Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: Don't believe the liberals who allegedly read Coulter's book. They're using Amazon.com's review area to push their political agenda without having read the book.After all, a book doesn't crack the Amazon.com top 100 sales ranking without being good...
Rating:  Summary: Truth, like cream, rises to the surface Review: I found Ms Coulter's book to be informative and provactice. In fact, I have made it required reading to my 11th grade US History students. Her arguments are solid, and they are backed up by credible sources. What this author has done is to reveal the true motives of the Left and use thier own words and ideology against them. Her stunning insight into the Left's hypocracy and self-serving policies are a welcomed relief from the endless Leftist blather offered by CNN, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, etc. I find it amusing that while the Left seethes at this book, it still outsells Michael Moore, Al Franken, and James Carville. Perhaps Middle America is sick on choking on Leftist lies.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter , PseudoIntellectualism and the New Right Review: In yet another attack on the "liberal" tradition in this country, Coulter continues her transparent right wing tirade on how only conservatives are the true American patriots.In Coulter's view anyone who has the audacity to question the interests of those who protect the wealthy,the Christian and Pro-Corporate ideologies is not only unpatriotic but a traitor. Who knows maybe she can shed some light as to who leaked Ambassador Wilson's wife's CIA cover on her next swing at writing? Maybe she can name the patriot who is willing to sell out an American serving her country as a means to intimidate anyone willing to criticize the policies of the Bush White House.Or perhaps how Iraq is being sold piecemeal to Halliburton and the companies owned by friends of the Bush White House who didn't even have to make bids to obtain the lucrative contracts. Something tells me Coulter would deem that as unpatriotic. From negating the witch hunt of McCarthysm to implying that Eisenhower in effect sold our country to the Soviet Union, this book will appeal to the shrill, the uninformed, the partisan and the ignorant. Writing an extended review of this book would be a waste of time. Coulter does prove one thing in her book, that even if you are a neoconsevative pseudo-intellectual, the US Constitution protects your right to ramble on for hundreds of pages about your idiotic point of view.
Rating:  Summary: More of the Same - Rank Partisan Claptrap Review: Another mostly worthless piece by conservatives' favorite dim bulb. As a conservative myself, I'm rather embarrassed to have someone like Coulter considered to be a shining star in the "movement." But, then again, her fans are the same ones that essentially told George Washington to stick his 200-year non-preemptive war ideas where the sun don't shine ... in favor of the neo-conservate experiment in benevolent hegemony. What has become of the world? Do words and ideas no longer have meaning? What's next? Liberals whining about budget deficits?
Rating:  Summary: The Next Round Review: This book gave Ann Coulter, a very intelligent and articulate woman, an opportunity to engage in the kind of discourse that, in a naughty kind of way, either entertains or irritates (or both) folks on opposite ends of the American political spectrum. While the reader will find a lot of information to support the author's contentions in support of anti-liberal causes, there also exist many ad hominem remarks and red herrings one would expect to find in well-written propaganda. But, let's face it. This book fills a niche in the war of words between the extreme left and extreme right within our adversarial political discourse as a nation. Ann is in true form and with every word and one can see that cute, mishievous smile that characterizes her on-camera presence as she with unremitting inpunity zings political pundits of the left. One cannot mistake Coulter's work as research simply because there is very little entertaining of the notion that she could be wrong about any of hundreds of assertions. Treason makes a case that paves the way for another round of discourse in the war of words between the political left and right, that folks like myself will probably read, if not to remember why we are so stauchly liberal or conservative (or in my case increasingly skeptical of both positions), but to amuse and entertain while waiting for the next diatribe from the left--of course, setting the stage for Coulter's next book. I can hardly wait.
Rating:  Summary: Facts are Facts Review: Anne Coulter uses the Venona project tapes to point by point factually show the penetration of the American Democratic Party and the American Government by Bolshevik Communist agents. This work would easily stand up in court (with possible exceptions for communist judges carefully appointed to key positions in the judiciary- but now that we know who they were/are I imagine that will change in the near future.) The less than 5 star rating shows that the enemy is at work to do anything to squelch the distribution of this book. Too late! We got the message. I am happy to hear that much more of the Venona tapes are being decoded and more will be revealed- with names, dates, and specific acts of treason to follow in future releases. Perhaps it's time to hear the word "Banish", "tar and feather", and "hanging's too good for them" in common American lingo again. I now can see how thoroughly our government was penetrated by foreign enemies, and why we were forced away from traditional American views and values to the evil called liberalism. We were betrayed by our own. I just can't imagine how domestic enemies of our Constitution and the American way can delude themselves into thinking they are progressive. But I sure do see some REAL PERSONAL accountability coming to those traitors as a result of this book. Good work Anne! Keep it up.
