worth reading several times!
Rating:  Summary: Simple and effective Review: Ron Potter-Effron provides a great introduction to the topic of why some people are always angry. He also offers a lifeline for those people who would like to escape the unhealthy anger they have carried with them for most of their lives. Like any radical lifestyle change, it takes a great deal of effort, conscious effort, to let go of your anger. Potter-Efron is very up-front about the amount of time and effort it will take you to achieve your goal. The important point, however, is that it's doable. You start off small and, to use Effron-Potter's concept of a ladder hierarchy of anger levels, climb down toward real peace of mind and calm. This is a wonderful, unpretentious book with a lot of sound advice for rageaholics and the people who love them. My only disagreement with Potter-Effron concerns his insistence that we have to let go of hatred to live a full and happy life. In some circumstances, it is impossible, even dangerous, to forgive someone for something they have done to you. I guess my response to his absolutist position on hatred would be a recommendation that you forgive only when it makes sense and is appropriate. In fairness to Potter-Effron, I think most hatreds probably should be settled by forgiveness and his advice on how to do so is very worthwhile. This is one of those self-help books you can read in a couple of hours. You can also put its strategies to work immediately. But don't expect immediate results and don't give up. It took you a long time to climb to the top of the anger ladder. It'll take a while to climb back down safely.
Rating:  Summary: I caution people against purchasing this book Review: This book has a major contradiction that it never really reconciles: half the time he says that you need to just let go of your anger and any anger you experience is your fault and we need to stop blaming others. However he confuses the situation by in later chapters showing that in fact you should confront these situations and tell people why they have upset you. And the responses that he provides as examples actually seem somewhat angry in nature which he just spent condemning in the earlier chapters. And how are we supposed to know what comments are our paranoia or are real digs at us? He says that we should take time outs and cool off which in effect supress the anger that one is feeling. From everything I've read suppressing anger is one of the worst things to do because the anger eventually manifests itself in much deeper anger at a later point, or in depression and anxiety. In fact there are many people that go out of their way to hurt us and this does make us angry, and I don't think it's effective just to dismiss it as our imaginations as the author suggests is usually the case. There's an interesting point that he brings up on something called the "anger rush." Essentially it means that angry people search for situations where they can get angry in order to get a rush from experiencing a very emotionally charged situation in order to avoid living a dull stoic life. This makes sense, and I actually see a lot of this in my own actions, but if just being nice and avoiding anger makes our lives dull, how do we fill that void? And by the author's own admission, he really doesn't say that you can. He just gives a promise that you'll lead a more fullfilling life, but it's hard to swallow. Should we suppress our anger? Should we just try to avoid anger in the first place, and is this really a realistic outlook? If someone intentionally hurts you why should we just squash this anger not vent it? Why wouldn't this manifest later? After reading this book, I was left with all of these questions which the author failed to address in my opinion, or at least in a clear way. Perhaps he does touch upon all of the questions I asked above, but his answers contradict with each other and the reader is just left feeling confused.
Rating:  Summary: Straight Shooter Review: This book is great for those of us who don't exactly have a normal relationship with anger. I should know. I am a recovering angry person who teaches (ironically) anger management. Potter-Efron's got our number, and he ain't gonna let us BS our way out of accepting responsibility for the havoc we've created in our lives. I read a lot of books about anger, and this one is probably my favorite so far. So many books about anger spend a lot of time describing the problem and current theories behind the nature of anger, etc., but very little time talking about solutions. Potter-Efron spends at least half the book giving clear, concrete things a person can do to begin to bring anger under control. Also, so many books about anger focus on people who tend to stuff anger. Who have a hard time getting in touch with and expressing anger. While that is a legitimate problem for many, this book focuses on exactly the opposite phenomenon. People who spew anger from all orifices with minimal (or no) provocation. It's just what I was looking for. Potter-Efron uses a great deal of humor to illustrate points and to provide perspective. He even interjects the angry person's rebuttal for almost everything he says. And he's dead-on with these rebuttals. You'll find yourself wanting to dispute a point he just made, only to turn the page and read the very thoughts you were just thinking. And he tells you why these thoughts will only lead you to more or continued anger. Like I said. No BS allowed. Be advised, though, that if you are an angry person reading this book because somebody else told you to, or for any reason other than that YOU know that YOUR anger is out of control, this book will probably piss you off real bad. You might not even finish reading it. Sadly enough, you're the very one who needs it most.
Rating:  Summary: Angry! Review: This is typical! I'm really ticked off. I look for a book about anger control, and this one has a suitable looking title. Then I find that it's trying to get me to STOP being angry. This de-motivational message gives motivational literature a bad name. A one star score is really not low enough to express the depths of my rage.