Rating:  Summary: This book and it's "author" should be burnt at the stake!! Review: Ann Coulter, you are the closest equivalent to a modern-day WITCH that I have ever seen!! SHAME ON YOU for publishing such HOCUS POCUS!!!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely (Awful) Review: It's nice to know that Ann Coulter can see right through the devious ideals of those who oppose George W. Bush. You're right, Ann, I despise the President not because of his failed economic policies and illegal war, I oppose him because I'm a traitor. Well, this traitor has two brothers who are US Army soldiers. Sorry, but George W. Bush's lite tenure as a pilot in the "champagne" unit of the National Guard doesn't make his sending my family members to Iraq right.Throughout this book, Coulter tries to defend the indefensible not through rational thought, but through childish name calling and accusations of treason. People didn't like Senator Joseph McCarthy attacking non-criminal Americans, branding them Communists and ruining their lives? They must be traitors. Don't like Richard Nixon, who is the only US President to resign, and did so after his criminal behavior was exposed? You must be a traitor. Think that George W. Bush shouldn't send American soldiers to fight and die in Iraq over faulty intelligence and mistruths? You are a traitor. Coulter needs to grow up, look at some solid facts, and enter the real world, where peoples lives are greatly affected by the poor decisions of these and other Republican disasters.
Rating:  Summary: A True American Spirit Review: What a GREAT book. It confirms what I always thought was true about the Liberal establishment. Increditable read. Thank goodness there are people such as Ann Coulter to pick up the banner for the conservatives against all this...coming from the liberals. What a refreshing book to read. Thank you Ann Coulter.
Rating:  Summary: People have to learn to vote on reality and not emotion! Review: Good grief! George W. Bush, an unelected President, and his deep-pocketed contributors have turned this country into a wasteland of despair and unemployment. Millions of high-tech jobs are flooding offshore as Bush and his legions of plutocrats sit by silently. When they are active, they are handing Halburton and Bechtel lucrative unbidded contracts , making up nonsense about nuclear threats and we end up with 150,000 American troops sacrificed as targets for ever holy jihader who wants to throw a grenade at them in Iraq. The entire nation sits like ducks waiting for a possible al quaida attack (at least so Bush tells us when he wants to pass a tax cut for people who don't need one) and the financially and morally bankrupt Bush Administratoin can't fund a real homeland security program because only the working class pay taxes anymore and half of 'em are out of work. And the doofuses here are worried about boogeyman liberals and deluding themselves that Coulter's fiction is worth paying for?!!! Surely they are joking. I don't notice Coulter writing very much about the now millions of chronically unemployed Republican voters who have lost their jobs and life savings. I suppose that wouldn't be very convenient.
Rating:  Summary: If you love VINEGAR this is the book for you! Review: I love a vinegar-based salad dressing, but who wants to drink a whole bottle straight?!? Likewise, I'm a strong conservative and I appreciate the author's intent in this work, but who wants to read 300+ pages of vinegar. Where Ms Colter is correct gets lost in the constant sarcasm and cynicism. Every good point in her book has a bitter after-taste. Do we really have to be so sour when we're right? Humility in victory is always admired, but you'll find none here. Instead, you find what could have been 300+ pages of sound perspective turned into 300+ pages of prideful prose. Though she describes some wretched people in her book, she over extends the reach of objectivity when attacking some (George C. Marshall comes to mind). It seems in her attempt to bring historical balance, Ms Colter lost her own, fell into a mire of ego, and then sullied her work with stainful and distracting smugness.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal Equals Democrat Equals Traitorous Behavior Review: If you believe the above equation, this book is for you! Ann Coulter manages in 355 endless pages to trash nearly everyone, meaning Democrats, who is to the left of Tom DeLay. This would be a scary book for someone with absolutely no knowledge of American politics and history of the past half century. Of course, there is a long tradition of polemical books from the liberal side of the plate too, such as Michael Moore's recent best seller "Stupid White Men" tirade and, earlier, Al Franken's "Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot." Moore's populist screed at least has the seasoning of humor; so did Franken's book, whose main objective