Rating:  Summary: Class in America is Undeniable Review: It can hardly be denied that there are huge differences among people in the US concerning wealth, income, power, employment, education, attractiveness, and ancestry. And then there are differences concerning where one lives, habits, tastes, dress, speech, recreation, beliefs, etc. The author contends that these differences work to segment American society into identifiable classes, ranging from upper classes, a middle-class, and several layers of proletariat or lower classes. American is not the classless society that our myths suggest.
There is a real basis for being pegged at a certain level of class. One does not simply self-select class level; inter-class change is difficult and fairly rare. The hardball nature of class divisions is readily seen in the economic power asserted by the upper classes in employing or managing the lesser classes that preserves extant class distinctions. The middle-class, perhaps the largest of the classes, suffers, by far, the most anxiety from their class standing, in terms of both preserving their standing and adopting behaviors that emulate the upper middle-class, which hopefully will permit some degree of entry. The critique of the middle-class is often devastating as the author notes purchasing decisions, educational choices, and speech patterns, etc, designed to enhance status that invariably fall flat, even looking ludicrous at times. The lower classes are no less ridiculed, but they are more comfortable with their culture. Ironically, they often have more economic independence than does the middle-class.
To demonstrate the disconnect across classes, the author presents the scenario where a middle-class person congratulates a college professor on being a "famous educator." The fact that a professor considers himself an intellectual and not an employee, as educators most certainly are, never enters the mind of the person attempting to bestow praise. The professor is offended, not honored by the comparison. That is one small example of the cultural class-divides of which the author speaks.
The author suggests that the society is generally becoming more proletarianized, as mass culture is aimed at the lowest common denominator. Though written over twenty years ago, perhaps the term Wal-martized is what the author is after. The ramifications of that are unclear.
The author backtracks from his placement of everyone in a class by suggesting that "category X" people have come to the fore that resist categorization into the class framework. They are generally urban, independent, self-assertive, often self-employed, well-read, dismissive of popular culture, and free of status anxiety. They are remindful of the "cultural creatives," a group detected in recent years by some sociologists. It may be debatable as to whether "X" people deserve special consideration. After all, all class members partake and reject parts of the broader culture, exhibiting some "X" characteristics. Furthermore, power realities do not just disappear. An "X" writer must still deal with powerful corporations that are not reluctant to assert class power.
The basic message of the book is not diminished despite its publication over twenty years ago and the change of some minor cultural details. Recent developments, such as the ubiquity of cell-phones and CD/DVD players and the rise of the hip-hop/rap culture, would hardly undermine the author's ideas; in fact, they would corroborate them. The reality and confusion of class are easily seen in the presidential election of 2004. A class (the lower classes) was organized (propagandized) to reject the candidate of part of the upper middle class (liberal elites) based on so-called elitist cultural habits. The full dimension of that class divide was carefully not discussed; it should have been. And that is a weakness of the book: the politics of class is not discussed.
Rating:  Summary: funny and intellegent, but uncomprehensive Review: Let me just say this, the book is very funny, and frighteningly accurate, but it doesn't make any mention of how race and class interplay. I think this is a glaring omission.
I suppose it doesn't really matter all that much, since I had a laugh, and that's why I bought it.
Rating:  Summary: Funny but incomplete Review: This is a pretty funny exercise in stereotyping, and Fussell's observations seem, for the most part, accurately drawn, but the last chapter on the Category X weakens the book by exposing the author's sympathies and, consequently, his shortsightedness. The type described in this chapter have not escaped the status system - in fact, they do care if you notice the odd sentiment expressed on their T-shirt or their idiosyncratic way of decorating the living room, and they do hope you find it novel that they like to watch corny old sitcoms, although they will act nonplussed if you actually comment on these things. (You are to assume they would never engage in so middle-class an endeavor as seeking approval from others. Of course they do seek approval from others, just not the same 'others' their middle-class counterparts seek approval from.) This type is especially common in academia - in fact it is probably the predominant 'class' group in that field, and it seems that Fussell is confusing the kind of status seeking peculiar to grad students, professors, and their ilk with a rejection of status seeking altogether. This leads the reader to infer that Fussell can turn his sharp wit on every group except the one to which he feels most closely aligned, and that's a shame, because the Category X group and their pretensions deserve to be mocked as vigorously as any other.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, yet dated and with no source notations Review: I found this book to be interesting, however since much of the discussion depends on dated material, I found that I was entertained yet somewhat unfulfilled. It would be great to see an updated version of this book; I suspect an update would impact the middle and proletariat class descriptions the most. The fact that the book talks as though Ronald Reagan is still alive is important to note.
