Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Endeavor Review: Ben Shapiro is brilliant, his presentation wit and style bring life and light to the problems that many of us college students face in the classroom. For all students facing the liberal atmosphere of "college life" and who understand the problems that the Ivory tower present, this book is a necessity and a must read. Ben is a well-spoken and truly respectable individual and I presume and hope that this is only the first of many books that will surface from this true genius.
Rating:  Summary: Shapiro gets Review: This is the by far the best book available that details the abuses by leftist faculty and administrators at Colleges and Universities. Shapiro really has done his homework, telling many (often humorous) stories about how numerous institutions of higher education have become nothing more than overpriced training schools for a new generation of liberal activists. How these professors have abandoned the University's mission to educate students in order to promote their personal political agendas is disturbing. I strongly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Challenge to the Irate Liberal Reviewers Review: I have NOT read this book, but enjoyed reading all the reviews. I had to rate it, so I gave it a 3 so as to not upset the balance. That said, I have a challenge for the irate liberal reviewers of this book: I doubt most of you even peeked at the book (most of your reviews contain nothing more than name-calling -- the only weapon of the uninformed), so at the very least, give examples of WHERE Shapiro is in error, and HOW, and WHY. PROVE HE IS WRONG. Ready? Go.Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Thought about this topic a lot... Review: As someone currently going through the university experiance i will have to say. The majority of people are average; Average in that they don't think very much and are easily manipulated. Duh! College is a funny sort of place because you have all these children who are told they are clever & well educated (as freshmen!) Is it so strange that students are easily manipulated and slightly smarter people (perhaps more educated in high school) will think they are dumb? Get over it. While there is definately some truth to the claim that there is an effort made to push that view, it is because a lot of the people who went into education were there to affect the future generation. This is both good and bad. It means they are a bit egotistical and heavy handed at times, but this is not really much different then the conservative elites. LoL, what is the real kicker is that it was a radical movement at one time. I think the liberal arts doctrine sometimes has trouble with understanding that they have become as status quo as the conservatives. But then again, I live on the East Coast. I suspect it is still radical in some parts of the country.... I do feel more comfortable in my fairly conservative (libertarian) economics department but that is because they are more of an alternative view, thus do not get as offended if you don't agree with them. Personally, going to a "liberal" college in a conservative area is kind of a recipe for disaster anyway. Of course the professors will feel under attack and defensive. I'd rather go somewhere where everyone feels more comfortable: if you are at all sensitive it can feel like a war zone. Being treated like you are average when you are smart really kind of sucks. I blame the burocratic machine we have where everyone is pretty much required to go to university to get a good job. I learned nothing more in the first 2 years than i had already known in high school. But lets face it: universities are not designed to educate people, but to provide workers. There are not enough leadership jobs for the people who attend. Where i live, university is seen as somewhat akin to high school, not something that is going to get you very far. Because of my background, I am not as easily impressed as someone who had never had contact with a PhD before. I guess I am not as disappointed or impressed with professors because i view them as people, human like everyone else. Of course humans have strengths and flaws, right? There will also be greater misunderstanding the more disparity there is between the professor's education level (social standing) and the students. I think a lot of professors are trying to be good professors, but remember they are just average people too. There are too many of them for all of them to be the best. If you find yourself significantly more ambitious or well educated then the average students at your university, perhaps it is best to transfer. I am quite a bit happier studying at a universtiy that is known for winning a noble prize than its alumni marriage stats. Even ivyies can be a mis-match. One of my friends found he didn't quite fit in at MIT, and decided to transfer somewhere else where people had more fun. He was a crazy mathematician type but he also was pretty artistic, I think he settled on Brown. Different schools have different ideologies (and types), particularly if they are playing politics or want to. I was an athiest before i ever set foot in a university, I just don't find logic in god. That is a personal view, no one told me i should form it. I found there was more presure at the liberal arts college, to 'find god' than to be an athiest! It tends to be a mixture of student and faculty norms, it was in the bible belt. I find my new universities political endevors amusing....
