Rating:  Summary: Who stole her lunch money as a kid? Review: Not sure why she is so vitriolic in her attacks. For someone who's had it fairly easy in life, she's sure bitter and angry about something. Maybe she wasn't homecoming queen or got picked last in dodge ball or something, but I just don't get it. It's 2003, Bush has lost 7 million jobs and lost all the international support and goodwill we had after 9/11, and all she can do is complain about Clinton. I tried reading this, but couldn't get through the first chapter. HEY ANN - OUR COUNTRY IS GREAT BECAUSE WE ARE ALLOWED TO QUESTION THE GOVERNMENT. Discouraging open discourse and debate is what is UNPATRIOTIC.
Rating:  Summary: Read it and THEN judge Review: Please do not get dissuaded from reading it by the ignorant attacks on the book and its author. Read it, and only then decide for yourself. Isn't that the American way? Despite all the fury on the left this book has caused, the FACTS it presents are undeniable. McCarthy was right; there were spies and people with strongly anti-American attitudes in the government, academia and media (nothing changed in the latter two, and the State Dept. leaves a lot to be desired). The Venona papers ? one of the greatest stories of the 20th century ? exposed the spies and exonerated McCarthy and his allies; yet the story never made it onto the first page of the New York Times. One simply cannot claim to know the history of 20th-century without being familiar with this follow-up to the Cold War. A short survey of my friends (well-educated, mostly liberal ? I live in San Francisco, after all) showed that no one had heard of the Venona papers. Harvard University (not exactly a conservative institution) published a study that estimated that Communism (1917-1990) caused the deaths of 100 million (!) people. There are no statistics as to the misery and despair it produced. And yet, there are still many people, a lot of them teaching America?s youth, who believe and claim that Communism was ? is ? just a quaint, idealistic, progressive ideology. It?s time to end this Big Lie. You should start by reading this book. Apart from being very interesting and important, it is also very well-written.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful, instructive, and disturbing page-turner Review: Have you ever heard of the Venona project (declassified in 1995 but hardly a mention from the New York Times)? Did you know that one of the most influential journalist/editorialist/McCarthy attack dogs (I.F. Stone) was a proven PAID SOVIET AGENT? Did you know that this same journalist was called a "modern Tom Paine -- as independent and incorruptible as they come?" by none other than Ralph Nader? Did you know that John F. Kennedy, in response to a speaker's comment that Harvard University was proud not to have created either Alger Hiss or Joe McCarthy, replied, "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot (McCarthy) with that of a traitor (Hiss)" Who knew that brother Bobby Kennedy held Sen. Joe McCarthy in such high esteem that he asked him to be godfather to his first born (Kathleen Kennedy Townsend)? Who growing up in the 1970s (or later) knew that McCarthy had NOTHING WHATEVER TO DO with the "House Un-American Activities Committee" (HUAC) or Hollywood blacklisting? (The hearings in the House of Representatives took place just as McCarthy was elected a different governmental body, the U.S. Senate). Who would have thunk that that paper of record, the New York Times, wrote that Joe McCarthy was a "moderate Republican" Senator in 1947, after the Hollywood blacklistings had already occurred? All of this and much more is revealed in Coulter's well-researched work documenting a seemingly incomprehensible conspiracy to protect Soviet spies and paid agents, operating freely within the highest levels of our institutions, at the expense of American foreign policy and ultimately, America's own security. Coulter makes a compelling and as-of-yet-unrefuted case about how Soviet spies were hidden and protected within the highest levels of our most important U.S. institutions. The book details how many powerful individuals conspired wittingly or unwittingly to help the Soviets gain military parity and even superiority with the West, who were then able to hold the world nuclear hostage for half a century. In addition, Coulter shows how the policy of communist appeasement (lead by prominent soviet-paid American communists masquerading as U.S. patriots) not only compromised American security but also contributed to Soviet and Asian (Chinese, North Vietnamese, etc) expansion and aggression manifesting itself in numerous political purges that ultimately cost 100 million innocent lives (according to a Harvard study) under repressive communist regimes during the post WWII era. Recommended for anyone wishing to understand critical developments following WWII that led up to Sino-Soviet expansion and brutality. While these events have been rewritten, minimized, and otherwise hidden by both textbooks and the mainstream press, Coulter exposes us directly to Red-scare period like no one else has in the past or maybe ever will in the future. This book should be read by any open minded individual wanting to acertain the truth for themselves. Although "liberal" partisans may feel the urge to launch vitriolic missiles at the messenger, the facts wrapped around Coulter's convincing thesis remain difficult to deny.