Also, much of what Fussell claims in terms of class distinctions and characteristics appears to be anecdotal, as there were no references to research studies. So, it's hard to get a feel for what is Fussell's own biased opinion and what is researched fact.
Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUTELY THE B E S T BOOK ON THE SUBJECT! Review: Other tomes (tombs?) may be more scholarly. Still others may
be more recent, ("Class" by Paul Fussell was first published in 1983.) But the fact is, I have never before come across a book SO easily read, so obviously joyously written, with SO much useful detail! (Ahah! I finally know how to achieve the "rich
look" in dressing: LAYER your clothes: a dress is never as good as a jacket dress, a jacket dress never as good as a suit with blouse, and scarf tastefully adorning the neck!)
In this book, Mr. Paul Fussell lets loose a "fussilage"
of wit and truths, (sometimes painful truths), yet written in so
breezy and easily-read style that even the painful parts are a pleasure, (or almost a pleasure), to read... (Does Mr. Fussell pronounce his name "FUSS-EL" of "FYuse-ELL", I wonder? Knowing this would surely given an indication of his own class....and/or
class pretentions!)
Although this book is not meant for scholars, it has much useful sociological information. (This means Mr. Fussell hhas done all the work for the reader!) His style is breezy, informative, with tongue definitely in cheek -- although he speaks of facts. I suppose what separates this book from a scholarly work is that it has many of Mr. Fussell's OPINIONS in it -- but, with his irrefutable logic and many examples backing him up, one cannot help but agree with 99% of what is said.
It even has illustrations - PICTURES! The twenty whimsical (yet dead-on!) drawings by Martim de Avillez enter into the spirit of Mr. Fussell's writing so well! They are realistic -- but witty, with the expressions on the people depicted telling all! (I shudder -- with total delight -- at the thought that this wonderful book could perhaps, be made into a movie someday, (soon, please!) If so -- I beg the producers to allow Mr. Fussel free reign to write, and/or approve the screenplay. It would be complete sacrilege if any movie made of this book did not convey the dead seriousness and light touch with which Mr. Fussell writes -- and Mr. de Avillez draws!
In sum, this book is witty, it's light, it's easy to read, but conveys a lot of information. The info is as true today as it was when this book was written -- and is absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in American social mores -- (and or social climbing in the American system.
Four things only disappoint me here. 1) The book is too short...I want to know more! 2) There is no index. 3) There is no bibliography. (However, many essential books ARE named in the text) And 4) -- Perhaps most eggregious of all -- the paper, (at least in the paperback edition), is of the type which has too much sulfite, and will probably crumble into dust far before the social system it so delightfully summarizes changes. This is too bad -- and totally unfair to this wonderful book. Maybe this is the publisher's little joke about the paperback edition -- it is, of course, cheaper than the hardback -- thus more available to the masses...a "prole"
edition, as Mr. Fussell would describe it -- despite it's nice large print and good binding.
I surely hope that the Hardback edition has better paper! Anyway, I have decided to buy the hardback and see! I will then solve both my holiday gift problem -- and, hopefully,
my lingering sibling rivalry with my sister, (which must, sadly, be the longest-running sibling rivalry in history --though we both do try very hard to end it) -- by presenting my totally non-status seeking sister with the paperback edition. In fact -- she hates anything to do with status-seeking. But it's time she knew the truth! After all -- with its light touch and heavy doses of wit -- this is the only book on the subject which she probably would ever even consider reading. (I shall present it to her on her next visit in the next few months -- so I shall see if she actually reads it or not.) For, two people working to improve the family's status have to be better than one! I can only hope that this book will bring her to her senses, and that she will finally become as much of a happy status-seeker as I am. Who knows -- she might indeed achieve a higher status in life. I hope then that she will not forget who gave her this
"magic" book! Far more realistic than the "Harry Potter" books, yet with the promise of truly changing one's life as much as a letter from "Hogwarts" would, I believe this is the perfect holiday present -- or birthday present -- or UNbirthday present -- for anyone you know who wants -- or should want -- a better life.
Even yourself!
