Rating:  Summary: Having diffirent beliefs than republicans is treason. Review: Oh my.The problem with Ann Coulter, is that her entire argument is that The Pledge of Alliance + The Flag + Strong National Defense = Patriotic, and that only by these standards can patriotism be judged. Appearantly, liberals "hate the flag" and are therefore are "commiting treason". And that liberals are constantly working against our country (I can only assume that by "our country" she means conservative ideology). She guages being patriotic as "writing a patriotic song" and "serving in world war 2". I doubt she's done either. (Though she does have an idea for such a song "Good-bye Walla Walla I'm off to Smash Allah") so being a patriot is promoting hate for the religion of others. If only I had known. So everybody, lets bust out our American flags, tanks, and hate for Islam, least we be call considered treasonists.
Rating:  Summary: Sad But True Review: Truly, its apparent how screwed up our nation is, at the hands of the liberal factions, attempting to destroy us from within. I say, the enemy is closer than Iraq, its here in our very own backyards, society, culture. For too long the liberal left has tried push forth their agenda of so called 'diversity first' and 'universal harmony' when in reality all they wish to accomplish is drive our culture into the earth, so as to appease the 'Radicals.' When did it become our fault for the mishaps of a dictatorship? When did it become our fault for the tragedy of Sept 11? When did it become our fault...to be American?
Rating:  Summary: Coulter tells it like it is Review: Notice those 1-star reviews...obviously some liberals realize that there are those who are on to their little game. They hate the truth and like one previous poster said, "the truth hurts." This book speaks volumnes about liberalism and how harmful it is. God bless Ann Coulter!
Rating:  Summary: Censorship? Never! Well....maybe..... Review: As I've grown older and a tad less idealistic than when I was, say, an undergraduate, I've chosen to read some conservative screeds to get a view of the proverbial other side. Some have had some merit. From some, I've gotten a useful idea or two. If I were to use the word here by which I describe Coulter to friends, Amazon wouldn't allow it on the screen. This is the most obvious balderdash I've ever set my eyes upon. I mean, there are some scholarly books that can bore you. Then there's the Rush Limbaugh-type stuff--you know, by a guy that has no credentials except his own radio program--that's written for the choir. This doesn't even ring up to either of those standards. She's like the Nazi propagandists who were looking for a skapegoat. She found it easily enough: the dreaded LIBERALS. The greatest irony is that Coulter is a greater danger than those she decries. Her perception of "liberty" is only for those who carry the same membership cards as she flaunts. Others are condemned. Where does a creature like her find a publisher? One star? Way too many....
Rating:  Summary: One-star reviewers didn't even read it-can they read? Review: I laugh at the one-star reviews. The authors or shall I say author because it seems to be the work of one semi-literate "hideous abortion", has so little mental acumen that he can only squeeze out one ridiculous sentence before he's intellectually spent. Ann Coulter is beautiful, brainy, and she has guts. Something that the liberal bleeding hearts lack. I love reading her columns because they are full of wit, insight, and a hilarious skewering of the powers that be. The liberal parasite class hates her work because she shines the light of reason and truth on them, and they skitter like roaches for cover.
Rating:  Summary: could not give 0 stars Review: Ann Coulter simply makes no sense whatsoever. Her arguments are filled with rage and obsessive-compulsive anti-liberalism. I'm myself neither liberal nor conservative. As such I can't see what her argument really is. If she's a republican, sure, so be it. But to put out a book which I would argue is as "slander"ous as she claims the left-leaning media is is nonsense. Sure she is half-way smart, and sure she makes some valid points. However, her over-zealous style, her irrational conversationalism, and some of her facts are dead wrong! Even if I were a conservative I would not read this book. Unless of course you're so full of yourself that you need to buy the book so that it can "agree" with your views.
Rating:  Summary: notice the comments by the left in their reviews? Review: it shows how close the book hit home, just as the book says you can see the left is still at it. reviews with just a curse word aimed at her, who cares about facts? we must destroy her! the book is a wonderful read, and every bit is so true, i have debated the left many times and what she says about them rings so true, i know all the tactics well, and like she says the left may work to change the past but we who were there know the truth. my father lived through most of the history in this book, and while he may have been a simpel farmer he remembers every event from the book and thus can vouch for it, and i have lived through some of it and can also vouch for some. it's rather scary to think about it all, but good to know, please buy this book and a copy for your friends, let the truth ring out!
Rating:  Summary: The bitter truth... Review: Unfortunately, one of things that we Liberals must all admit is that the good-looking people are usually right-wing people. Ann Coulter is a very attractive blonde woman, and it is my personal experience that attractive people, men or women, tend to be wealthy and conservative. Meanwhile, those of us on the left tend to be fat and unattractive ... like me. Looks are what it's all about today. My other observation -- borne out well by the contents of this book -- is that, when one is physically unattractive, you tend to have to work hard to get things in life; the beautiful people, on the other hand, tend to get things handed to them. Like Ann Coulter. And this is what -- I'm afraid -- clouds her judgement.
Rating:  Summary: Thumbs down from a conservative Review: There are of course strong arguments to support the conservative arguments on issues from defense policy, to personal responsibility, to economics. Unfortunately, Coulter is either not capable, or not interested in making them. She's mastered the art of grabbing headlines and selling books, and clearly has decided to disregard anything remotely resembling actual facts. Her reckless disregard for truth and resoned argument in favor of a ridiculous excuse for logic do damage to the very causes she claims to support. I can tell you from personal experience that behind closed doors even conservatives laugh at what she has so successfully sold as truth to the American public.
Rating:  Summary: You didn't read the book Review: Obviously, many of the reviewers did not read this book. They are simply trying to defend their beliefs and promote Al Franken. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but read the book first. I think Al Franken is a moron, but I did not review his new book because I have not read it. I don't agree with Ann Coulter that often, but she does make reasonable arguments. Al Franken attempts to win his readers over by attacking people more than the ideas they promote. Franken attacks Bill O'reilly (whom I can't stand. I am a member of the vicious SOB club) because he claims to be unbiased even though he is a registered Republican. I am a registered Democrat, yet I am far removed from that party. I did it so that I could vote in most local elections, because many times the only candidates are Democrats. That means nothing. At least Ann goes deeper in her arguments.