Rating:  Summary: It's satire - BAD satire. Review: Satire, to be effective, must be broad enough to be obviously satirical. This isn't. I think it may have been Sam Goldwyn who said, "Satire is what closes Saturday night".
Rating:  Summary: The Rise of Fascism in America Review: The subject line should be the title of this book. This book demonstrates how Republicans are trying to turn our country into a radical fascist state. For instance, conservatives will impugn any liberal's patriotism any time they criticize this failed presidency. This was a Nazi tactic and the radical right (i.e. the American Taliban and the Mullahs Falwell and Robertson) of today have coopted it quite well. America is being taken back by our citizens in 2004 and GWB will be gone. Then, we can have a REAL national security plan and get our economy back on track so we can have the opportunity to live the American dream, getting rich.The simple fact is that George Bush has set many records as president: the most jobs lost since Herbert Hoover (another Republican with a great economic plan), the most corrupt and dishonest president since Richard Nixon (e.g. tax cuts go to the middle class, Iraq has tried to obtain uranium from Africa, we know for certain Iraq has WMD when his own intellgence said the opposite, energy companies writing an energy bill, plus drug and insurance companies writing a prescription drug bill), and the worst national security plan ever (e.g. the Iraq war has made our country weaker, recruiting many terrorists, taking our military away from fighting the war on terror to fighting GWB's political war, and setting the course for the new country, "The Islamic Republic of Iraq"). This presidential house of cards is falling down right now. This book just shows how out of touch the Republican party is with America. GWB does drive liberals crazy because he's such a failure, while conservatives just fall in line, like SS Guards. Both his economic and national security plans are keeping our economy from moving because we are NOT safe with him as president and his tax cuts are about as stimulating as his down-home homely wife. Being safe and making lots of money are the American Dream, but in George W. Bush's America, it's all about him doing anything to stay in power, regardless of the fact he's destroying our country. This book shows how delusional Republicans are.
Rating:  Summary: Response to "Witless Celebrity Bio." Review: I doubt that the author of this witless diatribe ever cast a vote for George W. Bush or any other Republican candidate for any office whatsoever. These intemperate comments could come only from one of the fanatic haters on the far left wing of the Democratic Party. John Podhoretz is a "preposterous clown," "one of those hard core propagandists who sees a chance to make a quick buck." If you can't answer your opponents arguments denigrate the man. It's called the ad hominim falacy - a favorite debating technique of the current crop of Democratic candidates and pundits. "The only point here is to cash in on the rubes out there --" This statement alone gives the author away as a card carrying member of the left wing of the Democratic Party. Who else would express such utter contempt for the average citizen? This attitude is absolutely typical of Leftist thinking everywhere. Its pedigree can be traced back to the master himself, Karl Marx, who had nothing but contempt for ordinary people, as opposed to self appointed pseudo-intellectuals like himself and his followers. "...this preposterous book." "Mr. Podhoritz is a propagandist, not a credible journalst." More of the same ad hominim falacy. Don't answer the argument. Pour contempt on the maker of the argument instead. This is what passes for logic among left wing Democrats. Regarding the President the writer, working himself into a state of near hysteria, denounces "the lies about the need for war, the lies about the economic recovery, the lies about his National Guard Service." Talk about propaganda! Josef Goebbles couldn't have done it better. But most of us "rubes" out here would appreciated it if the writer could at least be truthful about who he is and where he is coming from, instead of trying to con us by passing himself off as a disgruntled Bush supporter. An altogether disguting performance.
Rating:  Summary: Point Proven Review: I find it interesting that reviews are being written of a book just published ..... either the critics are reviewing something they haven't read, or are so afraid of it that they are lashing out in dreadful anticipation of the content. In either case, it seems the negative reviewers are proving the author's point - Bush is driving liberals insane (or perhaps the liberal label attracts the unstable mind?
