Rating:  Summary: More typical Neocon doublespeak & Lies Review: If Mr. Shapiro feels that all learning institutions are too liberal & there for flawed, why doesnt he create some conservative colleges where they black out the word " evolution" from their textbooks while preaching creationism, & have daily bible studies instead of studying the sciences? Kinda hard to take his book seriously when hes enrolled to go to one of the Ivy League schools he has so much disdain for. If the Neocon philosophy is that College makes you dumber, does that mean Shapiro is the dumbest author in America?
Rating:  Summary: Move Conservative Doublespeak Review: According to conservatives War=Peace, Trees cause pollution, & now college makes you dumber. How conservatives can claim to be living on this planet? They create theories using religion & faith rather than logic & science. The author seems to detest college, yet he is enrolled to go to law school. Its this kind of hypocrisy that shows how inconsistent neocons are & how low they will sink to spread their lies.
Rating:  Summary: The same old "I am right because I am" - argument Review: The title of this book is fairly accurate ... Brainwashed. It is not in argument that professors in Colleges all across the country are opinionated, and these opinions can at times be colored by liberal and conservative points of view. Generally, the author is assuming that the majority of professors are liberal ... this may be true, or not. To prove a thesis on this you are going to need a heck of a lot more proof than the sources gathered. If not, what is produced is nothing more than engaging in racist, hipocritical sterotypes typical to this type of exploitative writing. Exploiting political factions have become a popular way to turn a profit in writing and other media in the last 20 years. It is a shame that writing like Brainwashed is nothing more than a dance of half truths that only give a white middle and upper class exactly what they want to hear. Personally if you feel like your professor is coloring reality in a way that you don't like it ... go some place else. There are plenty of conservative colleges all throughout the country that would love to tell you what you want to hear.
Rating:  Summary: Masters Degree and I concur with Ben Review: I have had conservative professors - mostly in economics classes because they understand the business world. I have had too many liberal professors who only gave good grades when you agreed with their propaganda. The conservative professor did not grade lowerer when you disagreed.I find it funny how universities preach diversity even to the point of reverse discrimination, yet they have no tolerance for conservative viewpoints. Thank god people like Ben and I "get it"
Rating:  Summary: one star too many Review: so you fight brainwash with more brainwash? Unsubstanciated assertions, out of context anectodes, third party "quotes" all add up into a book that reads like a disgruntled teenager diary. While we are lucky that the author turned his feeling of inadequacy into this compendium rather than anger towards society, it might, in the long run, end up being the same. Note to the author: if the university is such an evil environment, why do you still attend it? It takes no degree to be a writer (even though it takes talent, which is harder to get than the degree). This is the blatant hypocrisy of the author: to denigrate something he's taking advantage of just for the sake of making a quick buck with this book. Shame on him.
