Rating:  Summary: More than a mustache change! Review: I read this book in 1 sitting. The more I read the more I questioned myself. The reference to the "mustache change" refers to whether we (USA) simply want a Sadam that can we can control or do we really want (new)changes.The danger of reviewing this book is that you may give it a negative vote because it goes against your political views. That personal challenge made me want to read it even more so. Regardless of how we felt yesterday we MUST realize that tomorrow has never been experienced before 9/11. There are many that can shout that this book is a propaganda book but that doesn't change the fact that we must deal with some of the questions and statements that will affect our very near future. Questions that ask if the FBI needs to be reorganized back to its core values. How should the CIA be restructured in a way that will protect us. Reforms to both the Pentagaon and the State Department. I seem to understand Colin Powell and our policies better. (I will never view Eagleburger the same again!) The book points to our relationships with the UK, France and the EU. This is not a simplistic view that demands "freedom fries" but the reality that France's (or DeGaulle's) plans of a unified Europe is more to challenge the "hyperpower" of the USA. Why we should take some time to review our relationship with Saudi Arabia as either friend or foe. The authors point to why China who is not trusting of North Korea is not taking a more forceful step in reining that Nuclear Genie on the peninsula so as to drain us of finances and resources and eventually weaken us. Regardless of my political stance I first see myself as an American citizen who desires that the citizens of this world can enjoy freedom, human rights and personal dignities. Get pass the obvious "hits" on Clinton and ask the deeper questions that this book will provoke and then demand answers from our elected officials.
Rating:  Summary: Dr Strangelove Review: This book contains a relatively healthy dose of mad vision. A new Rome is proposed, This one is on a universal scale. True evil is not a person, a faith, nor a nation, it is a system. For an evil system to succeed it needs to cover itself in a cloak of goodness. Evil tries to pose as its opposite. What the authors propose here is an end to peace among nations and faiths. It is a proposal for evil. Only people who are inclined to beleive that God talk to Pat Robertson to tell him that the stock market will go up this year should beleive anything written by these two. As the great theologan Mr T. puts it, I petty the fool.
Rating:  Summary: great example of intellectual honesty Review: Having advocated basically the same views for years in Ukraine and to Russian-speaking anarchist community, I can only admire the courage of David Frum and Richard Perle. No doubt, all too many people would label their views as racist and totalitarian. But they are only realistic. Yes, terrorist threat comes to the civilized world predominantly from Islamic extremists. And yes, the modern Islam is largely of zealous Wahhabite strain. There are no moderates in essentially terrorist organizations, like Hamas or Hezbollah. They only introduce "the political wing" in order to placate Western world into dialogue with them. The creation of Palestinian state would not solve the problem of Islamic hostility to Israel and to the West in general. Unwilling to recognize that all the decades-long struggle was only for a tiny, non-viable piece of wilderness, they would continue mounting the demands, notably the ludicrous and unrealizable demand of the right of return for now the third-generation descendants of refugees. Now that USSR has gone, much of Europe is longing for the return to bipolar world, EU vs. USA. And it would be stupid for America to continue the provision of military shield to Europeans in this situation. The United Nations was ill conceived from the very beginning. America and Mozambique cannot have the same vote and the same influence on international affairs. Therefore, it is unavoidable for America to start acting at its own discretion; the sooner is better. There is nothing wrong with American military ventures abroad. Just stopping violence abroad does not make USA an empire. I wish the authors had gone a step further and ascertain that America cannot perform international peacekeeping for free, but need to be compensated by transgressors. The US should not hesitate to use force to stop the potential aggression, as opposed to actual violation of its borders. In the modern world of CBN weapons, there is no need for Iran to invade America; delivering a nuke through virtually uncontrolled Mexican border would do the job as well. All in all, the common sense should not be replaced with political correctness, which is often a cover for special interests. One minor thing that had bothered me in the end of the book is the appendix listing the recognized terrorist organizations. Although reprinting the official list, the authors should have commented on a single Israeli "terrorist group," Kahane Hai. This organization' virtually the only sin is that it advocates expulsion of the potentially hostile Arabs from Israel. On these grounds, it was declared racist and banned from elections. Whatever one thinks of its political views, it's simply wrong to equate it with other terrorist groups on the list, since Kahane Hai did not commit any atrocities like the other groups did. The book is eloquently written. It is certainly a milestone work, and I'm glad that people with bearing on American policy finally came to pronouncing these simple truths clearly, forcefully, and publicly.
