Rating:  Summary: She and Michael Moore are two sides of a coin Review: Looking at a distance from England, Coulter and Moore are two sides of a coin. However, apparently, people who bought this book also bought CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS AND ISLAMIC RAGE (Zondervan, 2003), so I am not going to complain too much - except to say that the best way to make your case is to do so rationally and calmly, something alas that both Coulter on the right and Moore on the left seem to lack. Why not read EJ Dionne on the liberal side and Charles Krauthammer on the conservative side - both people who hold deeply to their views without in any way going over the top. Christopher Catherwood, author of CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS AND ISLAMIC RAGE (Zondervan, 2003)
Rating:  Summary: Honest, Inspiring, Impassioned Review: Ms.Coulter is an inspiration, whose courage is seen in too few political writers today. She is so right that liberals innately take sides against the USA, thus commiting treason. They will also try to invalidate that which threatens them. Ms.Coulter does her research and writes with impassioned conviction, honesty and a wit. I read Treason twice and it has expanded and deepened my knowledge. The woman has integrity and guts and we need her and others to present this vital aspect of the polital war. In summary, "Treason" is both a teaching and a learning tool designed to ignite reactions. On the lighter side, her chapter on the hollywood liberals was hilarious. Those who attack her personally instead of focusing on her ideas, are merely proving and strengthening her point!
Rating:  Summary: In denial about facts Review: This book is full of blame game and hate. She is in denial about most of the facts. The book is very predictable and every fact is twisted with an right winged agenda. Spare yourself from this hate filled book and a few bucks.
Rating:  Summary: blather from an empty-headed liar Review: A waste of your time, money, and energy needed to pick the book up. The only reason to complete the book is to study Coulter's lies before debating her on a talking head show.
Rating:  Summary: A History Book For The Modern Conservative Review: Treason is an important book. It outlines the anti-American behavior of liberals and Democrats for the last fifty years with stunning clarity and impressive factual evidence. Ms. Coulter has done her work; not one page goes by without footnotes pointing to some publication listed in her bibliography. Often times frightening, Treason is a realistic, and factual, look behind the scenes of history not taught to you in schools. Treason is a treasure trove of proven back-up in the war against liberal distortion of American history.
Rating:  Summary: More right-wing garbage Review: Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of this book. Never has someone used the facts (what there are of them in here), in a more selective and sinister way than this one. And, getting down to it, there are a lot of similarities between the way Coulter sees the world and how the Nazis saw it in the 30's. Not only is the book filled with vile hate, but it becomes monotonous after awhile, too, as the same vitrolic attacks are repeated time and again. Reading this book is like being trapped on the elevator with a goose-stepping fascist.
Rating:  Summary: Insightful Review: Offers a wonderful insight into the bizzare nature of modern American pop political discourse...at least from one side of the spectrum. I wouldn't call it "fact free" exactly; perhaps "fact neutral" says it all. Of course I couldn't give it five stars for that... since I doubt if Coulter's intention was to capture the zeitgeist so wonderfully. Oh dear...it's disheartening that this book will help set the tone for discussion about cold war politics. But let's face facts...historical truth and accuracy are not really on Coulter's agenda with this book. It's all about helping to destabilize the American left of today by slinging whatever mud is at hand (or she can manufacture). We all know that don't we? Please say yes... For a more useful (and accurate) study of the era try one of the historians who have spent their entire professional lives unravelling the primary sources. For a conservative approach try The Soviet World of American Communism by Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes and Kyrill M. Anderson or Richard Gid Powers' Not Without Honor: The History of American Anticommunism. It's pretty clear that many American liberals were fooling themselves about the nature of Stalinism...but then again many were not. The Cold War itself was more or less started by Democrats. There's a lot of worthwhile arguements to be made about this material and lessons to be learned... none of them are to found in this book. Please, just don't read this book and think you're doing history... By the way...the contemporary analysis is even worse.
Rating:  Summary: The Pony Has Varied Her Trick Review: Discerning readers of Coulter's writings have long known that she is a one-trick pony. The trick couldn't be more elementary: if it is liberal, it is bad. In this work Coulter has varied the trick: "bad" now means "treasonous." Her amusing and revisionist analysis of Joseph McCarthy is filler.
Rating:  Summary: Truth is hard to take - if you're a liberal Review: Coulter, unlike Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" and Franken's "Lies..." not only tells the truth but documents her sources. Liberals have a hard time with truth and the facts; they just don't know how to deal with either. Read the book - it is an eyeopener.
Rating:  Summary: Dumb Writing for Mean and Bitter People Review: Coulter's book tries to make a hero out of Joe McCarthy. Look forward to her next follow-up book where both Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin also get a "new, kinder look" and both F.D.R and Churchill are reviled as soft-hearted liberals, and the Holocast a "myth" of the Democrats. Contrary to the shrill cries of other right-wing reviewers, very little original research was done for this book, facts are mentioned selectively, and each word, down to it's last syllable, seemed to have been selected for maximum meanness. Coulter can villify Clinton as much as she wishes, but the facts remain, in the eight years he was in office, this country was more prosperous, had more peace, and was thought of far better around the world than it is now. It is mean people like Coulter, who apparently has never suffered a day in her right-wing life, that are the very essence of the words, "Ugly American." Give Coulter the kind of America that she and apparently many in this new administration seem to want and you will have Nazi Germany, where everyone is afraid to speak out, willingly gives up all their civil rights, falls immediately in line, and people's own natural bigotry eventually seems to outcast a segment of our population. Which segment that would be would be up for debate since Conservatives seem to hate everyone who isn't rich like them. And make no mistake, unless you are rich, there is no reason to support this agenda, because, when it comes down to it, they only care about the rich. That's right - not gun control, not defense, not even abortion, the rich... This book, like the Republican party in general, depends on it's audience being illiterate and little-read. Their whole goal is to keep people fighting among each other and to keep their class system intact. Some people are contrasting this book with Al Franken's book. A better analogy would be a book written back in the 1920's. Compare it to "Mein Kampf" and you will find the two have more than a little in common. This book is not America. If it is, the people who read and support it had best wake up and take a good look at themselves.