Rating:  Summary: Insights Galore! Review: Richard "P.D." Perle and David Frum have succeeded in creating the perfect work to guide the war on terror. Very insightful is their analysis on the psychological causes of the suicide bomber/terrorist: "Still, voluntary or not, the social and sexual frustration of unemployment may explain much of the fury that Muslim radicals...seize on emotionally intense distractions, like terrorism." (177) According to the authors the sexual frustration is caused by the cultural injunction against premarital sex and the deluge of internet porn emanating from Western servers, which obviously can only find an outlet in a suicide bombing. The authors admit in their dedication that the book was dashed off, but the use of bullet points, antiquated footnotes (reference marks only), and not even a cursory index hardly lends the text the depth or location within the world of books already parsing these issues. Instead, the book is intellectually sealed within the walls of the American Enterprise Institute.
Rating:  Summary: What makes a man a terrorist? Review: The problem with these two neo-con gentlemen from Washington is that they don' t know what they are writing about. Clearly, neither Perle nor Frum has ever spent much, if any, time in the countries where America-hating terrorists come from. The authors don't know their enemy, and their book fails to address the essential issue: what makes a man a terrorist? At the start of the Iraq war I asked Richard Perle in an interview if this war did not jeopardize our prospects of victory in the war on terror by making it easier for terrorist groups in the Middle East to recruit new angry fighters. Perle's stunning reply was that "I don't see why bringing freedom to the Iraqi people would inspire people to take up arms against the United States. Frankly, I don't see why our success in the war on terror is dependent on the goodwill of the Afghan or the Pakistani population." I only wish Perle and his co-author would meet a few of the angry young men I got to know in my many travels as a journalist in Iraq, Afghanistan, and several other countries in the Middle East and Central Asia. Just one example: a young Muslim man named Ahmed I met in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan in Central Asia. He had just been released from prison where "the guards beat me every day", as he told me. Ahmed is just one of the tens of thousands of political prisoners in Uzbekistan who are routinely tortured under the brutal dictatorship of Islam Karimov. Now, one would expect Perle to single out Uzbekistan as the country next in line for "liberation and democratic regime change", and Frum to add Uzbekistan to Bush's "axis of evil", wouldn't one? Alas, far from it! Karimov has become the Bush administration's favorite ally in the region as he has allowed thousands of US troops to be stationed on Uzbek soil. Despite its abysmal human rights record, Washington paid last year paid the Karimov regime a whopping $500 million in aid. "Aren't you glad that American troops are in your country?", I asked Ahmed. "Why should I be? They don't help us, the people, but only the government that had me tortured. I hate America." Like many Central Asians, Ahmed believed that the Bush administration was using the war on terror as an excuse to further American oil interests in the region. Is it a surprise that Ahmed and countless other young men, disgusted by the United States' cynical alliances with their corrupt despots, increasingly embrace anti-Americanism and militant Islam? Sadly, Perle and Frum, from their limited Beltway viewpoint, fail to address this core issue. They simply got it wrong. -- Lutz Kleveman, author of "The New Great Game: Blood and Oil in Central Asia" (www.newgreatgame.com)
Rating:  Summary: A guide to victory Review: Perle and Frum bring fresh thought and brave new ideas for a post 9/11 world. Indeed Iran and Syria must be confronted because they aid and abet terrorist organizations. (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah being the primary ones) The U.S. is not looking to press its hegemony in the Middle East, but rather to achieve maximum security in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. This is the War on Terror after all, and the easy way cannot be taken as it is astutely mentioned in this book. If liberals care to be reactive rather than proactive, the likelihood of the U.S. suffering an attack of equal or greater magnitude to that of 9/11 will rise astronomically.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read For Every American Review: Before you vote in 2004 for a president you need to read this book and understand what is at stake.