Rating:  Summary: Timely, and astonishing... Review: When your child comes home from college spouting nonsense about how amazing socialism is or how the "white man" has caused every evil, re-read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Good First Effort. Review: 'Brainwashed' is young Ben Shapiro's first book, and it shows. We have a sharp kid here, reasonably well read for an undergraduate student of a public school. I've spent so much time in university environments (nearly half my life) that I claim a little more experience than Ben has swimming with the sharks. Shapiro shows an astuteness by identifying the source of the 'brainwashing' as he sees it on the modern college campus: moral relativism. Whether he is right or not depends entirely on the existence of God and the universality of the commandments. If the ten commandments come from a real creator God, then the moral relativism from which all leftist thought flows falls like a house of cards. And vice versa. The challenge from the Right is to prove God does NOT exist, since the challenge from the Left to prove his existence has been out there for a long time. Call books like Shapiro's a counterrevolution. After centuries of breakdown of the old moral regime, a huge proportion of the populace looks around at the new, Left-dominated culture and sees an increase in human suffering and a decrease in love and regard for one's fellow human beings that flows from the thesis that there is nothing but the here and now. They see an increase in thoughtless, rude behavior and dishonesty, a callous disregard for the life of any besides the self (especially if the one being disregarded is a child, born or unborn) and like Shapiro they are alarmed at the coarsening and animalizing of humankind that occurs when he forgets to aim for the transcendent and wallows with the beasts instead. I generally agree with Shapiro. But I'll go further: every place that has embraced the Judeo-Christian morality has seen an increase in human freedom, an increased regard for women and children, greater respect for the property and rights of others, and a less violent way of life. Every place that has discarded the Judeo-Christian way of life has seen increases in poverty, violence, crudeness and corruption. Does this mean Christianity and Judaism are free of corruption? Just the opposite: they acknowledge the existence of (and man's susceptibility to) evil, identify it generally accurately and provide tools to fight it. That is why, when the rise of the printing press allowed more and more general literacy and people began to read the Bible for themselves, a reformation, renaissance and enlightenment followed in rapid succession. As our nation slips back into ignorance of spiritual realities, helpfully pushed into such a sorry state by the education cartel, we will see the most free and prosperous nation in the history of mankind dry up and blow away, to be replaced by another Eurosocialist nightmare. And it's a shame, because Europe is finding out every day that its very premise is a dead end. If we want to follow the rest of the world off the cliff, then I guess we will. But voices like Shapiro's hint that perhaps, as the rebellion spreads, there is hope for our nation as a shining city on a hill for future generations as well as past. I think the worst of the leftists are hitting retirement age. As the baby boom generation ceases to weild decision-making power and becomes just one huge medical and social security nightmare for the rest of us, the revolt will pick up steam. When you realize, twenty years from now, that more of your paycheck is going to support some greedy geezer than is going to feed your own kids, you too will realize the futility of their plans. Large numbers of us will just shrug our shoulders and stop working. Why bust your ass for the government? It's already happened, most notably back in the Left's Camelot of the USSR. The same dynamic is now picking up steam in the EU. When that train wreck is finished, it has a good chance of repeating itself yet again in the United States of America. Why is it that we can't learn from the failures of the Left that Life, Liberty and Property are the foundations of a free society, and pay some respect to our own roots, the most sound on the planet? If Shapiro can stick with the themes sounded in the first chapter of his book, engage in meaningful research to provide perspective, and derive conclusions from such sound scholarship, such a work would be, at least to me, more enlightening than the anthology of outrageous anecdotes he provides in most of this book. But there is definitely a need for the anecdotes to be told to the world. Here's hoping this is only Ben Shapiro's opening shot, with a devastating salvo of research to follow.
Rating:  Summary: On a clear day, you can see forever... Review: Even cultures that have no written language (and might even have been cannibals for thousands of years!) are described at our highest universities as culturally equivalent, and they are if there is no such thing as human spirit. All cultures are equal if the only thing that matters, and the only thing that does matter to these liberals, are the common animal characteristics that men share with animals such as lust and conceit. Except that there is one culture that is not judged equal by them, one culture and one only that is despised, white boy's culture. And for having invented humanism, and for having died in the civil war to free the blacks and after that for having treated minorities to a better standard of living than can be found in their own native countries (now, two hundred years ago and two hundred years from now) we are described only as racists. For there is one common theme that unites all 'liberal' ideology, one thing and one thing alone that lays all their other rants bare for our eyes to clearly see, and that is that in all things, they make no disguise of their bigotry, hatred and contempt for one particular group, and at all times and for all things take the side that finds fault - with white boys. And the grotesque contortions of hatred that sometimes overcome the fake smiles that are permanently pressed into their posturing faces, and the loudly voiced accusations of 'racist' that they routinely scream in mixed company at you should you dare to question their sacred beliefs - which always center on their own conceit - do what they are intended to do, make the despised and weak college white boys - subservient. Sadly to say, what we know as 'liberal' ideology nowadays, actually has two precepts. One, is that it is strictly forbidden to question the abilities of anyone who can't pass a simple test or whose native country is a backward slum. And two, that it would be insanity to have precept one, if they weren't actually unable to pass a simple test or their native countries weren't actually backward slums. As said at the birth of our despised Western civilization, any physical thing is only an interruption to achievement of the mind. And that is what the vast majority of our 'liberals' cannot contribute - any achievement that can actually be produced and not stolen by the might of government, brutality and affirmative racism from the wretched masses who contribute, ignorant indeed, that the cultural elite have found justification for an extreme form of burden that has no difference to their broken backs than the brutality of a knife yielding thief. We can thank 'liberals' for mocking, dominating and taking credit for our horn of plenty, which like the contemptuous children that they are, that they will soon destroy, for reasons of their own sick agendas as made plain above.