Rating:  Summary: Propaganda and Distortion Review: It is a sad day in American history when Ann Coulter's pure and unadulterated conveyor of propaganda- her latest book "Treason" becomes a bestseller and lucrative money maker for its author. Ann Coulter could give Goebbels himself a run for his money, and serves right now as propaganda minister for the American Right Wing, positively expert in the the art of specious distortion. With "Treason," Ann Coulter, a conservative, set out to write a book that attacks and lambasts liberals. She is an author who despises liberals, is not a liberal herself, and writes a book with a specific agenda of proving liberals' treasonous qualities. For this reason alone, "Treason" can not be read as a work of "true" or unbiased journalism. Additionally, time and time again, the author's own personal opinions come out in ways that are unsubstantiated, exaggerated, and illogical. There are literally hundreds of examples in this book, where Ann Coulter will present a string of arcane facts, and then promptly follow them with a blanket statement about "all liberals" that those facts simply do not support. Statements such as "Liberals Lie," "Leftists Monkeys think...", et cetera. At those points, the author is simply stating a distortion, and because she is saying it after a long series of facts, an unsavvy reader might take it to be a fact, when it is merely her unsubstantiated opinion. This mixture of fact and distortion with the intention to persuade is the actual, literary definition of propaganda. For this reason, "Treason" is a frightening book- not because it is anti-liberal, but because the methods the author employs are such pure and unapologetic propaganda. While the left wing could use a good critical self-examination, Ann Coulter is not the person to do it. All "liberals" should read this book to understand how deep the distortion of the far right wing really runs. The fact that "Treason" is a bestseller, and has made this author a millionaire should give all Americans pause that propaganda rides again as a dangerous and hate-filled threat.
Rating:  Summary: Extra-chromosome Review: I guess I am one of these "extra-chromosome" Right-wing, mouth-foaming Republican nut described by one kind and polite left-winger below. Perhaps that is why I read Treason and liked it immensely... Ann Coulter tells a little of the (sad) History of the American Left and provides tons of documents. Only the ones who want to deny don't see the truth in her words. A must read book! Milla (from fly-over country)
Rating:  Summary: Taking mendacity to a new level Review: Coulter is distinguished from the usual conservative crowd in that she's only one who ever says anything new. Of course, that's not much to be proud of, in that everything she says is so off-kilter that even mainstream Republicans are dumbfounded by her insidious nonsense. It's easy to dispute a good argument in that it has one crucial flaw; Ann's venom is miserably argued and so full of holes that it's impossible to know where to begin. Let's take the premise: that liberal "treason" is a taboo subject, as if it has been lying there, suppressed all this time, and that's why its truth hasn't taken hold. What a laugh! Conservative nutjobs like Coulter have been yammering those lies ever since their patriarch McCarthy's day. The reason it hasn't taken hold is that it doesn't hold water. Ann can pile accusation upon accusation, but she will never mount an argument against the basic fact that wanting America to cooperate with and lead the world is a much more sensible idea than conservative dogma, which has done little but isolate and hurt us. Making us a worldwide source of hatred and embarrassment is a lot more like treason than anything Ann could ever find on the Democrats.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book! It ROCKS!! Review: Ann is a beautiful and brilliant woman who knows exactly how to give the Left the whupping they deserve and shine the light of truth for the American people. When you read this book, you will be overcome both by rage over the leftists' treachery towards America and by pleasure over Ann's sarcastic wit at their expense. She documents her findings extremely well and presents them with utter courage. As you can see, there is a very large amount of negative reviews posted by those who want to discredit Ann. They are furious at her for telling the truth about the Left and want to give her a bad name, even though they can't disprove any of her facts. So ignore the 1-star reviews and read this book. I promise you won't be disappointed. You will get a very articulate, enjoyable expository tearing apart the Left. You will also understand why so many are desperate to discredit Ann. ANN COULTER FOREVER!!!