Rating:  Summary: Horrible pack of Lies. Please stop YOUR EVIL lies! Review: I would like to ask Mr. Frum and Perle to end their EVIL pack of lies. In this book they said very disgusting and horrible things about Muslims (1.5 Billion people in total.) Considering that they were a part of the United States Government and is close to George Bush we can deduce that the U.S government's believes are echoed in their opinions. Mr. frum and Perle said that Iraq is on its way to becoming a blossoming democracy; white lies, if that was the case then the U.S would hold free and fare elections in Iraq (which is what the Iraqis want overwhelmingly) and risk the election of a Shia government which is anti-U.S. But of course, U.S would not do that. Examples of governments ("democratic" in American eyes) that have been supposedly democratic and supported by the U.S are numerous; Zaire, Afghanistan, Egypt, Pinochet's Chile etc. The U.S would only do what is good for her, not for the greater good of the world. Mr. Frum and Perle, the United States also wants to become the greatest nation in the world, don't blame France for anything. And you talk about track records, look at the U.S track record first (did you forget Vietnam?) and then pass judgments about other nations Memri.org is a biased/prejudiced religious organization so please do not visit it!
Rating:  Summary: Save your money. Review: You can find everything these 2 nuts write about, just do a search on google.
Rating:  Summary: Bigoted hate manual Review: Perle is one of the main architects of the invasion of Iraq. He is one of the leading neo-con ideologues in the Pentagon, having an "unpaid" position there (Anyone wondered why?). Perle is also the mentor of Paul Wolfowitz, who is (with other neo-cons) one of the founding members of the Project for the New American Century. ... Frum was a speach writer for Bush, and has the dubious honor of being the inventor of "axis of evil" term. He is a regular contributor to ultra conservative media, such as The National Review. ... Both Perle and Frum are fellows with the ultra-conservative American Enterprise Institute. In what they're calling a "manual for victory," Frum and Perle assert that Palestinians must not be allowed to have an autonomous state and that the U.S. must send young Americans to die in wars to overthrow the regimes of Israel's enemies; Iran and Syria. In the process, the authors urge that the U.S. must explicitly reject the jurisdiction of the United Nations Charter. The book is a thinly disguised anti-Muslim hate manual, full of inaccuracies, propaganda, chopped logic, and lacking in both an index and proper documentation of its sources. The work is "dangerously skewed" in inciting hate against Muslims in the post 9/11 era. Just imagine for a second what the reaction would have been if a similar book was written inciting hate against Jews, following the conviction of Jonathan Pollard? (Pollard was an American Jew, convicted by the American courts of spying for Israel, thus compromising the U.S. national security.) A sampling of statements found in "An End To Evil" suggests an agenda for inciting more hatred and misunderstanding toward Muslims and Islam: ** "France, Germany, Britain, and Canada all host significant numbers of Islamic extremists." ** "Islamic terrorism is a foreign threat that has domesticated itself within our borders." ** "The terrorists' most important advantage was our complacency." ** "Right now, American law bars the admission of aliens suspected of terrorist activity - but not of terrorist sympathies." ** "Militant Islamic (American) groups like ..." ** "... many dozens of articles appeared in newspapers after 9/11 by contributors lashing themselves for casting suspicious glances at the man in Islamic dress on their most recent air flight. This nonsense has to stop." ** "A free society is a self-policed society." ** "The software engineer who develops a sudden enthusiasm for Islam is more likely to be funding terror." ** "Islamic extremists may find fellow travelers in the non-Muslim West ... the Church of England preached a sermon extrolling Rachel Corrie as a model of Christian courage and self-sacrifice: Corrie was the young American who was accidentally buried under a collapsing pile of dirt as she tried to block an Israeli bulldozer from excavating tunnels used to smuggle arms and explosives into Israel from Gaza." ** "Although Islamic terrorism originated overseas, it seems to be drawing crucial - and increasing - support from a growing infrastructure of extremism inside this country and in Canada." ** ".. many of the most prominent figures in the organized Muslim American community were either unwilling to speak forthrightly (against 9/11) or were tainted by extremist associations of their own - or both." ** "Extremist attitudes like these are not nearly as unusual among the leaders of American mosques.." ** "The militancy of the Muslim American lobby groups echoes what is being said inside the nation's mosques." ** "Until (American Islamic groups are named) ...purge themselves of their extremists, they should be regarded as fellow travelers of the terrorist enemy and treated with appropriate mistrust and disdain by Congress and the executive branch." ** "Extremist Muslim leaders then try to inculcate extremist beliefs in the students at the nation's estimated three hundred to six hundred Muslim day schools." ** "The lax multiculturalism that urges Americans to accept the unacceptable from their fellow citizens is one of this nation's greatest vulnerabilities in the war on terror." ** "(Radical Islam) seeks to overthrow our civilization and remake the nations of the West into Islamic societies, imposing on the whole world its religion and its law." ** "... all the available evidence indicates that militant Islam commands wide support, and even wider sympathy, among Muslims worldwide, including Muslim minorities in the West." ** "In militant Islam, we face an aggressive ideology of world domination." ** "Like both communism and Nazism, militant Islam is opportunistic - it works willingly with all manner of unlikely allies, ..."