Rating:  Summary: He offers valuable statistics but doesn't make a connection Review: I just finished reading "Brainwashed". Ben Shapiro has clearly researched this book extensively and he makes his convervative views clear. What is not clear, however, is what his thesis is. It seems to change throughout the course of the book, until it ends up being a general rant against liberals. Most of the book consists of quotations from professors across the country expressing their liberal opinions. So academia is liberal. Big surprise. Ben set out to prove that professors were brainwashing students, but he falls way short of that. None of the information he presents in this book shows this. His only shred of evidence in favor of this conclusion is that a greater percentage of graduating seniors than incoming freshmen identify themselves as liberal. Well, Ben, did you ever think students came to this conclusion on their own? Did you know young people were more likely to be liberal and/or idealists? Do you think maybe they finally had a chance to be exposed to a liberal viewpoint after having been raised in a conservative household? Any of these phenomena could explain this rise in liberalism through one's college career just as well as, if not better than, the theory that students are being brainwashed. It's funny that someone who is such a strong advocate for individual choice believes that young adults are so vulnerable to the evil intentions of academics, and are not able to form their own political opinions. It's ridiculous, really. The most laughable part of the book, though, was at the end when Ben claimed that the reason conservative colleges such as Hillsdale College failed to rank highly on the U.S. News and World Report annual rankings is because of a liberal conspiracy to keep conservative institutions out. Ha! Maybe you shouldn't have gone to UCLA then, Ben -- we're in the top 25. Or did you buy into the 'liberal conspiracy' yourself when choosing colleges? Shame on you.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining and eyeopening... Review: I've only taken 3 courses in community college. My first two were critical thinking and C++ and I experienced no liberal bias. My 3rd class was American Government taught by a Liberal Socialist Feminist. This was my first and only experience with what Shapiro wrote about. This teacher actually made us purchase her $20 book, which was nothing but 85 pages printed and binded by the school print shop. It was all about how the government should pay for 100% of day care for women and pass laws for mandantory 4 years of maturnity leave. About 20% of my final was based on what was in that book. She assigned us an assignment where we had to go out and pretty much preach her agenda to someone and then write an essay about it. Didn't matter if we agreed with her, we had to do it. When asked by a male student if he could preach against her agenda, he was told he would be failed on the assignment. I talked with her about this privately while I walked with her to the campus parking lot. I asked her if she was being fair. Her response was "you must be a republican". I said yes even though I'm an independent. Her exact words were "I'll convert you..." stopped walking, stared, then nodded, "I'll convert you.". I guess it's a good thing I waited till I was 26 to go to college. It's even better that one of my first classes was critical thinking. I've been in the real world long enough to know not to believe things people say. Especially when they don't back it up with evidence or supporting opinions. This book has both. It's a great read if you're a conservative. If you're a liberal, it's going to piss you off when you realize you were brainwashed. It explains the one stars. I can completely understand the liberals hatred for this book. How would you react if you suddenly became aware of the fact that everything you believe in is wrong and you only believe in it because you were brainwashed. Kind of makes you feel like you're on the bottom of the food chain.