Rating:  Summary: Amateur Night for Auditioning Terrorism Experts Review: Neither author is versed in the subject of terrorism; they do not know the regions of the world they discuss nor do they have any international relations expertise. Their "solutions" include bureaucratic reshuffling, a hopeless enterprise (look at the Homeland Security mess!), and an ID card for everyone in the United States, hardly a solution for anything. This thing is high on drama and hubris, but there is no substantive contribution whatever.
Rating:  Summary: Here's what I don't get.... Review: Well over $100 Billion dollars and enough hot air to accelerate Global Warming have been expended "as a result" of 9/11.While $14 Million dollars were set aside to investigate the actual event. And that only after ample resistance to the creation of an investigatory body at all. Now, after significant and ongoing resistance and delays to the requests and needs of the 9/11 commission by the Bush Administration, the Pentagon, the FAA, NORAD, and the Port Authority, the request for an extended deadline for this important work is considered unnecessary. This by the very same administration that envisions the implementation of a new world order "as a result" of 9/11. And so this question: When the beneficiary of a murder is against the full and complete investigation into that murder, doesn't that raise some very serious questions? To those of you who endorse and back the stated road map of this book, have you yourself looked in to the astonishing pile of unanswered questions and appearance of impropriety that surround and lead up to the events of 9/11? Or do you simply rely on soundbites and one-sided perspectives to inform yourself? Do you believe that the full and complete investigation into the events of 9/11 is important? I for one would be happy to consider any level of action "as a result" of 9/11... once we know what happened on 9/11, where the system failed us, who was responsible for that failure, and anwers to the many and seemingly increasing questions. Disturbing questions. I love America, the country of my birth as much as anyone could. And I have believed that it is, as claimed, a land of freedom and liberty, of justice for all. Not perfect, but dealing with it. I had a friend who worked on the 104th floor of one of the Towers. He was on the phone with his fiancee while people were jumping out the windows. I still don't know if he jumped, and probably never will. But I feel I owe it to him to do my own part in demanding that the investigation into 9/11 be complete and exhaustive. And that the results of the investigation dictate the corresponding actions, not the other way around. I feel I owe that not only to my friend but also to this country. And to those of you who are my fellow Americans, you do to. Before you back the policies recommended by this book, I challenge you to consider whether you think it is important to investigate 9/11. And I challenge you to dig, there are some outstanding websites that detail all of the unanswered questions, and consider whether the prescription has preceded the diagnosis. And if so, what that might mean...
Rating:  Summary: stone, cold truth Review: This book is disturbing because it takes the threat of militant Islam as seriously as we ought to take after 3000 body bags were filled on 9/11. If you already think the threat is over-blown and doesn't require a forceful response, don't read the book. It'll just raise your blood pressure and provoke the sort of invectives appearing in some of the other reviews. If you're uncertain what's at stake, read it with an open mind, and you'll be disturbed. If you're already convinced that the threat is serious (like I was an am), be prepared for the full, chilling effect of this book. In pre-WWI, Churchill made similar pronouncements, in scope, about National Socialism and was, similarily, ridiculed.
