Rating:  Summary: Superb! Review: This book is an excellent primer on the correct method to prosecute the war on terror. Frum and Perle cogently and eloquently make the case that hard-line foreign policy renders America significantly safer than conventional soft-line foreign policy, that many in the Democratic party advocate, and Bush's predecessor practiced. Everyone, Americans and foreigners alike (I actually am Canadian), ought to read this book. It is an indispensable work that sets the record straight and dispels many myths perpetrated by the left. George W. Bush will lead the US to victory in the war on terror, and the free world will prevail!
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to the Bash Bush Blog! Review: That's what the other "reviews" here are all about. These posts have nothing to do with the content of the book and even less to do with its main thesis: that the most clear, present and dangerous ideology in the world today is anti-American, anti-Israeli terrorism; and that ideology is most dangerous because it is based solely on revenge, hatred, and a suicidal single-mindedness. Our enemy hates us more than they love life.The first battle in this struggle has yet to be won: namely the defeat of Anti-Americanism in America and the defeat of Anti-Westernism in the West. This book is an opening salvo against the fact that the media deck is stacked against the acceptance of the authors' hard-hitting and correct proposition. Don't buy it once; buy two and give one to a liberal.
Rating:  Summary: Does not make sense Review: The authors suggest that we can make friends out of the middle east states by making them into democracies. But then they claim that France, which is a democracy, is our enemy. If we can't get along with democratic france, would we get along any better with democratic Iraq and Syria? I don't think so.
Rating:  Summary: Simple-minded, but fun to read Review: These two fellows remind one of two other personalities who were extremely influential in the high and mighty places of Washington: Henry Morgenthau, US Treasury Secretary who was FDR's personal friend. In 1945 he advised the president to "pastoralize" Germany. FDR was sufficiently moved by the arguments of this best of friends to consent - only to wise up when his other advisers told him what this plan would mean (essentially, World War III in another generation). Truman would not even consider it. The other was General MacArthur, who advocated nuclear bombing Chinese civilians to win the Korean War. Truman did not like the man, but the general was very popular at home. Had MacArthur got his way, perhaps World War III would not have been far off (though it's unclear how far Stalin would have gone risking his own skin to save Mao's). In any case, it would haven been truly immoral to kill millions of innocent Chinese lives to keep a tiny little-known peninsula from going Red. Both Morgenthau and MacArthur were right-wing extremists who believed in force at all costs and under all circumstances regardless of consequences. My way or the highway. Take no prisoners. Go it alone. That was the thinking. Perle and Frum are the same, except that neither comes close to having the kind of private (in the case of Morgenthau) or public (in the case of MacArthur) influence that the old Jew and the old soldier had. The dangerous thing about these two clowns is that their views are widely shared by the so-called neo-Cons in the Pentagon, from Rumsfeld on down. And clearly, Bush Jr and Cheney are Reaganites, thus very similar to neo-Cons. (One also have a sneaky suspicion that the authors' uncompromising pro-Israel and anti-Arab stance may have something to do with them being Jewish themselves. Is being on Israel's side 100% of the time vis-a-vis the Arabs really in America's interests in the long run?) It's not that Perle and Frum taught the neo-Cons. It just happes that they articulate the same views held by the neo-Cons, who may or may not care for Perle and Frum. These two have appointed themselves to be their spokesmen. Everybody in the neo-Cons camp worship the same god though: Ronald Reagan. Their views are forcefully and intelligently argued in this book, though they represent only one side of the debate. It would be interesting to see what would happen if they are put into practice - interesting, but not necessarily good for America or for the world. The reason why Morgenthau and MacArthur are not missed today is that their advice would have been disastrous for Americans and not just foreigners. Is the new world so black and white as the one Reagan saw so correctly then? Or is it a little different now, so that a Reaganesque approach to foreign policy may backfire? Is America strong enough to persue its own interests without allies? Or is it because America is being abandoned by its allies that America must now watch out for itself alone? We'll see. This book provides clear answers to such questions. Whether you agree with the answers or not, they are at least clear.
Rating:  Summary: Sieg Heil - Hail Victory to Bush and Co Review: If you like violence unfounded ideas, hate, hate and more hate please read and believe this book. If you are a decent human being who believes that the pen is mightier than the sword you should read other things. The book is a huge collection of namecalling, insults, and ideas that can't be implemented, supported or proven. The only difference to "Mein Kampf" is that it is easier to read, has two authors and replaces German with American.
Rating:  Summary: It must be good! Review: Hey, if the leftist hate-mongers despise this book as much as they do, it must be good! Really, I've not seen extremist irrationality like there is on the conspiracy-theory-believing left right now since the anti-government, black-helicopter-and-U.N.-fearing-extremists on the right 8 years ago, after Reno burned those families in Waco. Yep, Bush in a cake-walk with 60%. Woohoo! Buying my copy today! "AL QAEDA FOR DEAN! If you were a terrorist, who would you vote for?"
Rating:  Summary: Scaring ! Review: Scaring, disgusting ... what crazy vision of the world ? Yes why not attack North korea, tomorrow Iran and finish by France (our old friend) ! Please don't vote for them. I think they're bipolar or insane .
Rating:  Summary: Childish and Irresponsible Review: As I read through the pages, I can't help but laugh at the childish ideas of the authors. Yet at the same time, I'm worried because they hold influences on US policy, as evidenced by how Bush Administration was able to offend just about every country in the world. I travelled frequently, and everyone told me, "We love Americans, but your government sucks!" Muslim population in the world is 1 Billion. To do anything suggested in the book is pure racism and totally against the great American values. I'm returning this book for a refund. It makes my house dirty.
Rating:  Summary: The Real Deal Review: Read this book, digest, understand and make a difference.
Rating:  Summary: How Much More Evidence do we Need.... Review: ...that an elite cabal of powerful interests has infiltrated and taken control of our government? They are so full of hubris that they are now working right out in the open. They come right out and tell us that they are going to change the country from a constitutional republic that respects individual rights, into a police state where neighbors spy on neighbors and everyone carries an identification card. They come right out and tell us that they have no use for international agreements or organizations designed to preserve the peace, and to provide fair and equitable treatment for nations large and small. These people are not conservatives. They are not "conserving" anything! They have a radical progressive agenda to turn the U.S. into an imperial power that caters primarily military and corporate interests. The only evil that needs to be ended is the evil that manifests in this book. Be judicious with your vote this November. It is not possible to overstate the importance of this upcoming election. We are deciding the course of world history in the 21st Century. We are deciding what kind of world we want our children to live in.