Rating:  Summary: Well researched and Eye Opening Review: I don't usually read books like this, and the only other one I have read is "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg (excellent, by the way), but I have to say I am very happy with my purchase and will probably go get Slander as well. This book shocked me, to say the least. I always knew where I stood, politically, but this book gave me the background to help me see exactly why events happened and where our country went wrong. However, I have to follow this statement by saying I am so proud of our country and our servicemen/women (and our president). They have done a fabulous job and they are responsible for helping us turn our country around into a country we can all, once again, take pride in. Anyway, back to the review: Coulter warns us that if we don't set the record straight in regards to McCarthy, we will see Ken Starr vilified in the same way. NO WAY will I stand by and let commu-liberals get away with saying Starr was only interested in Clinton's sex life! When a President lies, under oath mind you, he needs to be removed, IMHO. Starr interviewed people (as the independant counsel) to uncover whether or not slick Willy was lying. Had our esteemed president told the truth, no investigation would have been needed. But between his prolific sex life (even stooping to seduce a very young girl, I mean she was merely 20 when he charmed her into the oval office... if that had been my daughter... don't even get me started on that topic!) and his wife's shady business deals, this man was just begging to be impeached. Shoot, even his VP was involved in shady campaign financing and vote rigging in FL. But, Coulter warns Starr will be vilified and Clinton (along with Larry Flynt) will be hailed as "defenders of he constitution" AGGHHH! Totally worth the money! Of course you will have to buy it, because your library wont carry but one or two of them. Hillary's book, in our library has almost 200 copies. Ann Coulter has less than 20. No liberal conspiracy there, huh? Any wonder Hillary's book is doing well with libraries buying them by the truckload. Coulter is still doing awesome, and she doesn't have the elite buying up cases of this book, just mainstream America. Go get 'em Ann!
Rating:  Summary: Communist Voting Patterns Review: I love Ann's phrase, "All Muslims aren't terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim" After reading her book, Treason, I have to add. All Democrats aren't Communists, but for some reason, all Communists vote Democrat. I loved the book. I finally was able to read the other side of the story. I have lived my whole life thinking that McCarthy was a horrible person. It was wonderful to find out that the people he was investigating were actually communists. Ann should be gratified that she has eclipsed Hillary in the weekly sales. I think as word of mouth spreads, her sales will just keep improving. I have told my liberal friends that they can't be truly informed and objective unless they read Ann's book and that if they don't, I will refuse to debate with them about anything ever again because it is evident they don't want to know all the facts, just the convenient ones to their cause. Loved the book
Rating:  Summary: liberals accustomed to banalities need not apply Review: excellent book. coulter takes to task the hysterical left's obsession with, and demonization of, joseph mccarthy, and additionally develops cogent arguments regarding the left's solicitous desire to trivialize the extent of communist infiltration of the u.s. government during the 1940s and 1950s. coulter scores many points, in an extremely amusing and erudite fashion. methodically researched book. i recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: REBUTTAL Review: One of the more, shall we say, PATRIOTIC readers of this book asked one of us malicious and hateful liberals for a rebuttal. So... I would say to you, Mr. reviewer, and to you personally, Ms. Coulter, that your basic argument contain flaws in it, which are really really obvious. But here's the thing - they're only obvious to people who DON'T ALREADY AGREE WITH YOU! First of all, Ms. Coulter, I would suggest, if you haven't already, to take a look at a book by Thomas Hobbes called "Leviathan", for one particular section. He states that any serious inquiry or assertion must begin with a comprehensive set of definitions. Without a sturdy set of the terms you're going to be using, you can't expect to be taken seriously, can you? That being said... You say that liberals tend to side with "the enemies of the United States". Who are our enemies, Ms. Coulter? Who should we love, and who should we hate? You give us some examples. Stalinism seems a pretty easy fence to put yourself on either side of - come to think of it, so does terrorism. (Even though terrorism is the final weapon of the weak against the strong, it's just that no one dares to say something like that! That would be "treasonous"!) Are the French our "enemies"? If the UK gets a different leader and speaks against our oil interests, will they BECOME an enemy? If the world is more secure because of the war with Iraq, why does it seem decidedly INsecure? Maybe it's because of the constant threat and, even in the words of our government officials, INEVITABLE terrorist attacks on our country? McCarthy rounded up communists because of his tactics. There were Soviet spies in the government. THEREFORE: We should agree with the Bush administration. Sean Hannity wants a "war on liberalism", Ms. Coulter. Could you possibly, maybe next time you're quoting your book endlessly on Day Side with Linda Vester, explain why a civil war would be good for our country? We want to wage a WAR on liberalism just like we waged a WAR on another country because it made us more secure more secure because of the WAR and we will wage a WAR on terrorism and a WAR on drugs and a WAR on poverty until everything is flattened and simple because of the WAR War is becoming our way of life. But don't SAY so! That would be TREASONOUS!
