Rating:  Summary: Perle, Frum, Evil .... Review: When fanatics cloak themselves with dishonest patriotism, that is evil.This pathetic duo, look as evil as evil would. I hate to dignify their junk with a review, but you need to know the truth about their plan to bring america down a path that only they would benefit at the end. America is being led, or pushed to third world status by the combined effect of this advice, and the actions of their corporate cousins. Think about it for a second, Why would they care about the destruction of america's economy once they rule the world. We will export corn, soybean and wheat and working for walmart, once their combined plan is done.God save America my sweet sweet home.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly appalling Review: I tend to think that all books have some value. But I must say I have never been more appalled by a book as I am by this one. The authors' message is very clear: they believe it is the duty of the United States to go to war with half the world on behalf of Israel. In their view, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and any other nation expressing even the slightest displeasure with the State of Israel should be subdued militarily by the United States of America. After the utter debacle in Iraq (for which the likes of Perle and his like-minded cohort, Paul Wolfowitz, are largely to blame), one would think this sort of fanaticism would have faded from public view. But Perle and Frum have no shame in continuing to insist that the U.S. taxpayer spend hundreds of billions of dollars and the U.S. nation as a whole sacrifice the lives of countless U.S. soldiers so that the land Perle and Frum care about most, Israel, can be "secure." Again: abolsutely, positively appalling.
Rating:  Summary: an excellent, important book Review: Perle and Frum are very convincing - their work makes clear how confronting brutal regimes head-on, while difficult in the short term, will ultimately yield a safer, more just world. I found their discussion of North Korea's brutal dictatorship most convincing, and their "hardline" approach is very refreshing. I recommend their book to those who believe that, in life, the "hard right" is always preferable to the "easy wrong".
Rating:  Summary: Screed from an ignorant bigot Review: There is NO understanding in this bigoted polemic from the far right. Perle confuses his loyalties (Israel is assumed as primary in his loyalties. How many advisors to foreign governments and politicians are in the center of US power? The 'logic' is absurd for example apparently Jews killed in Argentina were cause for applying the Monroe Doctrine. And attacking Iraq must have been for Israel if this is representative of his thought.) Deserves negative stars. Appalling the level of dogma, ignorance, bias, blindness from this influential Bush advisor. This kind of thing and official support for it increase hatred of US policies and the US and increase the rate on injustices supported by US policies. Great recruiting for the extremes of the Right and Al Qaeda. Try Pat Buchanan's review in the Conservative for an interesting discussion at length.
Rating:  Summary: perpetual war is evil Review: Stop exporting our jobs. Stop fear mongering. Stop spying on the UN. Stop calling for endless serial war. When you do that we should be fine.
Rating:  Summary: A Great American Hero With Talk Show Gigs and Book Deals Review: Anyone who reads this book will appreciate how fortunate we are as Americans, to have a great man like Richard Perle in a position to promote and protect our interests. Perle has served admirably on the Pentagon Defense Policy Board for over 17 years. During his long tenure, Perle has established lucrative financial relationships with major defense contractors such as Boeing, and has used his high-profile Pentagon position to make a name for himself on the talk show circuit and to get his important and well-written books published. Perle is a great American who has used the system well to make himself rich and famous, and all patriotic Americans should applaud him. He was able to successfully implement a number of the visionary ideas presented in this highly insightful, thoroughly researched, objective book. As a ranking member of the Pentagon board with direct access to Don Rumsfeld and the President,Perle was a driving force in the US decision to attack Iraq under the false yet convincing premise of Iraq being an "imminent threat" to the US. Perle was also a major champion of a $20 billion Boeing contract with the US military. Although his failure to disclose the financial agreement between himself and Boeing, along with his countless other activities which led to unfair charges of conflict of interest, forced him to recently resign his Pentagon position, Perle will nonetheless be regarded by future historians as one of the greatest Americans who ever lived.