Rating:  Summary: Witless Celebrity Bio. Review: I voted for Bush, stayed with him thru the run up to the Iraq war, and am now, like so many of my countrymen, appalled and angry at the way I, and my country have been deceived. This year, I will vote for the democrat -- the first member of my family to do so. I cannot take the dishonesty and the arrogance of this adminstration. So that is where I am coming from. I was given this book by my son in law, a democrat, who says he knows the author and thinks of him as a preposterous clown. The book is a paper thin hagigraphy -- plain silly. Bush is not a 'great president' by any stretch of the imagination. Mr Podhoretz is clearly one of those hard core propagandists who sees a chance to make a quick buck -- as the biographers of, say, Brittney Spears write breathlessly about their subject's superstardom. The fact that Brittney Spears is an untalented product of the hype merchants, the fact that Dubya is a failure, is beside the point. The only point here is to cash in on the rubes out there -- It is an obvious irony that this preposterous book would appear on the very week that it has all come crashing down on the president: the lies about the need for war; the lies about the economic recovery; the lies about his National Guard Service. Mr Podhoretz is a propagandist, not a credible journalist. And this book is unworthy of your money.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: John Podhoretz shows how George W. Bush has come into his own. He is assured a prominent place in history. Podhoretz shreds the crazy myths with logic and humor and will leave the reader in stitches.
Rating:  Summary: A Compelling Read Review: In this wonderfully written book, Mr. Podhoretz presents a forceful case in favor of President Bush's activist, audacious and precedent shattering presidency. Mr. Podhoretz, writing with great clarity, good humor and compelling logic, skillfully shows how the left's unbridled hatred of George W. Bush, the man, has caused it to undercut its own effectiveness. Forced to revert to little more than name-calling, the left seems beside itself each time President Bush is able to move his agenda forward - whether it be his sincere desire to wipe out AIDS in Africa by committing $15 billion to the task (something Clinton only talked about but never actually did), or by promoting true peace in the middle east by fostering democracy among the Arab countries, or by keeping his post 9/11 moral commitment to destroy terrorism against the United States, Mr. Bush just keeps moving forward, always doing what he believes is right. As Mr. Podhoretz points out, President Bush has successfully waged two wars through which he ousted two of the world's most barbaric regimes (something else Clinton claimed he wanted to do but never did), achieved two major tax cuts that the critics said would never pass, re-ignited an economy mired in a recession inherited from his predecessor, signed into law campaign finance reforms, education reforms (with the blessings of Ted Kennedy) and prescription drug benefits, and devised a politically feasible, morally Solomonic solution to the stem cell research conundrum. These would be quite remarkable achievements for any President after TWO full terms in office. They are absolutely astounding achievements for a President in office only 36 months - especially one who had to endure the political difficulties that he did surrounding the 2000 election. Yes, Mr. Podhoretz's sub-title, "How Dubya Became a Great President While Driving Liberals Insane," is correct. Win or lose in November, Mr. Bush has already secured a place in history among America's great presidents.
Rating:  Summary: Who are the real LIARS. Review: Just wondering where the first three reviews, none of which provide any substantial data from the book, got to read it when it's not due for publication for another two weeks. I think AMAZON should at least require that reviewers preview the book before writing about it! I've read reviews of this book in various publications all of which were glowing. I can't wait to get it and only then will I write a review, unlike the prevous reviewers!
Rating:  Summary: Pleasantly surprised Review: Until now, it seemed the anti-Bush crowd had all the big books out there. I thought "An End To Evil" would be the first good defense of Bush, but despite an impressive pedigree, it was too preachy and narrow in focus. I had low expectations for Bush Country, and did not much appreciate the subtitle. But after a few pages, I was hooked, and found myself blind-sided by an exceptional repudiation of Bush haters, leaving no anti-Bush charge unanswered. Liberals will not appreciate this book (especially the way "liberal" ends up being synonymous with "wrong"). They will be irked by almost every Bush-loving sentence. But they will be hard pressed to dispute anything this book says.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious! Review: This book is sheer comedy. Just look at the brief summary and you know that this book must be some kind of joke. I mean, who honestly can say with a straight face that Bush is a decent without breaking into unstoppable fits of laughter? If it isn't comedy, I mourn for this state of this country.