Rating:  Summary: They lack innovative thought .... Review: The ideas of David and Richard appear to be rationally presented - don't get fooled - these guys are selective in their analysis - meaning that you can sound rational and "prove" anything you like - provided you select those arguments, premises, etc, that stun the competition because they are so out of tune with reality. Its sad that they lack inventiveness - why do they resort to the same old beat-em-up tactics - dressed up in biased arguments designed to cheer on similar-minded loonies. Some of the reasons these guys are a waste - They believe that the "PATRIOT" acts are a Godsend - BUT - checks and balances are what make democracy succesful - weakening them with the "PATRIOT" acts will lead to bad times in USA - because they will eventually be abused by those in power - remember this when you are arrested for speaking out against President Dean - if the best idea coming from these guys (and our leaders) is to fight these terrorists with global military force - then we should fire them for a total lack of innovative thinking -- how dare they resort to methods that are proven to perpetuate rather than prevent conflicts. So why do I give 'em 2 stars? Some of their ideas about improving FBI, CIA have an interesting ring to them. They blew it - and they should be ashamed - by persisting on undermining those divinely inspired checks and balances which are the real defenders of democracy. Why don't we sell a philosophy of "diverse checks and balances combined with democracy" instead of "beat on everyone until those pesky terrorists disappear"? Answer = its something to do with bad neural wiring in the amygdala.
Rating:  Summary: The dawning of a new dark age? Review: This book has a similar theme to Mark Alexander's excellent book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age. Those who enjoyed David Frum and Richard Perle's book are sure to enjoy Mark's too. For it is insightful, thought-provoking, and very well written. I have watched David Frum and Richard Perle answer questions on this book on C-Span, too; in my opinion, they have a firm understanding of the difficulties that lie ahead of us in the West.
Rating:  Summary: A Cogent Analysis Review: This book occurs in the stream of a myriad of texts concerning the Post 9-11 world. Foremost among these prior to this book was Netanyahu's Fighting Terrorism. This book sits atop the heap in its very cogent analysis of the ways in which terror must be confronted, fought and finally crushed. Through separate chapters and many 'Items' this book weaves a web around the nature, practice and final end to modern terror. Libya, Saudi, Iran and North Korea are given special attention. The pacifists who want to surrender America to the Burkhaizers are condemned and their mission of giving in to evil is condemned. This book is a wonderful assessment written by two of America's foremost policy experts. However, lost from this are several key points. For instance; the authors do not thoroughly investigate other examples of how terror has been fought or defeated, where they should have analyzed Israel and Algeria's experiences. Also there is no real analysis of the role of Preemption in the war on terror, even though this policy has been inaugurated by Mr. Wolfowitz, a colleague of the authors. A good addition to any current events reading, you will not be disappointed. Probably the largest problem however is the title 'an end to evil'. There will always be evil and there will always be terrorists. This is why the book probably should have elaborated on how to actually crush terror while acknowledging that terror is something that will most likely go away. Nevertheless this remains he most current, most up-to-date insiders account of the current policy on terror and how that policy can be better implemented.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Review: Finally, two credible Authors who propose realism into Foriegn Policy and the end of Terror as a weapon of Radical Islam. This book must be read by all intelligent, serious people who are concerned about the future of Democracy and Modernity Worldwide.
Rating:  Summary: Looney 'Tunes' Review: I am rather conflicted about rating this book. I would love to give it a 0 stars - or one star for effort; however, I purchased (rather hypocritically I should add) the book knowing very well what to expect ..., this is an extremely useful book in understanding the current thinking at the White House, so much so it may serve as the best tool for Democrats to use against Pres. Bush in the forthcoming election. The very title is worthy of note, who other than the pre-teen child, who anxiously await Santa Clause every Christmas believes that evil is something that might be defeated, let alone terminated? Inside more of the same it's black or white style. Many reviewers have pointed out to the almost laughable - if it weren't so tragic - suggestions contained in the 'text'that Amewrica continue its Napoleonic campaign in Syria, Iran and even Cuba while treating France as an enemy. These strategies are outlined so clearly and decisively they will make those who won't cry from despair, laugh out loud as they enjoy the drunken stupor that is the best state to read this book in.... These observations are what make the book readable, and there are plenty of them to satisfy any taste (mostly Dracula's). Given the comments the distinguished authors and statesmen have to say about the State Department, this book should be a hot seller in diplomatic circles everywhere, where I'm sure it will become the subject of much amusement.
Rating:  Summary: unfortunate Review: Bold concepts but unfortunately will ultimately lead to the destruction of everything they are claiming to seek to protect. These two and everyone like them represent the worst kind of fanaticism and are a greater threat to the American way of life than those they are claiming to fight. Ideals and human nature cannot be pacified by the use of technology. Their policies would eventually lead to bankrupting America and most of the developed world along with it. What they say they are trying to stop has been around since the dawn of human history.