Rating:  Summary: An Appeal to the Hardline Review: This book is a solid common sense argument for taking the hardline in national defense. Regardless of your politics, it is worthy of a read. Frum sees multilateralism in this time as akin to the wacko appeasement policies of WWII. Poignant citations show that many of the nations most in support of multilateralism have something to be gained by thwarting resolute actions to eliminate terrorist cells and state sponsors (financial, national pride, UN influence etc.). Frum's examples of what is considered "moderate islam," his explanation of the titular differences of the political and active branches of terrorist organizations, the henous policies of terrorist states that are in many cases sponsored by the U.S. (Saudi Arabia, etc), and the advances in nuclear technology in Iran and North Korea are shocking indeed. Something horrible is definitely brewing. Proactive intervention is unavoidable. Frum takes aim at appologists, cowards, and multiculturalists that are blinded by pc dogma and allow evil to manifest. I am generally a moral relativist and unreligious but even I can agree that a lot of what is going on is EVIL. Multiculturalism is a good thing; changing the way young females in Finland dress so as to prevent extremist Muslim men from raping Finnish women at an alarming rate is hog wash. Saying the US is responsible for 911 because of our active sponsorship of Israel is blaiming the victim and vile. Regime change in the PLO, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, North Korea, the liberal media, Saudi Arabia, blind and cynical US leaders who are unconvinced and don't value life, Somalia, Nigeria, faculty that foment fashionable nonsense, Sierra Leone, Venezuela, Portland OR bongo drum leaders, Libya and France would be a good thing (just kidding about France). Frum's methods for diffusing the problem are generally viable albeit costly. I disagree with his suggestions that Syria and Iran should be properly invaded and North Korea should be blockaded. These regimes are more interested in self preservation than ideology promotion through overt terrorism. Kim Jong Il, for example, would be committing suicide if he were to kill anybody but his own people in a nuclear detonation. Even Kodhafi recognized the new dynamic and became compliant after the example of Sadaam Hussein's downfall. Then again, it is dangerous to rely on the reason of irrational leaders. These states, instead, should be allowed to whither through stringent economic sanctions, covert special forces assasinations of key instigators, and radio/tv/flyer blitzes of pro Western propoganda. Also, perhaps dissident groups inside these countries should be organized, covertly funded and trained by military experts. A new cleverly crafted worldwide pr blitz praising the will of oppressed young people living in oppression- a la Tianenman Square- could be implemented. China needs to enter the picture as a stalwart ally in the fight against terrorists in the East. Their impetus would be that their emerging economy could be derailed by Philipino and Indonesian cells destabilizing the region and possibly even attempting to proselytize Chinese citizens. This is another great book by Frum. I can't wait to read his book on the 70's. He is a very insightful clearheaded writer.
Rating:  Summary: Fight to Win or Else! Review: So-called "neo-cons" have taken their lumps over the past couple of years from the Washington punditry, from the left and from many others who have little or no idea what they stand for. In this new book, David Frum and Richard Perle set down on paper in straightforward easy to follow style, with unfailing logic, nothing less than a neo-conservative blueprint for a new American security doctrine in the age of Islamist fascist terror. I have read a number of reviews of this book and I must say at the outset that the critics seem to have read another book. Nowhere in these pages to Frum and Perle argue for non-ending war or the elimination of alliances or anything like that. Instead they make a rational cogent case for a robust and forward looking American security doctrine designed to protect the safety of Americans and not un-importantly, to make the world a better place as well. Frum and Perle begin by explaining in the most simple terms possible, just what the country is up against. We are not at war with a terrorist group but with an ideology. We cannot keep ourselves safe by killing or arresting terrorists (although this is vital). The authors show how tyrannies like Iraq and Iran and Syria use terrorism as a means of projecting power. It is indisputable that the threat of this kind of terror cannot end until the states that promote and enable terrorism as state policy are changed or ended. In the next section, Frum and Perle explain in the most cogent terms possible just why the Iraq War was justified. After describing the pitiable state of