Rating:  Summary: YEARS TO UNLEARN Review: Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach. Universities teach, but they also are a place where the blind professors are leading the blind students. It takes years for common sense conservative graduates to "unlearn" all they are force-fed by liberals at America's universities. Conservatives have little voice on college campuses, and are met with dersion, even ostracized by the Professorial staff, when they exercise that. My alma mater, Cornell, is one of the worst!
Rating:  Summary: Thank God I didn't go to college! Review: In retrospect, deciding not to go to college was the one of best decisions of my life. After seeing this book and what college has done to my younger brother, I am very glad that I did not go to college. I've read statistics saying that most atheists became atheists while in college. Another great reason not go. Now, the only major university I would even consider taking courses at is Bob Jones University.
Rating:  Summary: Get with the times Review: All you liberal commies out there should realize that you, yourselves have been brainwashed into thinking that you can actually think for yourselves. The truth IS that you are just following those who lead you down their own road. This book perfectly illustrates the deceptivness of many college professors. I am happy someone from our generation is speaking out against the liberal movement. It is a refreshing voice in a sea of uninspiring liberal thought.
Rating:  Summary: The purpose of college Review: Perhaps my interpretation of the purpose of college is misconstrued, but I believe that liberal professors ask not that you conform to their beliefs, but that you are open enough to question your own and better understand why you believe what you do. By examining both sides of an issue, you learn to be a little less biased and come to know yourself a little bit better. College is about gaining general knowledge about facts (and yes, occassionally vocabulary, as one lovely proponant of this piece of literature suggests), but it's about becoming comfortable with yourself, as well -- hence the two a.m. political discussions and a sudden fascination with the show American Idol. Professors are smart people; they know why we're studying at college and they want to help students understand themselves. It's for that reason they question every belief, every preconceived notion. To openly confront you with a situation you'd never before been face-to-face with and make you realize that all the thinking in the world will never truly help you know what you'll do in an uncomfortable and crucial instance is the best gift a professor can grant you. If she or he invites you to do something you'd neven before considered, it's not to pressure you, but to offer you an opportunity. If they argue with your conservative beliefs and try to sway you to theirs, it's to help you either better defend and know your position or realize that you may actually (heaven forbid) not really think what you thought you think. Liberal colleges do not push liberal lifestyles -- just openness in consideration. Be who you are, think what you want to think. Just have reasons for your thoughts, rather than impulses or prejudices. Don't misinterpret your professors' teachings and classroom activities because you're uncomfortable being forced to think about issues you'd rather not. And don't sell yourself, your friends, your profs, and your guides to public scorn just to make a few dollars.
Rating:  Summary: Youth of America Review: When I was at university in the 1990s campuses were swarming with Reagan Youth. By the time a person is college age they are adults and not children. Other people their age are fighting and dying for the country. They should be able to fend for themselves intellectually if they were able to get grades and SAT scores sufficient to gain entry into college, especially an upper teir university. It is easy to tell this book was written by a college student simply because it is so sophomoric.
Rating:  Summary: No doubt Review: I've not yet read this book, but I'll give it 5 stars anyway since he was on Laura Ingraham's radio program a couple of days ago and was very impressive. I had two sons go to college, and one graduated law school. They both went as conservatives and the last 3 years, they were most certainly indoctrinated by left-wing radical professors. I saw the changes first-hand. Call me a paranoid evil conservative, but I'm a mom who knew her sons when they left, and hardly do now that they've had their brains laundered. It's not that they've lost all their values, but they definitely are leaning more left in some of their views now than they were before. They're both smart, and I know they'll not forget their roots of Midwest values they were raised with, but it has been difficult of late talking about things like we used to just 3 years ago. They're very much more P.C. which is the most disturbing, because the more P.C. this country becomes, the more dishonest we have to be with eachother for sheer fear of being deemed hatemongers, racists, bigots, homophobes, you name it. PJ O'Rourke managed to live through college and as he said, "At least I was never a liberal. I went from Republican, to Communist, right back to Republican." I know my sons will survive as they live in the real world and meet real challeges. The leftwing garbage will make it's rapid exit from their brilliant minds the farther they get from their socialist professors. 5 stars BEN!