Rating:  Summary: Neo-Conservative Thought Exposed Review: With its simple prose style, big print, and widely spaced lines, this 280 page book is a quick read. It will be useful for those who seek to understand US Foreign Policy today. In a paper titled "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition", Jost and colleagues considered evidence for and against the hypotheses that political conservatism is significantly associated with the following 8 specific social-cognitive variables: 1. Mental rigidity and closed-mindedness, including: a. increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity b. decreased cognitive complexity c. decreased openness to experience d. uncertainty avoidance e. personal needs for order and structure f. need for cognitive closure 2. Lowered self-esteem 3. Fear, anger, and aggression 4. Pessimism, disgust, and contempt 5. Loss prevention 6. Fear of death 7. Threat arising from social and economic deprivation 8. Threat to the stability of the social system. In their meta-study of previously published papers on the subject, the authors found a high correlation between political conservatism and variable #1 above. The views expressed in the book by Frum and Perle could only arise from an extreme psychiatric syndrome of mental rigidity and closed-mindedness. Jost, et. al. then go on to describe motivations observed in individuals that suffer from the conservative syndrome. Epistemic Motives: Dogmatism - intolerance of ambiguity; Cognitive Complexity; Closed-mindedness; Uncertainty Avoidance; Needs for order, certainty, and closure Existential Motives: Self-esteem; Terror Management; Fear; Threat; Anger; Pessimism Ideological Motives: Self-interest; Group Dominance; System Justification Jost, et. al. then make the following conclusion: "Theoretical and empirical evidence leads us to conclude that virtually all of the above motives originate in psychological attempts to manage uncertainty and fear. These, in turn, are inherently related to the two core aspects for conservative thought mentioned earlier - resistance to change and the endorsement of inequality." I believe Jost's paper accurately defines both the book "An End to Terror" and its authors. For a living example of how well this political philosophy works, one has only to look at the past 30 or so years of Israeli/Palestinian relations.
Rating:  Summary: Frum and Perle need to get out more! Review: The central theme of this book is that through fear, paranoia and xenophobia we can rid the world of those pesky little terrorists that are such a thorn in the side of America. ... I don't think I've ever read such dangerous and misguided screed (and I've read 'Mein Kampf and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'). I hope that the readers of this book will see it for what it really is- a vulgar curiosity, a violent and hateful diatribe, a prescription void of any historical and geopolitical knowledge and a peon to a lack of critical thinking. I generally try to be a little more specific and objective when I write a review but this book is so muddled and illogical that I can't even begin to enumerate everything that's wrong with it (plus, some other reviewers have done a pretty good job of that already). For those of you who have given this book a five star rating let me give you a couple of recommendations: 1. Read the allegory of the cave by Plato. In case you finish it and don't see any relevance, here's a clue; you're the one's who never left the cave. 2. Turn off the Fox network and try to get a wider perspective for your news 3. Reread the Constitution of the United States. 4. Sell your 4x4 and use the money to travel abroad so you can see first hand how the rest of the world perceives you. 5. Try adjusting yourself to the idea that maybe, just maybe, the United States of America is not the center of the Universe. That is by no means a comprehensive list--but it's a start.
Rating:  Summary: Vote for the Warmongers and Get Ready for Conscription Review: First, I would like to correct a partial quote. On page 6, Perle/Frum state that Richard Gephardt called "Bush's policies" a "miserable failure," but the truth is Gephardt said the Iraq war was the result of a "miserable failure of diplomacy." Next, my favorite quote from the book, on page 42: "In militant Islam, we face an aggressive ideology of world domination." I ask that any voter in the 2004 election view the website www.newamericancentury.org, the home site of the Project for the New American Century, and see what this group believes and who is involved by clicking on "Statement of Principles." While you're at it, view www.oldamericancentury.org. Much light will be shed on who would like dominate the world. Finally, considering Mr. Perle claims he wasn't aware of the MEK, a terrorist group in Iran which he courted in a recent meeting, maybe he doesn't know as much about national defense as he thinks. (Read about this at www.washingtonpost.com - "Charity Event May Have Terrorist Link" by Glenn Kessler, Jan 29, 2004; I'm sure there are other sources online.) If we continue on the path advocated in this book, get ready for conscription. Our military simply can't be stretched much further. This time, it won't just be your son that gets drafted, it will also be your daughter. How about we get off foreign oil dependence and then we won't need to fight wars over it? How would that affect national security?