American intelligence services at home and abroad they set forth the failures of American foreign policy going back more than a dozen years. As one example, they single out the disastrous mixed signal given by a diplomat to Sadaam Hussein in 1990, leading him to believe he had an American green light to invade Kuwait. After describing the pretty pass America had reached by September 11, 2001, Frum and Perle set forth their comprehensive prescription for winning the war. The authors fret that the will to fight and to win has already been lost and they acknowledge that the only thing that can defeat us is loss of will. The book shows how the struggle is both physical and ideological. But most importantly, they show how it is not poverty but tyranny that breeds radical Islamism and terrorists willing to die to annihilate as many Americans as possible. The prescription for victory contains many components but it can be summed up with one word "robustness." Whether it is on the battlefield, at the diplomatic table or in the netherworld of ideas, Frum and Perle argue that the United States must fight to win. They argue succinctly that an America that promotes its interests to its friends and sets forth consequences to misbehavior by its foes will be an America that is successful. A great power should be respected by its friends and feared by its enemies. Critics who have argued that the book calls for the attack of country after country are lying. Only in the case of North Korea do the authors argue that the U.S. must prepare to attack the regime since they see NO chance of North Korea voluntarily giving up its nuclear weapons program. Even here, they hold out hope that the serious threat of a U.S. attack would lead China to intervene and force North Korea to eliminate its nuclear program. Frum and Perle have no illusions. They argue that a less insane Marxist dictatorship in North Korea that can be reasoned with is a perfectly acceptable short term alternative. Regarding Iran, Frum and Perle simply argue that we should fully and totally support the internal insurgents who seek to overthrow the Mullahs rather than attempt to engage so-called "moderates" who are not moderate at all. Regarding Saudi Arabia, they say that the U.S. should forcefully act to end Saudi support for Wahabiism by ultimately threatening to support a break away of the eastern Shiite portion of the Saudi territory where all the oil is located. Understand, they do not argue that this should happen, just that it should be threatened as a credible alternative to a Saudi change of heart. Other examples of how American statecraft should treat other nations abound. The common denominator in all the cases is that the United States should not allow itself to be rolled by its friends or its foes. Why should the United States kowtow to France when France has behaved like a rival not an ally? Why should the United States subvert its interests to a United Nations filled with tyrannies? Unfair critics will pick out individual quotations and worst case scenarios in the book to paint a picture of Frum and Perle as extremists. I do not think that any fair minded person reading this book can come away with that impression. Indeed, it is their critics who come off as the extremists. What do you call someone who continues to promote a course of action even when it is shown to be an abject failure? The book does not give an easy formula for victory. Indeed, the difficulty of the task is acknowledged over and over. But because a task is difficult does not make it wrong or unnecessary. Even if one does not agree with each and every assertion made by these men, it is undeniable that their argument is couched in reasoned language with logical point after point. The hysterical criticism is what frightens me. I recommend this book to anyone interested in statecraft and the war on terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: A Limerick for Perle & Frum Review: Oh joy, oh great delight! The end of all evil's in sight! Thanks to the gents Perle and Frum, The war against terror is won And we can all sleep soundly tonight!
Rating:  Summary: Trash, garbage and madness! Review: These two neoconservatives are neither conservative nor looking out for America's best interests. More exactly, they are warmongering rabid pro-Israeli liberals. The purpose of this book is a sorry attempt to drag America into a perpetual war to defend Israeli interests. Don't let their sophistry fool you. They have one overriding loyalty and one alone: the state of Israel. Someone needs to make it very clear to these two clowns that Israel's enemies aren't our enemies, and Islam isn't a threat to America. Islamic fundamentalism isn't being fomented by America's wealth or democracy but by Israeli continuing occupation of the W. Bank and Gaza. And sooner or later, Americans are going to wake up to that fact and stop supporting Israel's immoral apartheid state.