ADDENDUM: I couldn't help myself. When my sister called this
week, I HAD to tell her about this wonderful book, even before
her visit. Bracing myself for yet more criticism of my
class-consciousness, and her saying "that's not important",
as she usually does when I mention things like this -- I
instead heard, "I read that book! And I loved it!" This
from a person who has sung Joan Baez songs since she was
17, was a vegetarian for a year, never colours her hair,
and hates all formal gowns! But the truth will out,
it seems. This book has tons of truths in it, and even my
sister -- who never wanted a "Sweet Sixteen" party...much
less a formal debut, (which I have always pined for), just
had to see the truth here. My sister, (and I too) do not
have much money.... But you don't overcome your problems
unless you know what you're up against. The ephemeral
"equality" of the U.S. is, in the end, as real as
the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. It's
a pleasant myth. Maybe the Founding Fathers did dream of
a land of complete equality.....but human nature, and the
dream of a better life for one's self, have a way of
turning ideals on their ear. "CLASS" is a classic, in
that it gets to reality in an eminently readable fashion.
Now, at last, it seems my little sister is smart enough to
acknowledge this. Perhaps she has finally grown up, after
Rating:  Summary: Fun, scatterbrained, somewhat informative Review: Class is fun and irritating to read. Every class described (low out-of-sight, destitute, low prole, high prole, middle, upper-middle, upper, upper out-of-sight) seems despicable in its own way. You will feel accused.
The style makes the book seem like banter. Though Fussell made some attempt at organization in thematizing chapters, most of the content is rambling and not always consistent. Strangely, it makes the book easier to read and easier to not take too seriously--which is important for a book of this kind.
One thing is for sure: the odd dressing and speaking habits of those around you will be explained. So that's why uppity people are so concerned about horses and sailing! So that's why the middles use euphamisms! So that's why the poor are easily humiliated and angered!
The last chapter on the "category X," which describes those who have escaped the class system to live authentically, seems to undermine the entire book. It shows, if only implicitly, that the class system in America really isn't very well-defined or important after all. It's an anticlimax after so many acute observations.
Rating:  Summary: Fussell's book in need of clarification Review: I agree with both the positive and negative comments addressed in these reviews; it's funny, observant, mean-spirited, and haphazardly written.A couple of comments to potential readers. First, everything will make sense if you substitute your existing definition of Upper Middle Class with Fussell's definition of Middle Class. This alone generated confusion and doubt about his observations until I made that distinction. Second, expect to be disappointed to find out you have characteristics from at least 3 or more classes. Those looking to pigeon-hole themselves into a single class will be disappointed, unless you're part of the despicable category X.
Rating:  Summary: enjoyment depends largely on your viewpoint Review: one must understand the common thread that runs through most of the negative reviews here to really get a hold on why reading this wonderful little study may or may not be a pleasant experience for you. said plainly:
if you are -- as the vast majority of twenty-first-century westerners now are -- a plebiscitarian, weaned on the idea that we are all equal and equally deserving, that we all deserve an even say in our society, that institutions are best that respond to what the people want as demonstrated in polls... you will probably find this book humorously observed but offensive, perhaps profoundly so -- although i can't say for sure because i am not one of you.
if, on the other hand, you are one of the seemingly very few who think (perhaps as a result of reading too much history or not listening well enough to the television) that the people consist largely of an unruly, semisentient mob prone to electing the most affable idiot, or that we may have lost something important by taking out of context the populist ideas of rousseau and marx and implementing them in the extremes that we have across our society... this book will appear to you the incisive, witty, not entirely serious and immensely enjoyable social criticism that is was intended to be.
Rating:  Summary: Can Class become a classic? Review: Class is a studied, hilarious, yet tongue-in-cheek dissection of the American social class system. It exposes such fundamentally American (and hence, germane) misconceptions on class as the truistic acceptance of class as a purely economical distinction (for the 2 lower classes, anyway). Using an 8 or 9-class structure (by my count), Fussell spares no target from incisive scrutiny. The middle class with its safe, boring, and envious ways is Fussell's central target, but in the course of his attack, he takes working class slobs and upper class snobs prisoner as well. While very funny, readable, and entertaining (check out the illustrations!), Class does, contrary to some overzealous reviewers' desire to bestow overarching approval on the book, feel a bit dated for a younger generation of readers. Although many of its keen observations will stand the test of time, an updated edition, as in any great textbook, is warranted.