Rating:  Summary: in a nutshell: conservatives good, liberals bad Review: This woman don't like liberals or democrats. To synopsize, liberals are a bunch of amoral goons who promote terrorism, while the republicans are good christians who are trying to make life better for everyone around the world. She presents a lot of irrefutable facts here - for example, Clinton had a torture chamber installed in the white house and would subject his cohorts to weeks of punishment to ensure they did not squeal to the media about his affair with Lewinsky. Also, the story about Gore running a herion ring out of the white house was quite a revelation. Her claim that Hillary gunned down a bunch of old ladies at a Republican rally on the DC Mall was also new to me. But as some of the previous reviewers have noted, even if 0% of what she says is true, that is still enough to be totally outraged.
Rating:  Summary: More of the Great American Snit Review: Who ARE these people, and why do we care what they say? From left and right, liberal and conservative, we have so-called "commentators" sniping back and forth at the leanings of their opposites. With shouting, name-calling, brickbats and bazookas, the left and right are convinced that the other side is leading us to ruin, and that only THEY can explain to America (that's when we mortals get that "Wake up America!" directive) the real "truth". Oh my...such a racket. What a headache. Coulter is one of the loudest of the bunch, and who knows if she's on the level or not. Perhaps, somewhere in the bluster, there might be a germ of truth here and there, but with all the bombast in her presentation, it's hard to really tell. This is one righteously angry woman, though. I'll give this book one thing: it IS pretty funny, in a WWF-SmackDown sort of way. As for the message and the agenda...excuse me Ann, Al, Bill, Sean, Rush and the rest of you...I can figure this all out for myself, but thanks for trying to educate me on the "sins" of the left and the right. It's a shame you don't have enough faith in this country's citizens to get by without your commentary. Nor enough decency to make your points without all the noise and spitballs.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal Blindness Review: Without Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Joe Scarborough the truth would never be told... Thank God for Ann Coulter's books "Slander" and "Treason" and for Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough! Without them, I would go nuts. Ann is brilliant and eloquent in her writings. She not only tells the WHOLE truth, she does it in such a sarcastic way that liberals won't understand a word she says. Most of them are not educated enough, or just simply too blind, to understand and appreciate her book. And just to let the liberals know, she uses a lot of big words so you might need a dictionary...Ann tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth ... God Bless the U.S.A!
Rating:  Summary: Truth, Lies and Childishness Review: I'm a conservative. I liked this book. I found it to be truthful. However, I'm sick of the childish behavior of both republicans and democrats. It's amazing when you step out of the puff of dust and smoke surrounding the fight to look at it from a new view. Everyone is a 7 year old little kid saying "You're an idiot!" "No, you're the big fat idiot!" It's a wonder to me that you people (bitter republicans and dimwitted democrats) have any time to actually study the facts because you're all so caught up in the name calling game. So, who's going to run and tell their mommy first?
Rating:  Summary: Is this the Jamie Kennedy Experiment? Review: I read more that half of this nonsense before it occured to me that I must be on a hidden camera show. No, really. It's so bizarre that that must be the explaination. Any second someone will come in from the other room and show us where the camera is. It's an act. It must be. No one could possibly be so ugly and mean spirited. Could they?
Rating:  Summary: Love Her or Hate Her, but Get a Life Review: Most of the people reviewing this book need to get a life. Too angry, too strident, too righteous, too serious, or too biased. And that goes for both critics and worshipers alike. Personally the book is certainly as well written and researched as Al Franken's purports to be. And I will make one prediction: Those who love his book will hate hers and say it is all lies etc, and those who love her book will hate his and will say it is all lies etc. Neither book is the "Truth" so relax and enjoy the ride. As for the 5 stars well...any book written by someone as rightwing as AC, that has gotten soooo many leftwingers to buy it, certainly deserves 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Is she serious? Review: Well, well. I'm guessing most 1-2 star reviews here would be from democrats and liberals while conservatives and republicans will praise it to the top. You know, I have read this book almost to the end, and i find it simply ridiculous! I've never seen this much useless political bias based on nothing in my life! For Pete's sake she makes Mcarthy look like a good guy and everyone around him was an enemy of American people? WHAT!? She is the biggest bomb thrower I have seen. She just accused liberals of treason and teaching lies for 50 years based on what you ask? Based on her idea that since majority professors are liberals, and they re-wrote the history the way that fits them. At some points I was wondering, did she actually write this book for ratings and attention? I'm not going to read her junk again. The only reason she is on best seller list is that: 1. She is a bomb thrower. (No facts, but serious accusations based on personal beliefs) 2. She wants to make a controversial side so that conservatives will give her a pat on the back and read the book while liberals will read out of curiosity of what this retarded B**** has to say. If you want more or less balanced book, get Bill O'reilly's "NO SPIN ZONE". Even though he still appeals to conservatives, he is not down to the level of calling own people "enemies of USA".