Rating:  Summary: memri.org Review: Memri.org is a site that merely translates articles from their original arabic into english. I encourage people to visit the site and make up their own minds. This is a great book!
Rating:  Summary: Over the top. Review: There are now plenty of interesting books on foreign policy. The majority of them are written from a centrist to a liberal point of view. These criticize the current Administration for being too unilateral, too neoconservative, and too aggressive in waging preemptive wars. This book is unique as it takes an arch conservative over the top point of view. The authors criticize the Administration according to the same parameters as the liberals, but in the symmetrical opposite direction. They suggest that the Administration pays too much attention to the diverging opinion of its allies and enemies alike, and that it is too shy in waging military intervention. In other words, the U.S. does not act unilaterally enough. That's not something you will hear anywhere else but in this book. They recommend regime changes not only with our enemies such as North Korea, and Iran, but also with allies who steadily oppose U.S. opinion such as France. Regime changes can sometimes be justified, but it certainly can't just because representatives of a nation disagree with our President. The authors just can't be serious. Or, if they are, they should not be taken seriously. If you want to read an excellent book on the subject, I recommend instead Wesley Clark's "Winning Modern Wars: Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire.' This book is intelligent and balanced, two key qualities 'An End to Evil' lacks.
Rating:  Summary: How to Make the U. S. the Most Evil Country on Earth Review: Unfortunately, in fighting an evil enemy, to some extent you may have to adopt your enemy's behavior. Conversely, if you value your democracy, you must constanly guard your precious freedoms. These authors' prescriptions, if fully implemented, would change our beloved free country into something not very different from the worst of our totalitarian enemies, past and present. I do not believe that Frum and Perle realize how bad that would turn out to be for all Americans, but especially bad for Frum and Perle. We should study this book very carefully, in the way we should have studied Hitler's "Mein Kampf" very carefully.
Rating:  Summary: Understanding Reality Review: Finally, two authors that are willing to buck the politically correct thinkers in both the Republican and Democrat parties to tell the American people the truth: We are at war with people that want nothing less than the destruction of freedom and the rule of civilized law. The half measures that are usually prescribed by the status quo politicians almost always bring more death and destruction than would be the case if the enemies of peace and freedom had been destroyed before they act; not after they have done more deeds such as 9/11. We Americans need to learn how to recognize and face evil and deal with it comprehensively, and until we do, our freedom and the freedom of the world will continue to be in jeopordy. Frum and Perle make the case as succinctly and cogently as it can be made.
Rating:  Summary: Those who get it...get it - those who don't... never will Review: As usual Frum paints a picture of the world we actually live in, rather than the dream world of dem-socialists like Screamin' Dean, Dreamin' Moore and company. Frum & Perle aren't telling us anything that a sensible, thinking person shouldn't already know (hence four stars and not five). The paranoid, head-in-cloud crowd will write this one off before the even crack the spine, mainly because they are afraid to challenge their own ideas. They'll run back to the campus and surround themselves with like-minded people and drift back into their dream state, while the rest of us deal with reality. This is a good book, not a great one, I prefer listening to Frum speak in person.
Rating:  Summary: An End to Evil is a good start, but.... Review: Common sense requires that if America takes "the toughest line" (in their words) on every issue and in every part of the world, America cannot take the strongest and most effective action anywhere. In Iraq alone the US military is stretched to the breaking point on personnel, in part because of its needs to maintain large deployments in Europe, South Korea and Japan. You have to make some choices and concentrate on those that really matter. That's why Reagan supported the Taliban and Saddam when the USSR and Iran were America's enemies. Now America has new enemies, yet America's needs for friends remain as acute as ever. But the authors of this book prefer to view the whole world as either vassals, enemies, or potential enemies. They seem to say: If you're not with us, you're against us, and if you're with us, you must do as we say. After a while, America will be left without friends. That kind of thinking is self-defeating and not very realistic. Bottom line: Statesmanship requires flexibility, elasticity, and pragmatism, not just "the toughest line" everywhere. You have to be willing to shake some hands even if it means holding your nose while doing it. Reagan showed he was capable of this. Frum and Perle are showing they are not.
Rating:  Summary: Stirs Up More Thought and Discussion Review: This is a book where the main benefit is to inject more controversy. Maybe that is good. In a democracy you have a division of people for and against the views espoused in the book, more or less along party lines. So I think the reviewers/readers tend to be split. Either you love it or hate. Obviously not all the ideas are possible even in practical terms. The United States has just about 6% of the world's population and it cannot force its views on the world by force - no matter how good the intentions are - by building more aircraft carriers and cruise missiles. Having said that, there is a need for more constructive debate on what the US should do as a world leader and as a great democracy, and how to set its own priorities. A book like this cannot hurt. As a rule, I get turned off by shorter books with big font so I am only giving it three stars. I would say it is not an essential read but interesting, but do not make a special trip to the book store. Jack in Toronto