Rating:  Summary: Whose Evil? Review: The evil that these two espouse is irony itself. This group of evil-doers who hijacked the center of power of late to fight an imaginary enemy in the middle east and Asia will keep on their evil path, with no end in sight. Humanity should ask, how do we end their evil?, They are making life misreable and scary for people all over the world including the USA. This cabal has a plan alright, and their plan is to pillage and rape the middle east, Asia, the Americans, everyone. Anyone who has some resource, is going to surrender it to this horrible ugly beasts, so we will all be enslaved to them forever. After they siphoned our money in the stock bubble, they give us something scary to worry about, so we dont look for our stolen hard earned money. History also have a memory of its own, and messing with the middle east does look like fun today, but do you know for a fact if it will be fun in the future? Do I need to remind you that JC might not have been fond of our enslaving the blacks and wiping out the natives. JC was a poor carpenter who hated money changers, and I have hard time beleiving JC would like the evil these criminals want to spread. JC = Jesus aka Christ
Rating:  Summary: bye bye miss american empire Review: Two thoughts cross the mind while reading this book 1. There ARE people in government who for whatever reason think it's time to sink the USA ship 2. These two men are crazy as hell
Rating:  Summary: A Good Analysis - Controversial Prescriptions Review: One can agree or disagree with the medical prescriptions recommended by Frum and Perle for the illness of this 21st century. But it is a fact that their diagnosis of the pain and the symptoms of malaises that undergo the people of the Middle East is real and well described. What really pleases in their book is their direct style. It is total frankness even though it hurts. Frum and Perle do not chew their words. Of course, they accuse France of hypocrisy. On one hand, it champions the so-called Human Rights and on the other, it unconditionally and unreservedly supports cruel and inhuman regimes like the one of Jean-Bidel Bokassa of Central Africa. Of course, they don't say a word of the American engineered coup d'état against Salvador Allende, which is indeed as bad a medal bestowed upon the Americans. Having said that and after september, 11th, these Americans have the merit of trying to analyse the problems of the Arab World et to formulate solutions while the rest of the world, European and Arab elites included, do not give a damn that 200 millions of persons still live in ignorance, poverty and misery (read the last 2 UNDP reports). Indeed, an Arab gang of leaders, henchmen and so-called leftist intellectuals dwell in prosperity and are welcomed on red carpets and applauded by the European medias, research centres and leaders as a proof that the "Clash of Civilisation" is rubbish. All is good. All is beautiful !
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Review: If the current administration is REALLY serious about winning the war against terrorism, they should use this book as the roadmap.
Rating:  Summary: The title of this book illustrates the insanity of these men Review: ..As the shear hyprocrisy and hatred espoused in this book by armchair theoreticians who have no formal training in military strategy or proper credentials for constructing US geostrategy. What worse? They are completely out of touch with reality and world opinion, yet have hijacked US foreign policies in the Bush administration. With my apologises to the millions of decent and normal people of the Jewish faith (thankfully the majority are not represented by radicals like Frum and Perle), but what these men are suggesting is a irrefutably paranoid and genocidal course of action - laid out well in advance just as Hitler did in 1925... It is almost a bizarre parallel to Mein Kampf but with Arabs/Islam as the source of all that's wrong in the world. Pathetic. Here's the reality: If only 10% of the foreign policies advocated by these "leading neocoservative thinkers" were to actually be implemented by a unilateral US government, the correct title for this book would be recorded in history as: "Unleashng Malevolence: How to destroy the US dollar and Economy Overnight"
Rating:  Summary: An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror Review: If you liked when President Bush said "you are either with us or against us," then you will love this book. This book spoke to me. While the authors' believe that all is not a clear cut, good vs evil issue, they use this as a guide to help answer the unclear issues. The authors are obviously brilliant and have been thinking about and debating these foreign policy related issues for many years. They have answers on how to deal with our most pressing foreign policy issues. They lay out their case and tell you how it really is and what steps need to be taken to do the best we can to solve these serious problems. While you may not agree with all of their recommended steps because of personal privacy issues or otherwise, I have no doubt that the steps would make a huge difference in our fight against terrorism. If you have ever been confused by President Bush's foreign policy, you need to read this book. If you are ever frustrated by liberal foreign policy thinkers who base their opinions on the way things should work as apposed to the way that they really do work, you need to read this book to add depth to your own thoughts and ideas and to bask in the fresh air of honesty, if only for a short while.
Rating:  Summary: A freightening outlook Review: Shrill, smug, and designed for true-believers of the author's extremist, absurd, and dangerous world-view. Any rational person should be truly freightened that such narrow-minded policies are actually considered. The pope in the 11 century launched the Crusades to rid the world of evil. He didn't have an exit strategy either. Those who can't see beyond the closed minded ideas of these authors are as much a danger to the planet as any terrorists.