Rating:  Summary: Treason - A Skillful Treatise Review: In her typical superb style, Ann Coulter brilliantly captures the left's love of all things anti-American. It's high time someone pointed out the truth about traitor Alger Hiss and the wholesale lies perpetuated by the left about Joseph McCarthy. History, as reported by the leftist media, has forever skewed the facts surrounding those events. I know, I was there. Ann Coulter got it right.
Rating:  Summary: Sooo Lame Review: You know what lacks facts to back up claims? This horribly hateful book. What the crap was Coulter thinking when she wrote this filth? Was she on coke? Hardly anything she says is backed up with concrete facts, a la Michael Moore. If any of the idiot conservatives reading this book take the time to check and see if any of Coulter's claims are true, they will find that she is a filthy liar. Treason? Please. THIS BOOK is an act of treason against the U.S.A. If you insight into how the left thinks, try reading Moore, Franken, Said, or Chomsky. Coulter makes me laugh... how does she even get published?
Rating:  Summary: Was this book written by the RNC? Review: Please buy this book if you: ~ Plan on voting for Shrub ~ Do not believe woman should be allowed to vote or spend money ~ Support any conservative organizations.This book is another form of pandering to the right. Coulter is an opportunist who decided that ranting about her conservative views would be perfect for the post 9/11 world. Some of the views in this book are completely out of line. Spend your money for a better cause - donate to Kerry's campaign.
Rating:  Summary: Ignorance is bliss for liberals Review: My whole life I've avoided making sweeping statements about any one group. This book, however, is tempting me to conclude that Democrats are, in fact, rather stupid. The Conservatives I know make it a point to seek out all sides of a controversy or issue before coming to a conclusion, but it seems from reading these reviews, Liberals sit on their asses in front of the garbage offered on t.v., until someone comes up with a book that is guaranteed to reinforce their already written-in-stone views, and then they get wet pants over it. It's well documented that Coulter's 'facts' are factual and documented, but Democrats willfully turn a blind eye to that. I feel a bit bad concluding this but: Democrats are intellectually lacking. At least the ones who are creaming their pants over this obviously worthwhile and sound treatise. I dislike painting everyone with the same brush, but Franken certainly has no problem doing that. So why not allow myself to let off some steam and say, "Democrats do not have a lot going on, intellectually"?
Rating:  Summary: Good points made in a fun way. Review: You'll laugh until you cry.
Rating:  Summary: Ignorance can be the only explanation... Review: My whole life I've avoided making sweeping statements about any one group. This book, however, is tempting me to conclude that Republicans are, in fact, rather stupid. The liberals I know make it a point to seek out all sides of a controversy or issue before coming to a conclusion, but it seems from reading these reviews, Conservatives sit on their asses in front of the garbage offered on t.v., until someone comes up with a book that is guaranteed to reinforce their already written-in-stone views, and then they get wet pants over it. It's well documented that Coulter's 'facts' are erroneous and twisted, but Republicans willfully turn a blind eye to that. I feel a bit bad concluding this but: Republicans are intellectually lacking. At least the ones who are creaming their pants over this obviously worthless and unsound treatise. I dislike painting everyone with the same brush, but Coulter certainly has no problem doing that. So why not allow myself to let off some steam and say, "Republicans do not have a lot going on, intellectually"? And since I'm lowering myself to her level, let me add: For someone who from all reports considers herself a real babe -- Bitch, you're a horse-faced hag! And you lie about your age to boot!
Rating:  Summary: A sad, sad time in America Review: Reading this book made me very sad. If our national discourse on issues of the day has come down to demonizing opponents and name-calling, mixed with sweeping generalizations of bizarre proportions, then we have apparently thrown out any pretense of there being a rulebook. The last time I felt this way was about 15 years ago, when late-night television became peppered with "dial a bimbo" commercials. I thought the ads would disappear quickly, 'cuz nobody would be silly enough to pay $3 per minute to have a woman talk dirty to them on the phone. (Of course I was wrong.) A case in point is the author's glorification of Sen. Joe McCarthy, portrayed here as a fallen angel from a concerted attack by "liberals." That's not the way I remember it. The Junior Senator from Wisconsin successfully rode the anti-Communist wave for nearly four years (well after the FBI had cleaned up the real spy rings). Two factors were primary in his demise: television and Eisenhower. Once the American public got to see his performances on "See It Now" and the televised hearings, support eroded rapidly. The censure, however, was a direct result of his attacking President Eisenhower for being "soft on Communism," which was a ridiculous charge. That a book like this one can make it to the best-seller list says something is very wrong with the current state of American politics. The author also seems to have certain fixations. I kept expecting to hear her say: "I truly hate the rapist felon Clinton. But I get over it by masticating while looking doe-eyed at a picture of George Bush." Two stars for effort, none for content.
