Rating:  Summary: How to? Not really, but a very interesting read. Review: "Bias" confirms what most heartland viewers have known for years--that the mainstream 'news' is heavily biased towards the liberal viewpoint. The book starts out with some interesting personal happenings, but then I expected it to go more deeply into (as the title says) How the Media Distort the News. It did not explain the "how they do it", but went further with the personal experiences of the author, which became a little tedious to me. I personally have been aware of this peculiar trait of our media since the time we invaded Granada, and the evening news reported it as "a moral defeat for the United States". To the credit of the author, it is a very good read, and a fascinating look into the dirty little secrets of the CBS news organization, AND a good look into the puzzling workings of the deeply-steeped-liberal minds involved. I can greatly appreciate how the author, who was a valued and respected member of this insiders elite, suddenly found himself a pariah to them all. To his utter shock, he found the supposedly 'compassionate' and 'open minded' world for which he had worked over many years, suddenly very hostile, closed-minded and hateful towards him. I can also appreciate that this man is baring his soul and his deepest hurts to the general public, something which is not easy for anyone to do. Thank you, Mr. Goldberg, for your honesty and openness. I am sorry that you had to go through these devastating experiences to discover what a very large number of thinking Americans have known for years. I suggest perhaps a sequel, requiring some digging into exactly how the media does their distorting. Tell us the techniques and the methods. You touched on it briefly when you stated how they ask people loaded questions, but now go into story selection, story 'kills', loaded wording, flattering or not so flattering pictures they use, etc. Most folks with an IQ of over 120 already are at least slightly aware of these devious methods which the media uses, but it is the larger majority of Americans who are not so blessed with such high IQ's who need to know, and have it confirmed to them by an 'insider'.
Rating:  Summary: Hot Air Review: The silliest thing about this book, which panders to Rush Limbaugh fans everywhere, is the fact that the so-called issue at stake- "liberal" vs. "conservative" - doesn't exist. Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush jr. are are all "neoliberals", meaning that they favor a laissez faire approach towards corporate capitalism. Goldberg's conspiricy theory that corporations such as CBS, Disney/ABC or General Electric/NBC are somehow fighting against their own hegemony by supporting the left is asinine. Still, if you enjoy oversimplification, or are a libertarian who needs something to read while hiding in your cave until the "bust cycle" ends, you may find Golberg's whining entertaining. If you want to read something intelligent about television news, try On Television by Pierre Bordieu instead.
Rating:  Summary: Credibility hurt by Dan Rather bashing. Review: Bias is truly a first rate classical muckraking literary example. The case for liberal bias in the various news media is compelling. However, what is more blatant is the omnipotent presence of Dan Rather bashing. Mr. Goldberg's credibility is greatly impeded by references to Dan Rather's personal character flaws; true though they may be. Just as one is getting into the credibility of a well organized and deliberative case being made by the author about liberal bias in the media, a "Dan Rather is a less than nice person" example is not so discretely woven into a paragraph. It tended to be so vindictive. In the very early chapters the reader is made well aware of the author's disdain for Mr. Rather. Any further references to Mr. Rather are whipping it to death. This reader found it to be distracting. As a past history/political science teacher, this reviewer still found this book to be provocative. I would look forward to more iconoclast works by Mr. Goldberg.
Rating:  Summary: The funniest book I've read in years Review: This book is laugh out loud funny. There isn't much else I can say. As I read I considered the Copley Newspaper chain and Fox News channels. I considered how friendly the MEGA CORPORATION is to the working man. This led me to consider who this book was written for. The laughs flowed.
Rating:  Summary: worst book ever Review: What a waste of print. Stay away from this nonsense if you value your soul.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book, Modestly tarnished Review: The free press is a linchpin of our Republic. The cultural, economic and political scoundrels will only scamper away when the prying eyes of a crusty, skeptical, even cynical press asks tough questions. Bernard Goldberg gives insider testimony of what I have suspected (known, really) that Network News is mostly pablum, and has been for decades. In the old days, reporters were supposed to dislike everybody. "If your momma says she loves you, check it out before you go to press" was the credo. This book brings into sharp focus how the "liberal bias" is real,and is less a conspiracy than a culture, influenced and promulgated by old fashioned human nature. Goldberg does an adequate job of supporting his conclusions, and the book is a fast read (I hammered it out in under 6 hours) but it is hardly an academic tome. It is easy to conclude that Goldberg is angry and passionate about both the subject and his shabby treatment by CBS. I believe he modestly discredits his point by the use of vulgarities and sarcasm. I think the abrogation of the news media's role in our republic is far more serious than flip comments, cheap shots, and the "F" word convey. Even so, it could prove to be the watershed book that forces Network News to finally examine their own work and responsibility. For the reader, perhaps they will look at how the media tries to shape society, and neglegt their weightier role.
