Rating:  Summary: She's quite angry! Review: I was disappointed. Ms. Coulter's style is so angry and self-righteous that after a few pages I needed to stop reading. I expected somthing more thoughtful, less emotional. Coulter seems to think saying something in strong language makes it so. And I've recently read the her point about McCarthy and his patriotism completely overlooks his support for the SS when they came to trial after World War II.
Rating:  Summary: This book is for you! Review: This book is for you - that is if you are close-minded and enjoy making blind judgements with no factual basis. I love the United States. I am fascinated with our social and political history. A friend of mine who knows of my interest gave me a copy of this book. After reading this well written, yet poorly researched tome, I felt alienated and frustrated. This book is not a conservative-leaning discussion of the true history of the Democratic party, but the rant of an angry child. Grow up Ms. Coulter! I may not agree with every candidate from the Republican party or every belief set forth by the Republican platform but I LOVE this country. One thing Ms. Coulter does brilliantly is make me want to give to every independent and moderate Democrat campaign I can! So Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton committed treason because they were Democrats? I agree that Carter was not a very good President, but look at what he has done since leaving office. Habitat for Humanity is an organization that helps build low income housing in the neighborhoods where America needs it the most. Trying to make poor neighborhoods more family friendly - yeah, that sounds treasonous to me. Clinton was VERY American business friendly. He was the best thing to happen to SUVs and the American car companies since the 50s. He made a lot of mistakes. He ignored Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia and Hussein in the interest of being everyone's buddy. Plus, I hated that someone so smug seemed to be able to get away with anything. However, I do not believe that his Presidency could be called treasonous. In some ways, his sucking up to every other nation made America that much more powerful in its ability to influence the world. Joseph McCarthy? So by rooting out Hollywood writers and directors who time has shown had very little, if anything, to do with the Communist "plot," so to speak, he proved himself to love his country that much more? Finally, if the Republicans are so much better at coordinating and executing military action than the Democrats, than why are so many American men and women continuing to die in Iraq? I was initially against the war but I accepted it as something that was going to happen. Rather than continue to protest, I joined my friends in supporting the troups. I was proud the day Hussein's statue came down. But now we are in a never- ending war. If Clinton were still President, I bet Coulter would be on every news channel blasting him and his fellow Democrats. Rather than make intelligent arguments in order to open up a dialogue, Coulter prefers to copy Michael Moore and obnoxiously rant against any person who disagrees with her in order to sell more books. I, for one, will never purchase an Ann Coulter product, and I have warned my friends about this book.
Rating:  Summary: An insult to all Americans, no matter your political bias Review: Ann Coulter and Joseph McCarthey will share the same bed in hell. Though I am a true moderate, Coulter and her following have helped create an America intolerant of different points of view. To think differently is to be unpatriotic. This is an attitude that will only speed the decline of our great nation, as our diversity is what gives us strength. Coulter and her conservative brethren have become so scary that I had to remain anonymous for fear of my family's safety.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book, well-researched, and frightening. Review: A well-researched book into the history of liberal appeasement of dangerous countries and dictators, beginning with the post-war period and Joseph Stalin, continuing through Cold War years, and into the era of Middle East terrorism. It shows how little Liberals have understood dangers facing this country; and frightening to think what would be happening now if Liberals were in office. A MUST READ!
Rating:  Summary: Obvious for those who had learned history outside USA Review: Excellent source of historical facts for those interested in history, mind you not the one though in this country. As an immigrant who grew up behind an iron curtain I am surprised how little people over here know and how easily they can be misled. Whoever was against communist in former Eastern Europe knows that without Reagan and Polish pope we would still be forced to learn Russian at schools, our gross product would be going East and to join NATO or EU would be out of the wildest dreams. We could never understand why so easily The West gave up on all of us, now thanks to this book I have finally learned: Soviet spies. Why all US historians are insisting on something different? More over why US people believe them? That I have hard time to understand, but at least I have a mind which was educated somewhere else, so I can judge for myself given historical sources and Ann is giving loads of them. Just wonder how I will teach my kids to think for themselves in this country and what happened to people over here that they stopped thinking.
Rating:  Summary: The truth be told Review: Buy the book--you will not be disappointed. But I can think of some democrats that might be!
Rating:  Summary: You angry liberals really need to *read* this book! Review: Wow. When I started reading this book, I was struck by the strident tone (for example, "Everyone says liberals love America, too. No, they don't."). Pretty strong stuff. As I continued reading, I was amazed at the level of documentation for literally *all* her charges. Each chapter has about 60 or so footnotes. If you don't believe Coulter (and I know most of you low-rating reviewers don't), go check out the original source material. As described more completely in the other reviews; you can't read the recently revealed facts about the Cold War and *not* agree that Coulter is spot-on with her analysis. Ironically, Coulter describes this very behavior as common to liberals, who, when confronted by incontrovertible evidence, just scream louder. I wasn't alive in the 40's and early 50's, but I've seen enough of President Clinton's behavior to make it easy for me to believe this behavior isn't new. If you can put aside your liberal distaste for a few hours to actually *read* this book, you might learn something valuable.
Rating:  Summary: can I give zero stars? Review: Lies. Read Al Franken's new book. He puts her lies in perspective
Rating:  Summary: Coulter Smashes McCarthy Red-Scare Myth Like Glass ! Review: Miss Ann Coulter -- love her or hate her -- she speaks her mind and she has remarkable and provocative things to say. Treason is not the usual strictly regulated stuff. Treason made me think and question stuff I have always believed were true. After reading this book I found out that I believed lies unquestioningly such as McCarthy was a "monster" and "mean" either because I was brainwashed or because absolutely no one around me ever dared ask questions. Coulter's Treason has walloped the conventional-wisdom on "McCarthyism" so hard it can never hope to recover. Coulner advises that all of this should serve as a dire warning to America in its modern War on Terrorism. The facts were there all along for anyone to find and yet they remained uncovered for so long. Why did the liberal history-revisionists have so much success until now? Will we allow this to happen again? I will say of Ann Coulter's writing what J Edgar Hover said of McCarthy's hearings, "Thank God someone is doing it!"
Rating:  Summary: Maybe a good book for Stalin Review: I did not buy this book, but I did read most of it at the local bookstore. The mistakes and misuse of historical facts are outrageous!!! I would recommend anyone who reads this book to take some time, go the library and read other books. Even my strongest conservative friends found this book unreadable.