Rating:  Summary: Ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments Review: .If conservatives truly look to someone like Ann Coulter to be a leader in championing their positions, then conservatism is worse off than I thought it was. I've noticed many reviewers claim this is a factual accounting of the McCarthy era. You might want to strongly reconsider that. One of the main sources that Ann footnotes is Ron Radosh. He is considered one of the most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era in great detail. He is apparently appalled by this book. This is what he had to say: "I am furious and upset about her book. I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments." Rather humiliating, wouldn't you say? .
Rating:  Summary: Hey libs, who was worse: Joe McCarthy or "Uncle Joe" Stalin? Review: I'm convinced that they believe the former to be the real bad guy. Let's see: Stalin murdered over 20 million people, which makes him every bit as evil as Hitler. McCarthy murdered no one. How many Hollywood movies have been made on the "horrors" of "McCarthyism" (a term invented by the American Communist Party) and blacklisting? (answer: several) How many have been made on the TRUE HORRORS of the Soviet Gulag, the Great Terror, the forced Ukrainian famine or other Soviet atrocities? (answer: ZERO!) The way the left has rewritten history is disgusting. They demonized McCarthy as some kind of evil despot for being a little overzealous in exposing traitors within the government while whitewashing the horrendous and bloody crimes of true tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. This book finally sets the record straight. McCarthy was more of a hero than a villain, and in spite of his mistakes and shortcomings, history has proven him right. With the revelations from the now declassified Venona files and the open Soviet archives how can this be denied any longer? The true villains were the treasonous swine who sided with one of the worst mass murderers in history against their own country: Alger Hiss, Lawrence Duggan, Harry Dexter White, Judith Coplon, Lauchlin Currie, William Remington and of course the Rosenbergs, who were rightly executed after aiding that bloodthirsty genocidal maniac "Uncle Joe" Stalin in acquiring his own atomic bomb. If these same people had sold America out to Hitler instead of Stalin, and McCarthy exposed them, we'd most likely be celebrating a National Joe McCarthy Day. In addition to this excellent book I would recommend the following: Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator by Arthur Herman In Denial: Historians, Communism, & Espionage by John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors by Herbert Romerstein, Eric Breindel Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million by Martin Amis
Rating:  Summary: Bash all you want, after you actually read it. Review: There are several reasons to read this book: You are a Conservative who enjoys a good laugh at the expense of liberals. You are a lifetime learner, always looking for another point of view and highly confident in your ability to check facts and make up your own mind. You are a "fashionable" Liberal and need to be able to say you read this book in order to chime in the next time others are bashing it. If you are a Conservative and are tired of being written off as a fascist nut every time you say taxes might already be high enough, you will enjoy this book. Coulter tends toward the shrill at times, lacking the warmth of P.J. O'Rourke perhaps but still fun to read. The liberal voice has inappropriately become the "voice of reason" in America and it takes a strong voice to be heard. Coulter steps up to The Mike ably. If you are curious to hear how someone could reasonably indict approximately half the country as traitors, you will find this book intriguing. Coulter does wave the Venona project (declassified Soviet cable intercepts showing many of those accused of spying for the Soviets were, in fact, spying for the Soviets) like the proverbial bloody shirt as though a single piece of evidence, introduced repeatedly can comprise an entire case. But this is a big piece of evidence that gives lie to decades worth of slued news reporting, academic work and commentary for which not a single retraction or correction has been offered. Some claim this book is factually suspect. I contend that all books are factually suspect for a properly skeptical student. Coulter may let her opinions sidle up a bit too close to statements presented as fact but her substantive points are booknoted and cited and offered in proper context. Read "Treason" and then make up your own mind. If you are a fashionable Liberal, a person who chooses your stated political orientation the way you choose your wardrobe, you should at least skim this book (or maybe just be seen with it.) Coulter's photo on the jacket, appearing to lean over the word "Treason" in giant red letters is meant to inspire discussion and (heaven forfend) serious thought. Get into an argument with your sister-in -law at Thanksgiving and rattle off every thing that's wrong with this book. But please try to say more than "she's just a female Rush Limbaugh." "Treason" gives Liberals a lot to answer for.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time Review: If your idea of a good time is bashing liberals, you may enjoy this book. If you require a certain level of intelligence and rational discourse this is not the book for you. Ann Coulter has a good time slamming all things liberal and elevating all things conservative [including Joe McCarthy]. If this were merely a long opinion piece it would be merely irritating to me, but she intends it to be a well documented and researched work, which it is not. All information is bent to fit the premise, which is apparently that all liberals hate America.
Rating:  Summary: Read and learn! Review: Read, (have a dictionary handy), and re-learn the "history" that was taught in our(liberal) schools. My eyes have been opened with this book, and I will be buying copies and sending to my friends and relatives! Go, Ann Coulter, GO!