Rating:  Summary: Goldberg is Right On! Review: I just finished Bernard Goldberg's Bias and it is so full of truth, it hurts....ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN... They all scream about it but none can or will deny the truth. He quotes lots of examples and I remember seeing many of these lies on TV, committed by Dan, Tom and Peter. In fact, I just finished chapter 5 on "the homeless problem" and then saw an article on "the homeless" in the Washington Post. It was so aligned with how Goldberg described liberal media bias on the issue, it could serve as the archetype story of "the homeless issue". It told the story just as Goldberg said it would. Goldberg renders the media transparent as glass in pushing their biases. I think the most revealing thing Goldberg says is that the biggies are clueless about their bias. Being leftwing is so ingrained in them and so ingrained in all their friends and colleagues that they see it as "normal". They consider themselves mainstream and middle of the road, when they are neither. I enjoyed seeing Goldberg confirm what I always knew but could not prove, other than in my own mind. Goldberg will be vindicated as Dan, Tom and Peter scream and howl, but cannot deny the truth. Plus, as the American viewers keep turning these turkeys off, their ratings will confirm the truth of Goldberg's case. Let the media brass argue with their ratings. I am thankful we have the internet as an alternate source of news. It's something the liberal left can't control. As more and more Americans turn off TV and logon to the internet, we may yet see the media come to see Goldberg as a modern prophet. If they want to survive they'd better read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Fearless and Thorough Review: I just finished reading Bernard Goldberg's "Bias." I am greatful to him for his insightful analysis into Left-Wing Media bias. I have always known that such exists, but Goldberg gave details and insight that I never realized. It took alot of courage, both moral and physical, for him to write this work. He was attacked vitriolically for it, and the fiery darts have not yet abated. It will be hard for the Left to dismiss the McGovern/Mondale voting Goldberg as a member of the so-called "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy", not that they won't try. It was obvious that this book was difficult for Goldberg to write, as the people at CBS News were his friends and co-workers of 28 years. But he wrote this out of loyalty to a higher principle- that elementary principle of journalism I learned in a 7th grade clasroom- that of objective journalism. For years the major networks of ABC, NBC and CBS have been giving us Left-slanted news and most of the viewing public is well aware of this. He repeatedly cites a "Brill's Content" Poll in which 74% of Republicans say most journalists are more Liberal than them(no surprise) and that 47% of Democrats surveyed say the same thing(shocking, eh?). I am glad that I am not the only human being in the world that noticed that all the stories about homelessness seemed to disappear upon the inauguration of Bill Clinton. Goldberg dedicates a chapter to this issue and describes how the media, along with homeless advocates, inflated homelessness figures between ten and twenty times their actual amount. What happened to the "5 Million" homeless(actual number between 250,000 and 600,000) after 1992? We never heard about them again. Goldberg also has chapters on how the media pander to the whims of Feminists, Homosexual Activists, AIDS activists and others. The book is well written and very readable. Goldberg is very well-informed on his subject matter. "Bias" is a must-read.
Rating:  Summary: The truth hurts! Review: This book was excellent. How good? Exhibit A) This one book is published and the liberal news community freaks out. Exhibit B) Posting by CBS news employees of "one-star" reviews painting CBS as a conservative corporation as a means to insinuate CBS news is conservative. Let's be realistic - such polarizing reviews usually means something is up... Like someone is correct and the other side can only deny the facts at hand. I say BUY TWO copies on Amazon and give one to a moderate friend who still has some hope of reaching political objectivity in this lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: Goldberg nails it! Review: Goldberg's work is thoughtful, incisive and well documented. In fact he has done a great job of reporting the bias in the media. Something the media itself won't do. It is a stark contrast to the "reporting" on 60 Minutes; largely unsubstantiated allegations and half-truths. Goldberg avoids these commonly used journalistic shortcuts and gives us facts. No wonder Dan Rather is furious - Goldberg has hit the mark and Dan knows it.