Rating:  Summary: Full of Lies? Prove it! Review: Here's some opportunities for those who claim Ann's book is full of lies to prove it. You say that: Alger Hiss was NOT a Soviet spy? PROVE IT! The Rosenbergs were NOT guilty? PROVE IT! The guy running the China policy for Truman WASN'T a Soviet spy? He DIDN'T steer US policy away from Chiang Kai-Shek and TOWARD Mao Tse-Tung? PROVE IT! You say NOBODY lost China? PROVE IT! Joe McCarthy DID head the HUAC investigations? PROVE IT! The Venona decrypts DON'T prove that Soviet agents were in highly placed positions in the US government? PROVE IT! The elitest left in this country DIDN'T suck up to communist regimes and make apologies for them while they were butchering up to 80 million people in the last century? PROVE IT! Ann Coulter already proved the OPPOSITE of all the above in her book. I look forward to quotes, footnotes and articles refuting her work, not reviews where people see how many clever ways they can say she's stupid for exposing how highly placed communists spies in the US government paralyzed American policy from 1946-1960 as Communism reached out to enslave half the world. And that is exactly what happened because of guys like Hiss. They worked for our government but their loyalties were in the advancement of a system totally anti-ethical to what America is all about. Not until Eisenhower got into the White House was a co-herent Cold War policy begun. We finally shook ourselves awake and drew a line in the sand in Korea after watching Eastern Europe, China and other countries dissapear behind the Iron Curtain. One of the biggest puzzles I always had about the post-WWII rapid, unchecked expansion of Communism was answered by Coulter's book. Why, I used to wonder, after the end of WWII, does America sit on it's butt and watch the Communists build up and then expand, doing nothing to really stop it? And now we know: The Soviets clawed their way up to SuperPower status in that time because they had highly placed agents in the FDR and Truman administrations that were 'guiding' American policy to where Stalin wanted it. Were there Soviet agents in key positions in the American government during the 1950's and if so, what impact did they have on our policies? THAT'S THE POINT. The facts say: YES. There were and they DID have an impact on our policies. If we found out later that the reason WWII lasted much longer and as a result many more of our soldiers died because of Nazi spies in our government steering policies in directions favorable to Hitler, what would your reaction be? Well suppose it's proven that the reason the Cold War lasted as long as it did, and millions lived without freedom and suffered and died was because some Communist spies in our government played key roles in steering policies in directions favorable to Stalin, what would your reaction be? To say I'm a jerk for pointing it out? There were Soviet spies in American government. They did use their positions with which they were entrusted to overthrow freedoms of foriegn countries and work against America's interests. And your pissed at Ann Coulter? I'm pissed at the spies. The liberal attempts at blaming the messenger is pathetic.
Rating:  Summary: It figures. Review: It figures, that one of the very few Right Wing Fanatics that is able to write would put out garbage like this. Why put out books like this when Republicans do not read? I must be honest, I could not read the entire book. It was like watching a Republicans child try to put a square peg in a round hole. She just keeps trying, but it's just never going to work. This book is mind numbing. Do not waste your time. Al Franken, in his book "Lies & The Lying Liars Who Tell Them" totally discredits this nut job anyway. With the aid of a few Harvard researchers he exposes her for the liar that she is. I am verrrrry sorry that I purchased this poo. Can I have a refund please?
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter should change her last name to Goebbels Review: This book is nothing more than pure propaganda. The only reason I chose to read it was due to some of the ridiculous things I have heard her say while on television. After hearing Ann say, and I kid you not, that women should not be allowed to vote... I had to see if the book was up to the challange. A woman who loved the McCarthy hearings. This woman should be the leader of the American Nazi Party. The book has entertainment value but lets face it that was not its intention.