Rating:  Summary: Another hate monger heard from Review: This is another in the long line of "literary" attempts to promote the cycle of mistrust among Americans. The conservatives hate the liberals, and the liberals hate the conservatives. Meanwhile media "stars" like Ms. Coulter just count their money as we become a little bit more contemptuous toward our neighbors. I will give her an extra star for having the faith that people will not one day get wise to this broad brush technique. She then may have to go out to survive in our world, as William F. Buckley she is not.
Rating:  Summary: A seminal work! Review: Unlike a lot of the reviewers, I actually bought the book instead of relying on what other people are saying about it to form my opinion.It's not a comfortable process discovering that what you've long believed about the past simply doesn't bear up under close scrutiny. What Ann Coulter has done is drag a lot of those old chestnuts of "common knowledge" out and place them under some pretty harsh light where they've been exposed as historical lies. Taken together, there was no better title for her book, and that's truly sad....
Rating:  Summary: Affirmation of News Bias Review: A hard hitting expose' of the bias that the media tries to impose upon the American Public. Only Herr Gobbels could exceed the slant that the mass media spins on the conservative viewpoint. Miss Coulter voices and documents what extremes the Liberals go to. What prompted me to write this review was the amazing vitriol of the negative reviews, Say what you will about the book it has struck a nerve among liberals, What's hilarious is that these negative reviews actually prove one Miss Coulters propositions! to slightly para-phrase the Bard "Me thinks they doth protest too much". The reason is of course that they want no dissent and panic whenever someone does speak up and has a viewpoint that counters their dogma. I prefer to think for myself!
Rating:  Summary: Historical Liberal Gaffes Exposed Review: A through and fully researched subject exposes the true nature of the modern liberal mindset. Too bad liberals don't read, a point for point rebuttal would be most entertaining. But then again 2 out of 3 educated democrats don't know what a bibliography is. Let the name calling and obfuscation begin!
Rating:  Summary: Don't trust her 'research' -- Do your own! Review: Is it just me, or can you envision Coulter during the Spanish Inquisition gleefully holding the iron poker over the flames? There is no middle ground with this... creature. You are either a martyred Saint (conservative) or an emissary of Satan (liberal). Her goal seems to be to pit one side against the other, to the point where both sides hate each other, and to me, that's either plain evil or psychotic. For all these reviewers who are saying things like: She does her research, Her views are well-documented, She backs up her arguments, etc. - I beg you: Do some research of your own. You'll find out that all those footnotes are meaningless. Look to the sources and you'll see that she takes things out of context or deliberately misinterprets them. And her 'facts' are often not facts. Watch her in interviews and you'll see that she always weasels out of answering a direct challenge and tries to distract the interviewer by going off on a hateful tirade against liberals (i.e., Satanists). I saw her on the Today Show (I think it was for the hate-book before this one) and Katie Couric confronted her with a well-documented falsehood that Coulter had presented as fact in her hate-book. Coulter kept trying to squirm off the hook but Couric kept after her. Coulter simply could not explain where she came up with this so-called information and kept trying to change the subject. If she was ever put before a legal prosecutor, she'd come out of it looking like ground beef. Anyhow - You conservatives out there? I don't hate you. Please don't hate us liberals - Despite what Coulter says, we are not evil. She is trying to cultivate hatred and none of us need that.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter continues scholarship of earlier works. Review: I first read Coulter in her 1998 High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton, Regnery. That proved to be the best work on the subject, thoroughly annotated, with a complete bibliography. It showed Coulter's legal training, and grounding in constitutional law. Her Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right, Crown, 2002, is in the tradition of the statistical compilation of Media Research Council. It confirms Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, Bernard Goldberg, Regnery, 2002; also explains the persecution of ABC-veteran Bob Zelnick for his Gore: A Political Life, Regnery, 1999. Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War On Terror is both torn from today's headlines and a righting of a half-century of liberal cant. How excellent to have M. Stanton Evans writing the editor of the Wall Street Journal in defense of Coulter vis a vis the so-called McCarthy "innocent victims". Evans as editor of the Indianapolis News debated Dr. Robert Risk of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union in 1964, and nothing's changed from the anti-American propaganda of that era's Left to this. The Venona Papers have proved Coulter's thesis. Perceptive writers have never been fooled by the pro-Soviet propaganda. John T. Flynn in his 1948 The Roosevelt Myth found nothing innocent in the agency of Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and Owen Lattimore. The communists scurry for cover when Coulter shines the light on them. I am very happy to have received this light from Amazon as a gift.
Rating:  Summary: Ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments Review: . If conservatives look to someone like Ann Coulter to be a leader in espousing their positions, then conservatism is worse off than I thought it was. Ron Radosh, one of the major sources that Ann footnotes, is considered one of most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era. This is what he had to say about Treason - "I am furious and upset about her book. I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments...." So much for "historically accurate" as so many of her fans seem to think this book is. .
Rating:  Summary: Funny and Damning Review: Liberals won't like this book. It wasn't written for them. It was written about them, and it's not very flattering. Ann Coulter attacks them where it hurts--with their own words. It's chockablock full of quotes from prominent liberals and liberal institutions (e.g. the New York Times). The result is both funny and damning. This is not a light read. The information is often upsetting. It's hard to believe that people really said or did these things. Even today some simply refuse to be convinced--the people for whom Alger Hiss will always be innocent regardless of the evidence. These folks are the OJ jury of the left, and Ann dispatches them effortlessly with her carefree wit. One quote from Treason is enough to give you a taste for the whole thing: "Jimmy Carter claimed to have been attacked by a giant swimming rabbit. That's really all you need to know about the Democrats."
Rating:  Summary: Averred, corroborated by the Liberal hysteria it has caused Review: As evidenced among these reviews, Liberals will say almost anything to discredit Ann Coulter's "Treason." Why? Because it is factual, well researched, and impeccably documented -- but mostly because it is so absolutely devastating to the shopworn artifices and dissembling that Liberals have cleverly substituted for truth and historical fact for well over half a century. Coulter's presentation of the real, unvarnished truth about the Liberal "McCarthyism" myth is itself worth many times the price of her book. "Treason" will open the eyes and mind of anyone earnestly seeking the truth and possessing a modicum of common sense and discernment. For thinking persons, "Treason" is a long overdue expose of Liberal treachery and self-serving obfuscation. For mind-numbed Liberal drones, "Treason" is enough to make them squeal like the pod people in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" upon being discovered. Note the reviews here penned by Liberals: ranging from wannabe intellectuals pretending to be "above it all" while sniffing at supposed stylistic and prosaic shortcomings of "Treason" to garden variety Liberal muckrakers spewing cheap insults, innuendo, and name-calling ... yet among them not a single specific challenge to the facts presented by Ms. Coulter in "Treason" (because they know that such an ill-advised challenge would not long stand). Thanks to the tenacity and audacity of Ann Coulter and numerous other relative newcomers like Mona Charen, Larry Elder, Tammy Bruce and Sean Hannity, the truth is finally emerging from the darkness imposed by decades of duplicitous Liberal lies, suppression, and domination of the press. "Treason" should serve as notice to Liberals that the cat is finally and completely out of the bag ... Squeal, Liberal pod people, squeal!