Rating:  Summary: Truth In Treason Review: Even for a Conservative, Ann Coulter, at times, can seem really harsh, cold, and cruel. Yet, it seems in order to counter the foggy quagmire of the lies that are propogandized from the left, the only effective counter can be found in the truth, told with as much vehemence for the lies on the left as the bile that rises from the left against the truth of the right. While there are those who are rating this book very low, for obvious political reasons, they cannot counter her so-called "lies" with truth. The fact is: Ann Coulter is telling the truth and relating history as it actually happened. The left in this country spins the truth into such muck that it's hard to make any sense out of it. A rational mind and a consistent message of truth is what is needed in this country to counter the obsessive and maddening mindset of the left. They cannot be left to spin lies into "truths," where "is" means "maybe" depending on who you ask at the moment. Buy this book. The truth shall make you mad.
Rating:  Summary: THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK OF OUR TIME Review: I have had an awakening. Brought up in a liberal democratic household, I now realize that everything I have known to be true is wrong. I don't believe dems/libs have the best interest and safety of the United States as paramount in their minds... I believe that they only want power. Remember the celebrations when Clinton was elected in 1992? The favored quote was "We finally have the country back". Back from whom? I mean we all love America right? Just that our views may differ slightly? No, not true. They want the power. They slam the right in every way imaginable. Read this book if you're not afraid of the truth!
Rating:  Summary: Footnotes or endnotes? Review: Supporters of Ann Coulter are crowing about the "fact" that all of her "facts" are extensively footnoted. One reviewer here even challenges us to refute just one footnote. Well, refuting them all would be much easier than refuting just one because there are so many to choose from. First of all, if you were dumb enough like me to spend money on anything by Ann Couter, then you might have realized that her "footnotes" are actually more like "endnotes" and often don't match the source. There is very little history in this book, as one reviewer has claimed, and far too much hatred. Ann Coulter is a believer and she reports the "facts" that support her beliefs. Diatribe does not even begin to describe this [fluff].
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Ann! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Review: Excellent read! Lots of very interesting things from our history that are never reported in the mainstream press. Socialists and others who loathe America will also loathe this book. You should buy this book, if for no other reason than to pi$$ off the anti American left wing lunatics viewing this page. :) Very informative. Very entertaining. DEVASTATING to the modern socialist/democrat agenda. Thank you Ann...five stars!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hmmmmm...Sophistry. Review: This is a set of pre-thought "ideas" for people who think spouting this stuff makes them look intelligent. The ironic thing is that *they* are the ones most likely to lose jobs, money, and security because of this kind of book...what *else* is the reason for such propaganda? It makes those most likely to be hurt by the positions accept (even support) the very arguments that they wouldn't consent to if they really understood what was being said.
Rating:  Summary: Truth always comes out Review: Without the media spin, the last fifty years were far more interesting and dangerous than we ever imagined. Thoroughly documented - impossible to seriously deny.