Rating:  Summary: Ann Shatters Another Liberal Myth Review: Once again, Ann refreshes the conservative reader with her wit and articulation. The Left has told the story so many times about mean and ruthless Joe McCarthy that even conservatives now believe it. Were there really communists in Hollywood? She presents her argument with details which cause the reader to pause and rethink the issue.
Rating:  Summary: truth is a triple edged sword Review: your side, their side, and what REALLY happened.Doesn't anyone else see how most of the reviews are either 1 star or 5 stars. Isn't that a clear demonstration of how NEITHER side is honest or accurate? Everyone has an agenda, even if they don't know it. Books like this only serve to show how hateful, narrow-minded and intolerant we all still are apparently. Stop it with these incessant petty battles with one another and LEAD OUR COUNTRY! Death to the two party system! They're both stagnate, just look at our last election.
Rating:  Summary: Kind of mean and stupid. Review: It is simple to attack what you can not comprehend. Simple to deride "liberalism." But I would offer that our country, founded by revolution and by liberals and some conservatives could not even imagine the (...)that Ann Spews... Don't by it, borrow it from the library or wait until it's on a sale rack if you must. Won't be long.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Dishonesty Review: I haven't been very political for a while, but recent events have piqued my interest. I have been an inactive Libertarian. That means I like the fiscal conservative aspects of the right but I also like the socially liberal aspects of the left. So I decided to take a look at the current crop of political books. After reading several chapters of this book, I have moved firmly into the left camp. Her shrill blaming of absolutely everything bad on liberals is absolutely ridiculous (it would be just as ridiculous to blame conservatives for everything). But she can't stop herself. I think she uses the 'liberal' about three or four times per page. After becoming a bit suspicious, I checked out some of her sources . . . and it turned out that she quoted a quote (thus mislabeling the true source), she inaccurately construed what was written, or she just plain made things up. For example, She complains about someone saying that there was "No Evidence!" for something . . and the quote in the footnote lists the person as saying "I have not seen any evidence of that." There is a big difference in those two . . . basically she equates an answer of "I don't know" with "No!" Big difference. Ann Coulter is just another huckster that has jumped on the Rush Limbaugh money train. It has become a cottage industry to make a lot of money by telling right-wing people what they want to hear. That 'Liberals' are all bad, the poor are just lazy, paying taxes is bad, being racist is OK, etc. It allows those people to feel better about themselves. So, if you want to feel better about your cold-hearted positions, buy this book . . . but be sure not to look behind the curtain because you'll see that it is all a sham.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter is Awesome Review: Another very insightful book by Ann Coulter! A must read
Rating:  Summary: The Truth can be painful! Review: After reading all the hateful remarks left in these reviews I just knew this would be a great book. Coulter is right on the mark. An excellent read! Coulter is not afraid of telling it like it is. Sometimes the truth can be very hard for some to except. This book is very insightful!
Rating:  Summary: Not a funny book. Review: I like America fine. I like what it stands for, and in theory it's a great place, but see, other countries don't wish they were like us, they're not jealous, they don't hate us because we're prosperous, they hate us because we're bigoted jerks who thing we have a right to step in everywhere we're not concerned. I have 6 exchange students in my school and a very close friend from the UK that will tell you just that. Whoever said we don't have the right to disagree with Bush, either? We were given the right to free speech and so here we all are using it! I have qualms with Bush. You complain about the Liberals complaining about nothing and and then you put Coulter on a pedistal like she's a having no rebuttal? I don't see you whining about much more than Liberals god and she's solving everyone's problems. Oh, yeah, that's right. She hates everyone who isn't Christian. My appologies. Basically, what I got from skimming her book on vacation was "if you think differently than I do, then you are commiting treason!" which brings to mind either the visualization of a godhead shaking a finger down at me or a self-centered child whining about not getting her way. Either way, she's bothersome and I don't like her book, so I therefore have the right to review it. My review: if you're a liberal and easily offended: DON'T. It will only make you angry. Seriously, people, if you want to know what he's up to on a daily basis to screw America further such as erode your civil rights, destroy foreign relations, give tax breaks to his corporate buddies, ban birth control, appease hateful homophobes and racists, kill the environment, kill Arab civilians, push his born-again Christian agenda down our throats, fuel terrorist hatred of the U.S., I suggest that if you want to keep up on these things, you should read a newspaper. And I suggest you read a British, French or German paper, because U.S. media isn't gonna tell you anything about what's really going on over here, since basically every newspaper in the U.S. is owned by right-wingers anyway, so you're only getting one sugar coated side about how everything will be ok in the end because....because, just don't ask questions.
Rating:  Summary: YAWN........... Review: I read this book because having seen AC on television and not understanding her, I was curious about how her mind worked. A few chapters in I realized that it did'nt work. This woman is not a profound thinker - She's a hack, there was not one original idea in this book, just a tired agenda poorly veiled in bad writing . As a proud republican I feel it is my duty to stand up and condemn these consrevofanatics posing as republicans - The republican party is for grownups Miss Coulter, go play with the other children.
Rating:  Summary: I'm mad as hell, Ann Review: My book about Ann Coulter is going to be called "Libel: Coulter's Lies About Liberals". How someone can blanketly name as traitors half the nation is beyond me. Saying they hate America, some of them serving their country in war, is horrible and irresponsible beyond words. This lady is a crackpot. Even the "National Review" dropped her s[i]ndicated column. She is going to laugh all the way to the bank, unfortunately. Don't subsidize hatred--don't buy Coulter's book. There are many others out there that shed light and not so much heat.
Rating:  Summary: Idiots like this make me lose my hope for the future. Review: I can't believe people this close-minded and hateful exist. Absolutely ridiculous.