Rating:  Summary: clear, concise, well documented and spot-on Review: This book is extremely well written and extremely well documented and at its heart declares convincingly that a lack of personal as well as institutional liberty in the tyrany controlled, non-free Middle Eastern "nations" is behind radical Islamism and that radical Islamism presents an out of control but well funded threat to Western liberty and its citizens' republics. This book accurately assesses the role of various US government institutions in complicity toward de-railing if not defeating important and worthy US goals -- the same ideals that have guided this nation for 230 + years. This book articulately and precisely describes that WMDs were used by Iraq's government against its own people, that WMDs are possessed by N. Korea today and that Iran is in the process of obtaining active WMDs. Of course, liberal, psuedo intellectual WIMPS would never affirm a use of force, even in a post 9/11 world, to eradicate any of these realities. Of course, none of these WIMPS ever had to pilot an F-16 to enforce a no-fly zone over 12 years at great personal risk. Yes, they'll gladly reap the benefits, thank you very much. For the rest of us, burying one's head in the sand is not an option. Thus, the authors educate us as to where use of force is most likely to need application and where it most likely can and should be avoided. The authors make accurate assesments of the roles that many nations have assumed in the war on terror and their motivations. Once again, the examples are appropriate and well documented. The personal anticdotes and experiences of the authors makes this book all the more convincing. Specific examples provided are fascinating as well as precisely sourced and documented. This is by far the most clearly written and convincing book on foreign policy to appear post 9/11. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: concise paradigm Review: Many of the reviews on this site appear hysterical. The book is short and provides a paradigm for considering American approaches to the clear and avowed purpose of Islamic terrorists to attack.In fact, one of the best parts of this work discusses why these terrorists really must, have to, attack us again. One could find fault with the footnotes(one reviewer dislikes the use of MEMRI in the footnotes, an Israeli organization; however the footnotes refer to actual translations of Arabic news articles into English without any editorialization).But the purpose of the book is not in the footnotes or the minutiae.It is conceptual. The concept of the State Department having its own agenda is important. Similarly, the lack of resolve among many of our politicians is important to note. A summary of the UN's behaviour and reasons for it is useful and succinct, and after reading this, one is led to the unavoidable conclusion that this organization's usefulness is very limited.The discussion of fantasizing that the de facto production of a palestinian state will solve the overall problem, is also quite straightforward. This was a very useful book and it is not a diatribe, but a summary of an approach that is probably the only one that makes sense.
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing Review: It's amazing that this sort of Good-versus-Evil worldview has survived into the 21st century. Anyone who gives the matter two minutes thought will realise that 'evil' is being defined by people like Frum and Perle to apply to any convenient target. It's an ideology that can be used to justify any militaristic action whatsoever. What does the 'War on Terror' mean? Wake up America, the US has done just as much promotion of 'terrorism' as any other country. It has supplied arms and training to countless foreign guerilla groups, including Osama bin laden and the Taliban, and helped to planned coups and the assasination of foreign leaders (eg. President in Chile in 1973). If this doesn't count as terrorism what does? There are real answers to curtailing fundamentalist Islamic terrorists (like economic aid and education), but overthrowing these Governments and installing American puppet-'democracies' is just going to magnify the resentment. You cannot stop terrorism by the Orwellian-type controls suggested in this book, the only way to stop terrorism is to nullify the reasons why the terrorists are willing to commit these acts in the first place, to remove the cause that they are fighting for.
Rating:  Summary: Ah, Mein Kampf, how I miss thee! Review: On the Daily Show with Jon Stewart Jan 27 2004, Mr Perle talked about the increasing need to remain stalwart in our conviction to rid the world of terror. He also said that Canada would be there to help after it "was all over." On 911 what country allowed hundreds of US airliners to make emergency landings? Canada What country's citizens threw open their homes and their hearts to thousands of stranded American travellers on 911? Canada What country has the largest peace-keeping contingent in Afghanistan? Canada. What country has had more of it's soldiers killed by the US Air Force than by the Taliban? Canada Perle and Frum are evil malicious liars and mockers of the truth. Their frightening neo-con pro-Israel propaganda is hateful, ignorant, and reflects the rising tide of facism in the worlds' once most free nation.