Rating:  Summary: As usual Review: Coulter does what all small minded folks do when they can't make a case against the other side based on facts, understanding of the issues or knowledge of history - she calls them anti-American traitors. Her partisan hatred for liberals makes it impossible for her to interpret history in a way that is even remotely balanced or enlightening. The book is basically a treaty on the virtues of McCarthy. Coulter clearly hates liberals and in her mind all democrats are liberals and all liberals are traitors. Are you following this? It would seem that according to her world view, democrats can do nothing right and republicans can do nothing wrong. In fact on August 11th, in Brian Lamb's Booknotes interview Coulter even says, "There are no good Democrats." If what you want is a book full of slanted misguidance and outright lies, this is the book for you! To anyone who actually wants to understand history, her partisan bias will not do. One cannot point to Clinton's failure to retaliate for the deaths of 17 troops on the USS Cole without also acknowledging that Bush did nothing different when he took office just a few weeks later, or that in 1983 Coulter's hero, Ronald Regan did nothing to counter the attacks in Beruit that killed 241 Marines. But for some reason that doesn't make him a traitor in Coulter's eyes. From some of her hero worship on page 190 "Liberals said Reagan was dangerous and his rhetoric scary. They ridiculed him as an idiot for believing the Soviet Union could be toppled. They opposed him on every front -- strengthening the military, aiding and arming anti-Communist rebels around the world, invading Grenada, preparing to win a nuclear war, building a nuclear shield, and waging a spiritual crusade against Soviet totalitarianism. Reagan said the Soviet Union was an evil empire and we would prevail. He called the ball, the shot, and the pocket, and he won the game. But now we're supposed to believe he was lucky. Liberals lie about Reagan's victory because when Reagan won the Cold War, he proved them wrong on everything they had done and said throughout the Cold War." On p. 264 we learn that: "There were precisely two groups of people who desperately wanted airport security to be browbeaten into giving suspicious passengers a pass: terrorists and Democrats." What? Ann even goes so far as to claim that God is "already on the liberals' blacklist." Don't waste your money on this nonsene and don't encourage this idiot, well, I only call her that because that is what she calls liberals and democrats in her books among other things, so I guess she doesn't mind the name calling thing.
Rating:  Summary: GOP Groupie Review: I read this book and it made me laughed. This book is so cartoonish, that it makes Anna Nicole Smith's tv show look legit. The most appalling thing about this book is she LIES like its nobody's business. Not only that, but alot conservatives don't even like her. Alot of them have blasted her and all her nonsense!! This book is shameful.
Rating:  Summary: Truth--written with comedy and terror Review: I just finished reading this book. It was hilarious and stimulating. Ann Coulter's book is heavily booknoted and I checked the sources via the net, when I could, and she was spot on. These folks who are name-calling on her are people who despise the truth. Here's some of the comedy: When the liberal press disparaged Sen. McCarthy for overblowing his war record (he was a tail gunner in the South Pacific--flew 11 missions and returned fire--this is a fact) Coulter said "...this from reporters who needed smelling salts for paper cuts." Then, she pulls up comedic quotes. During the Cold War there was all this talk about detente. Detente this and detente that. When Reagan ran for president in 76 he said Kissenger (under Ford) wanted too much detente and wasn't trying to win the Cold War. Reagan added: "Detente is something a farmer has with his turkey, until Thanksgiving." Coulter is a beautiful, nearly frail looking gal but you can see in her eyes a mischevious delight in turning the world liberals have tried to hide on its ear and showing it for everyone to see. She sets the record straight and is strong as an anyone I've heard with her intellect and recall power for facts and info. She has footnotes too. She backs it up. She does it with comedy. Look, we nearly lost the world to communism during the Cold War and treachery eagerly helped along by despicable characters in our own country. Don't be afraid of the truth. (About 1/4 of the footnotes are from the NY Times! That bastion of liberal thinking!--So it can't be full of that many lies now, can it?) Read it and learn. Read it and see that McCarthy was a great man, and Harvard scoundrels like Alger Hiss were treasonous SOB's.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, the truth comes out. Review: I have to admit I never realized the truth about Senator Joe McCarthy. Virtually all of the press and "history" of Senator McCarthy portrays him as a callous, reckless, right-wing "crazy" who persecuted innocent people for no apparent reason. Coulter does an excellent job explaining that his real focus was to weed out communists in the government, not to persecute actors and others. While the media left no stone unturned and planted some of their own stones to discredit Senator McCarthy, he stayed focused on his mission to identify communists IN GOVERNMENT. It was interesting to learn that Joe McCarthy was the first person in his Irish farm family (Wisconsin I think) to graduate from high school. He was a big proponent of civil rights for blacks. His office was staffed with blacks, women, gays and other minorities in a time when this was considered very unusual. In fact, much of the media criticism of Senator McCarthy appears to have been directed to these associations. He was the object of much "gay bashing" even though he himself was not gay but had gay men on his staff. I'm in the middle of this book right now (audio version) and find every minute compelling. Highly recommend it to open-minded people.
Rating:  Summary: What a surprise - all bias and no substance Review: Ann Coulter continues to ride the anti-liberal train, spouting out senseless rhetoric about how un-patriotic liberals are. Blah blah blah, it's the same stuff she's written about before. Find a new song to sing lady, because this one is getting old.