Rating:  Summary: Podhoretz scares Bush-haters! Review: A top-notch, five-star book w/out a doubt. Notice how much time someone has spent trying to bring down the well-deserved 5-stars on this customer review board. That says it all! No matter -- that cutsie ploy won't keep this book down. Podhoretz is on-target, debunking the anti-Dubya myths -- and illustrating over and over the strategic and tactical abilities of our straight-talking current President. (...). Great book!
Rating:  Summary: LOL Review: What is this...a joke? For ridiculous laughs I give this 5 stars, for the "true" assessment of the fine abilities of our current President I give it a generous "1" star.
Rating:  Summary: Living in a fantasy world Review: Mr. Podhoretz is a master at not telling the truth. In fact he is so good at publishing untruths he should join the Bush cabinet. Just by his claim that Bush is the best Presidential speaker he shows us that he has NEVER heard ANY other President speak. This book is just another heavily biased piece of propaganda filled with the delusions of a man who either has no idea of the kind of man Bush really is, or knows and wants to make sure we don't. Just another example of how our Grand Old Party has been taken over by extremists.
Rating:  Summary: Instructive Review: Whether one is for or against, which seems to be the modus operandi, books like this and the reviews they elicit are quite instructive about the relations between leaders and their subjects...and the media in between.Bush a great president? Well, in his own jumbled words, and now implicitly in JP's, he is after all the master of low expectations. I think Fidel Castro just about summed it up, the cherished Bush Country that is, at the recent economic conference in Havana, where he delivered half an hour of Bushisms, composed of half-wit wit, from the official podium. The insanity part attributed to US liberals here probably boils down to Bush nuggets like "more and more of our imports are coming from overseas," uttered while more and more US jobs are exported and the country is 7 trillion in the red. Anyways, it's your Enron Disneyland and you do as you please with it. I must, however, admit to reading tomes like this and watching related pundits (Hannity, Coulter and O'Reilly, to name a few) with a morbid fascination that has little to do with argumentative persuasion and more to do with laughs, a clinical interest in the human mind, and the literary ambitions of politics to cross genres.
Rating:  Summary: Left-wing Liberal Idiots Review: Before you say that (...)president is a liar and that he mislead the United States let us take a minute to review yours. President Clinton lied to the American people, [got physical] in the oval office, lied under oath, and failed twice to catch Usama bin Laden. That may not mean a thing to you LIBERALS, but to those who love this country with a passion, it means a lot. I would recommand this book and several others such as: Treason, Slander,Deliever us from Evil and Let Freedom Ring just to name a few. May GOD continue to Bless this Country and all of those who love it. Bush & Cheney 04
Rating:  Summary: Gross Journalistic Errors = "No Credibility" Vote Review: This book is a prime example of the minimal levels of accuracy and clarity found in many other books written from both the left and the right. But rather than make sweeping statements about the books contents, I wish to point out 2 gross factual errors and 2 major misleading statements which Podhoretz makes. Factual errors:(1)He states the Conference Board is "the business group that has somehow been assigned the official job of determining whether the economy is in recession. The Conference Board, located in New York City, publishes the Consumer Confidence Index. The National Bureau of Economic Research, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, calculates the recession figures. (2) He states that in 2003, "the economy's total output was somewhere around $16 trillion". The actual GDP figures for this period are actually "around" $10 trillion. That is a huge percentage error. Misleading statements:(1)He states that "in August 2001, every taxpaying household received a $300 rebate check". Tnis statement could be the poster child for misuse of statistics; first, he does not state whether this is the median or mean quantity of the universe of rebates, and second, the use of either quantity without further explanation results in the reader being misinformed about the vast differences in rebate amounts experienced by US taxpayers in this situation. (2) He states that "over the course of the 20-year period inaugurated by those (the Reagan) taxcuts, the economy as a whole nearly doubled in size from $5 trillion to $10 trillion". First, the figure contradicts the $16 trillion figure he stated before; and second, the statement implies that the Reagan tax cuts were somehow solely responsible for the results that followed, while in reality, that 20-year period included tax raises by both Reagan and Bush I and the tax policies of Bill Clinton. These four egregious examples of "journalistic license" occur within the space of only 6 pages; numerous other examples can be found throughout the book. And these occurred despite the author's acknowledgment of over 15 individuals who assisted him in writing this book. Let us put politics and philosophy aside for a moment. If someone told me they had read a book which mistated the US GDP by 60%, confused the Conference Board with the NBER, had grossly misused statistics, and stated that any tax cut was solely responsible for the economic results of 20 years in the future -- I would not read the book! Who is responsible for this sorry state of affairs - the author, his acknowledged supporters in writing the book, or the publisher who states on the dust jacket that the book "distinguishes itself by the force of its arguments and the clarity of its thought". Or are we readers most to blame - for not demanding more of all the people mentioned above.
Rating:  Summary: dubya is no great president Review: and your country is in really bad shape financially America. Unfoftunitly booting Dubya won't do a thing. The problems that make America suck are in all of its political/corporate leaders. The worst thing is most Americans denounce them while aspiring to become them. Go eat a burger in your suburban with 2 american flags on it, that ought to help.
Rating:  Summary: terrific book Review: A terrific, funny, intelligent book. Makes the dems look like what they are - a pack of fools.
Rating:  Summary: Question For The Last Reviewer. Review: Several reviews have described Mr Podhoretz as a founder of the Log Cabin Republicans. Is this the group of gay and lesbian homosexuals who have been pressuring President Bush on the Defense of Family Amendment? Does anyone know if Mr Podhoretz has attacked the President on this issue?
Rating:  Summary: interesting but unpersuasive Review: John Podhoretz, a founding member of the Log Cabin Republicans, is a funny guy but he gets it wrong in "Bush Country." Nobody can make Bush seem a "great" president.