Rating:  Summary: mostly right on Review: While I suspect that without 9/11, Prez Bush would have basically followed Clinton's policies viz radical Islam, we now know his approach which - even with the possible mess in Iraq - is correct. But the Democrats continue to be suspect. This book, combined with the latest of the 9/11 commission hearings, convinces me that we cannot let them back in power.
Rating:  Summary: Madness Review: I think every other one star vote summed it up well. This is madness. To quote Pat Buchanan:"The guru's reputation, however, does not survive a reading. Indeed, on putting down Perle's new book the thought recurs: the neoconservative moment may be over. For they are not only losing their hold on power, they are losing their grip on reality." Bingo.
Rating:  Summary: Notes some pertinent issues, but masks certain complexities Review: For liberals that blindly seep apologism, moral relativism, psychoanalysis of terrorists and evil, and revisionist history, the self-evident brushstrokes of this book will not compute within their brains. Stated simply, apples are apples and evil is evil. However, some of the issues touched upon by this book and execution thereof are questionable. The authors don't seem to discuss the feasibility of reformations within intolerant societies such as Iran that could provide usefull and peaceful solutions, assuming these places are capable of relatively peaceful reform. Despite the authors' contentions, France gave us Lady Liberty and is still a good ally of ours, fighting alongside America in Afghanistan. Frederick the Great's aphorism that "Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments" rings true today and will always hold. Certain forces, such as Libya's Gaddafi, will simply not comply unless presented with a real threat. Other forces, such as terrorists and their lifeblood, will never comply and must be stopped via force. Another prescient maxim is George Santayana's phrase that "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." The left would be wise to read up on the well-documented fact of the barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire, Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler, the rebuke of the Sudan's offering of Osama bin Ladin on a sliver platter, and other assorted cavalier posturing by wishful statesmen of the past and present that led to disastrous consequences.
Rating:  Summary: Mein Kampf revisited Review: I actually read this trash in the library. It is obvious these guys have been studying the early years of Hitler. This book is so anti-American that if this actually came to fruition America will make the old Soviet Union look tame. It is clear that these guys are just a couple of nerds that have taken the game of Risk too far.
Rating:  Summary: 2 psychos Review: its amazaing to me how many people actually like and support this book and its derranged ideas. the authors blatant diregard into the administrations knowledge of 9/11 is obvious. its rediculous how the bush administration blocked, held back and pushed around the 9/11 investigation. why? what do they have to hide? what are they scared of? where is the truth? and would the id's and invasion of our basic privacy REALLY make a difference, especially if the government ALREADY knew about the 9/11 attacks before hand. they can lie all they want, that this is for our liberty, for our protection, but i, as well as ANY intelligent person with ANY knowledge of this screwed up governement, KNOWS that most of the stuff that is being spewed out to us from our government is a simply publicity stunt. what shocks me is that my fellow americans are willing to give up their basic rights of freedom to a handful of people who are at their own whim lie to us about the dangers that we're facing without showing ANY proof. and yes, i'm talking about the bush administration, which promised us 2.6 million jobs? which gave tax cuts to the rich, which undercut the medicare system, which ballooned the national deficit to the largest in the history of the country. yes, i would love to suppor this amazing goverment. give them MORE guns, MORE power, have them control our lives even MORE. if you want all that, then by all means, read the book and praise it until you're blue in the face
Rating:  Summary: It's a manual for disaster. Review: The authors of this book seem to think that we can win the war on terrorism by invading even more countries in the Middle East, ignoring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, abandoning our allies, and provoking a war with North Korea. They can't be serious? Unfortunately they are serious and they are in charge of our foreign policy. All Americans need to read this book if only to see why the Bush administration's foreign policy is leading us towards a disaster that will make 9/11 pale in comparison. That's not to say that Frum and Perle are wrong about everything. They are absolutely right when they say that we should sever ties with Saudi Arabia. However this is where they contradict themselves. How are we supposed to get OUT of the Middle East by invading more Middle Eastern countries? And their strategy for dealing with North Korea clearly shows that they have no clue what they are talking about. A blockade is an act of war. Sure we can blockade North Korea, but North Korea can just as easily start shelling South Korea and fire WMD armed missiles at our forces in South Korea and Japan causing 50,000 American casualties and close to a million Korean civilian casualties. Does this sound like a good idea to Frum and Perle? And what is to stop Iran from launching a massive state sponsored terrorist attack on the U.S. if we invade them? They have the capability to do it. Do we want more 9/11's? Likewise Frum and Perle are wrong about the nationwide ID card system. That isn't going to stop terrorists any more than the ridiculous color coded warning chart. How hard would it be for them to obtain forged ID's? Not very hard. And it wouldn't do anything to stop domestic terrorist like Timothy McVeigh. David Frum and Richard Perle are very, very wrong about almost everything they say in this book. An End to Evil should be a blueprint of what NOT to do.
Rating:  Summary: these guys are over the top Review: These guys are over the top -- more extreme views from the heart of the Neocon movement. Who knows what their agenda is, but it sure doesn't sound like the one I or my neighbors have. I find their views scary, to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Believe Negative Reviews Review: This book is fantastic. It shows the real vision that we need to have to be a winner in the War on Terror. I don't see how you could read this book and still believe that Operation Iraqi Freedom was not the right thing to do. Don't pay attention to other negative reviews of this book. Odds are most of them haven't even read it. They are merely against it in principle. After all, the truth hurts.
Rating:  Summary: it changed my life Review: This books great, I havent even read it and I can tell you about it so you dont have to read it, after all thats what the neo-cons would prefer - dont read just believe. You see America is great, it is hegemon because it's naturally better than other countries. As such it is our responsibility to wage a constant war on people who don't speak english. Dont worry there wont be any consequences. Oh and alliances, their bad, we dont need anyone to help, after all we dont want to be held back because someone does not agree with us. Terrorists- they're bad too, we should wage a war on them, no matter where: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea, France and Germany. Combating terrorism is more important than state sovereignty. God Bless America.
Rating:  Summary: Zero stars, actually Review: The purpose of this book is to convince Americans they are under attack from an enemy that can destroy them. Nonsense. The Islamic world of which they speak is so weak that all 22 of them have an economy less than the size of Spain. That's why an extremely small minority in them use terror, which is the weapon of weaklings. So, then, what is the real agenda of the authors? To use the US to conquer the Islamic world so Israel can expand its borders and be more secure. The authors are, to be, blunt, traitors to the United States. Frum's not even American; he's Canadian. This is a hysterical book, full of lies, and is a recipe for unending wars. None of which, I guarantee you, will be fought by the cowardly likes of Perle and Frum.