Rating:  Summary: Myth-Slaughtering revelations Review: Ann Coulter so surgically disects the Left's misrepresentation of history that this becomes a very important read for any US citizen interested in the truth. Truth, yes because Coulter references and documents her conclusions meticulously.She changed my strong opinions on Joe McCarthy and George C. Marshall, totally reversing my long-held, and pseudo-researched opinions. While I still think Marshall was a great man, simply by choosing Eisenhower and NOT forcing himself and his deep naivety on the European war effort. His Plan nontheless gave Eurpoe the strenth and ability to recover so that countries like France and Germany can easily forget our sacrifices to bring them to their position today to turn on the US! Coulter is a brilliant scholar. She can hold-her-own with the best the Left has to offer. However, I do wish she would stay away from Bill Mayer.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointed in her latest work. Review: I am sort of a fan of Ann Coulter. I read her column, I find them interesting, insightful, and entertaining. Her latest book seems more like one long-winded column. Though many of her accusations are backed up by facts which are thoroughly footnoted, many are just potshots without merit. She does make some good points about rewriting history as it pertains to Senator McCarthy and the "Communist Witch Hunts", most of this book could easily be broken up into short column length reads. I did find this book more enjoyable when I decided to read each chapter as its own dissertation on a topic rather than try to consume the whole book as one grand idea. I expected more from Ann when I picked up this book. She is funny, smart, and has many great insights. This book unfortunately seems to fall way short of what she is truly capable of.
Rating:  Summary: Disgusting Review: I am outraged that a book like this is at all taken seriously. Ann Coulter is a conservative propagandist, concerned less with the truth and more with spreading her message of dissemination. I am a liberal; I am opposed to Bush and most of his agenda, and I was vehemenently opposed to the war in Iraq. It sickens me to think that this woman and people like her consider me the same as a terrorist, and if they had their way, would convict me of treason because I *didn't* want the U.S. to bomb a country that is over 50% children. People like this woman have a hard time distinguishing between Patriotism and Nationalism. Patriotism is loving your country enough to stand up and disagree if you have a problem. Nationalism is blindly following your country's leaders, not thinking for yourself, and shouting out at anyone who disagrees, calling them traitors. Call me many things - crazy, liberal, whatever - but DO NOT call me unpatriotic. I love America - which is precisely why I am disgusted with the current regime - because we're better than that. We have the potential to be so much greater than we are right now, and it sickens me that because of that, narrow-minded people like Ann Coulter brand me a traitor and terrorist. I support free speech more than just about anything, so of course Ms. Coulter has every right to write this book and publish it. But potential buyers please beware, and think twice before reading anything that brands half of America as traitors.
Rating:  Summary: Required reading in college Review: What a great history of politics - this book should be required reading in college courses. I recently bought a lot of books online, & ended up returning all but two. I kept this, and Make Every Girl Want You. Why? Because these were the only two that tell it like it is, instead of walking on eggshells. From McCarthy to Byrd, Clinton to Jesse Jackson, Coulter pulls no punches. Coulter has actually scared me into becoming more active in politics. It's amazing what goes on behind closed doors. I still can't believe what happened with Venona & the Russian spies during the Cold War of the 70's. This book will make you question the liberal's motives very deeply, although I don't think they're guilty of treason! Let's admit - the title is more of an attention-grabber than meant to imply that liberals really are guilty of treason (despite how seriously some of the reviewers are taking it!). Overall, Coulter has a great, honest style and this is a fantastic read.
Rating:  Summary: treason Review: The penalty for treason in the US is death. To say that people who have an opposing political view should be put to death is frightening but even more frightening are the people who will buy this book. Simply read the positive reviews of the book and you will understand why the US is in trouble.
Rating:  Summary: United we stand? Review: In an ad for this book in the "Human Events" she writes: ....liberals are either traitors or idiots ....What an insult to about half the citizens of the USA. Having read a few excerpts I decided not to waste my time on literature like this. Sorry Amazon ....
Rating:  Summary: Sad that "political discourse" has come to this. Review: Thomas Jefferson once said, "Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it." Sadly, the success of books such as this one, as well as the success of Ms. Coulter's career as a pundit/raving lunatic in general, casts doubt as to whether reason alone is up to the challenge.
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointing! Review: One of the worst books ever! She over generalizes and is simplistic in her thinking, this book is by far a waste of money! I bought it, read it and was so let down by it that I had to get a refund at the store.
Rating:  Summary: Oh Please... Review: Yes, there have been some serious excesses and bad judgements among the lefties. Looks like the Rosenbergs were guilty, Alger Hiss too. And so on. But Coulter is so unbelievably, unabashedly biased and one sided that she discredits herself to all but the most extreme Rush Limbaugh loving knuckleheads. This book even works as entertainment only if you can handle the poisonous extremes of her tone. She also routinely confuses the extreme left with the liberal democratic mainstream. This is like accusing the Republican mainstream of bombing abortion clinics, it's just poisonous and partisan and wrong. The extreme right is just as guilty of destructive foolishness, shortsightedness, and - yes - treason. For example, read Daniel Benjamin's book "The Age Of Sacred Terror". For all Clinton's many fault's, he was the first President to really understand the danger Bin Laden and Islamic extremism posed, and genuinely tried to raise the alarm and fight back. But the right was so interested in crippling him and had built such an elaborate apparatus to do so - Ann Coulter included - that all his moves were spun as a ploy to distract America from the scandals he was tangled in. After the 1998 embassy bombings in Africa, and Clinton's retalliatory strike, the Right just said he was "Wagging The Dog". If they'd put their war on Clinton aside, we could have began our war on Bin Laden three years earlier and perhaps forstalled 9-11. Treason is in the eyes of the beholder. Don't forget, Coulter is the one who famously said we should just take over Arab countries, [destroy] their leaders and convert them all to Christianity. There's a good American for you.
Rating:  Summary: The usual hateful rhetoric Review: This is nothing than the wet dream of the right, the essence of all their hateful, vile fantasies put to print, with no relation to reality whatsoever. Interesting reading just to see the abyss of where the "conservatives" (I put this in quotes because these so-called conservatives conserve nothing) want to lead the country.