Rating:  Summary: Neo-conned America Review: Frum and Perleman are "neo-conservatives." The handle itself is a double lie, for there is nothing neo nor conservative about the pair. And the book title is a double disappointment, too... for it is sure that evil will be with us long after Frum and Perle have cooled... and that terror will still make headlines. But you have to admire the chutzpah of the two. In fewer than 300 pages, they not only tell how to rid the world of evil... which is a pretty tall order itself... but also how to re-organize both the mid- east and the U.S. State Department... and how to put the French in their place! ("The Daily Reckoning")
Rating:  Summary: A DOCUMENT OF WAR CRIMES BY WAR CRIMINALS Review: When the current Neo Conservative Bush administration gets toppled this November, it is folks like Frum and Perle who will have to answer to the International tribunals that will be held for the illegal Iraq war we are currently engaged in.In writing this book, Frum and Perle provide self-incriminating evidence as being the architects of policies that violate international laws, human rights and threaten to destabilize international relations on a monumental level. Their reckless and idiotic propositions to act unilaterally against possible threats will exacerbate the dangerous situations and conditions the Bush administration has put America and its citizens in the global arena. Their xenophobic and Orwellian notions on tighter immigration controls and National I.D. cards go against the very principles of what this country was founded on, that all men have the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
Rating:  Summary: Intelligent, realistic, fearless & true. Review: Finally, a recipe for success in the war on terror. Make no mistake about it- we are at war. It is a war unlike any that has been fought in the past- but is a war nonetheless. The enemies are real and they do want to kill us- in extremely large numbers if possible. These enemies are radical islamicists and they must be stopped. Perle and Frum show us that the goals of terrorists can only be fully achieved with the assistance of states. States like Iraq. And Saudi Arabia. And Syria. And Iran. The evidence presented by Frum and Perle is unimpeachable. These regimes support terror and will continue to do so if left undisturbed. We have seen the culmination of state supported terror from 1990 through the present- with the climax occurring on 9-11. 9-11 was not a unique event, but, rather, the culmination of years of terrorist attacks against America with responses (see, e.g., Clintons impotent cruise missle attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Sudan) that were so ineffectual that they only emboldened the terrorists and the regimes that supported them. In the mind of the terror regimes- only might makes right. The U.S. was viewed as a "paper tiger" prior to our invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, we see the effectiveness of the policies promoted by Frum & Perle. Libya voluntarily giving up it's WMD programs and ties to terror. Syria shaking in it's boots. The Saudis altering their anti-semitic and anti-western curricula and arresting terrorists by the 100s. Iran and N. Korea permitting unrestricted nuclear inspections. I can assure you that these radical changes in policy are not occurring in a vacuum, but are the result of the pre-emptive policies of deterrence lauded in this book. Read it. Learn it. Love it. When your narrow, ahistorical and self-hating liberal mind allows the light of truth and reason to enter, you will see that peace and freedom have a price, and unfortunately, that price is sometimes paid in blood. Bless our troops and the USA.
Rating:  Summary: Glass bubble policy Review: This book is an attempt to defend the onslaughtof critical thinkers and writers against the Bush administration's policies. The writers obviously view the world from their Washington glass bubble offices. Just one recommendation for anyone attempting to write on world affairs. Go live and work in another country before writing books that are "eyes wide shut".
Rating:  Summary: Sound Ideas But Too Much Recycled Information Review: I looked forward to this book because I'm on the same page as the authors--wanting to be proactive in the war against terrorism. But the book, full of logical, convincing, and coherent arguments, was for me and I suppose anyone who reads the newspapers, a bit redundant. It didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know regarding the Left's weak stance on terrorism and the various obstacles that our country faces as we try to protect ourselves. Anyone who reads a modicum of news will probably not learn anything new. However, it is an effective document that backs up its sources so that you can use it when arguing with people who disagree with you.
Rating:  Summary: An End To Evil Review: Richard Perleman is one the prime archetects of so-called preemptive war. He is one of the neocons who through the deceit of WMD got us into the mess in Iraq and prevented a full scale debate on the issue of preemptive war in the Congress prior to the war. Now he and Frum (i.e., Messrs. Doom & Gloom) are out making the rounds and shilling for the adminisstration's policies. Iraq has demonstrated that preemptive war just will not work. Yes, we have great weapons but wars still require men on the ground as we have found out in Iraq (how many dead, how many wounded). And Iraq was an "easy" war--a decimated army after the first Gulf War. A preemptive war policy should be fully debated in Congress. Also in my view it is terribly unjust to have such a policy without a draft--our volunteer army, the National Guard & the reserves have been stretched to the limit because of the misguided war in Iraq. How favorable will such a policy be if mommy's little boy and daddy's little girl are subject to a draft in order to effectuate a preemptive war policy. Should we take a poll. Perleman reminds me of the old professor in All Quiet on the Western Front sending young people off to war to fight for the fatherland. No, the only way to go in fighting the war on terror is to join with other nations. We don't have the money or the people to go it alone.
Rating:  Summary: Open your Eyes and Try to Use your Brain Review: This book is Propaganda! That's not information, that's uninformation!
Rating:  Summary: Mildly entertaining, pedestrian authorship Review: Regardless of party affiliation, a sophisticated reader will find the following in this latest Perle masterpiece: four typos; dozens of unsubstantiated claims; a perspective on terrorism that is blatantly one-sided and simplistic; five key errors relating to intelligence matters (NSA, DIA readers should easily spot these); and egregious omissions as to Perle's true corporate and quasi-governmental affiliations. Even if one ignores the biased perspectives, arguments presented by Perle represent literary mediocrity--at best a blue-collar manual to terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest treatise in the history of mankind Review: Frum and Perle have covered all the bases and present irrefutable evidence against all the rogue nations in the world that are stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and who are providing support to governments and organizations that carry out terrorist attacks. The most alarming allegations Frum and Perle make in their brilliant and disturbing book are those against their own country. They cite, in exhaustive and inarguable detail, the U.S. support of the Taliban, and essentially of Osama and his followers, during the Soviet war with Afghanistan. They also recount the huge military and economic support of the U.S. to Iraq, during the Iran-Iraq war. They accurately document the countless freindly meetings between US government officials and Iraqis, and even include photographs of Donald Rumsfeld and other high-ranking officials in the Reagan administration, shaking hands with Iraqi dictator Sadam Hussein. They also point out that, although all of the Sep 11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, those countries were never targeted for any pre-emptive" strike because of the oil situation and because they felt it would be too difficult to overthrow their governments. The authors claim that, in fact, the US continues to funnel money to these and other corrupt, anti-democratic, terrorist promoting nations, even while waging their valiant "war on terrorism". Perle and Frum conclude that Bush went after Afghanistan and Iraq because the military capabilities of these countries had been virtually destroyed through years war and US imposed sanctions, and this would make for a quick and easy victory. Their account of all the Geneva Convention and human rights violations which have been commited during the course of the present war were especially troubling. Although I found their suggestion that Bush must wage an all out war against the United States to root out all the evil-doers in the government to be tad bit hysterical, I must say that the research they put into this excellent chronicle is unparralled in the history of civilization.
Rating:  Summary: BOOK'S PLAN: SACRIFICE AMERICAN LIVES, SECURITY FOR ISRAEL Review: These men, both blatant Zionists whose main priority is Israel, suggest we go to war with the world so that Israel would be dominant in the Middle East. Not suprisingly, these men offer no end to the Palestinian plight. In these men's twisted world, countless lives of American soldiers not to mention civilians would be lost in a catastrophic battle that would ruin America's security forever. These extremists lied to get us into war with Iraq, so why would we start listening to them now?