was to note that Rush was someone "never in doubt, but often in error." Coulter, however, has no humor, except unintentional, in her screed. Come to think of it, she has little sense or knowledge of history either. But no matter. Polemical works are long on assertions, short on facts. As is typical in such books, Coulter picks and chooses the people who on "the left" fit her prescriptions for treasonous thoughts and acts. She leaves out large numbers, such as Truman, the Kennedy's, LBJ, and many other Democrats who reacted with force to North Korea's invasion in 1950, enacted the policy of containment, asked that we share burdens, bear costs to counter communism, and so on. Her hero is Senator Joe McCarthy, the noted hunter of Communists in government in the early 1950s who, finally, decided that instead of 205 or so commies in government, only one, the left-leaning scholar Owen Lattimore, was the key to it all. The irony with McCarthy's noisy efforts was that a scattering of communist-sympathizers did exist in several government agencies during the Second World War, nearly all of whom were little fish who by the time McCarthy launched his hunt were either out of government or had previously been identified by Elizabeth Bently and others in the immediate aftermath of WWII. Coulter also doesn't seem to realize that McCarthy's plunge into anti-communism was a grasp for headlines and power and in which quest he was highly successful for a few brief years. At last, even his colleagues had had enough and his Senate censure and his continued heavy drinking led to his early demise. An unanswered questions about this book and its author is: does she really believe all that writes and says, or is she, like Rush reportedly is in private, conservative but aware that he is essentially providing entertainment for his red-meat audience? If Ms. Coulter really believes all that she writes and says, then this book is scary.
Rating:  Summary: Vicious, extreme... and embarrasing Review: . Conservatism is far worse off than I thought it was, if conservatives are looking to someone like Ann Coulter to be a leader in championing their positions. One of the *MAJOR* sources for Ann Coulter's 'footnotes', Ron Radosh, is considered one of most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era. This is what Ron Radosh had to say about Ann Coulter's book Treason: "I am furious and upset about her book. I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments...." One would think that an author would be embarrassed and humiliated if one of their main sources totally disputes their writings. Wouldn't you? .
Rating:  Summary: It just left me feeling sad. Review: I am so proud to live in a country where everyone can express their opinions, even Ann Coulter. What saddens me is the hate in this book. It's not enough that she spouts fiction and distorts reality, but she has to be a hate monger. The religious right seem to love this book, but I ask you ... is name calling and spouting venom what we should cherish in these tough times? whether you agree with Bush, Coulter, Rush or Nader, can't we return to a world where people are civil to each other?
Rating:  Summary: Rehash of old concepts Review: While it may seem revolutionary to younger readers, this looks like merely an updated version of "Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice", which originally exposed the treasonist conspiracies of a group of people, only they were called something else back then. Any guesses? If you don't know,look it up. Unlike Ann Coulter, I'm not going to spoon-feed you opinions presented as the gospel. What bothers me is not Ann Coulter's hatred of half our political structure, but how often her fans refer to her rantings as indisputable facts. They're opinions, and they are very much disputable. Its everyone's right to agree with her, but several people sharing one thought doesn't make a fact, sometimes it does make a mob. My opinions expressed here are not intended as an attack on Coulter's political affiliation. I think both parties have faults (they're called politicians). I just hate to see people lining up to have someone else tell them what to think.
Rating:  Summary: Legally Blond: The Self-Righteous Review: More hate filled and anti-American ramblings from the Queen B. herself. Falls in the garbage with O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity and the other self-righteous crusaders who can't accept dissent or other opinions. Why must the Republicans, especially the Bush Administration, revision history to suit their agenda? Just because she is good lookin' doesn't mean she knows what she is talking about. If you can't think for yourself, are afraid of the minority, and like one party government along the lines of fascism, or you just like watching flies gather around fresh dung than this book is for you. Doesn't deserve a deeper review than this.