Rating:  Summary: What a piece of garbage.... Review: ...lady writes sloppy stuff....If only I could meet the people who bought this book so I could listen to their "facts". Oh brother, that would make my year hahahahaha....
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: I read the book because, even though I consider myself nether a liberal or a conservative, I like to get views from all sides and draw conclusions from my own research. This woman reminds me of the character in Donnie Darko that capitalized on people's fear. The hard line right wing stance was expected, this being Coulter and all. What I didn't expect was the wretched tone this book took. "Your mean, liberals" would have summed up the entire book. Coulter knows how to write. She has a vast vocabulary and she uses it well. To bad all she attains is schoolyard taunting.
Rating:  Summary: I feel sorry for you people who buy this piece of garbage Review: Hahaha, Why don't you morons who buy this book read the endnotes and check if they're factual. You can pick out 100 different things where she twists the facts, takes quotes out of context, or just flat out make things up. Why don't you buy Rush's book instead. At least it has SOME facts as opposed to this piece of garbage. Ann Coulter = Nutcase.
Rating:  Summary: Compelling, well written, and factual! Review: Ann Coulter has lived up to her reputation once again for being intelligent, factual, and with great ability to communicate difficult material in a very no-nonsense manner! She has backed up her conclusions with hard evidence that will make the left wing cringe once again! Her flair for writing and backing it up so well with hard evidence and research makes it both a great read, and an enlightening text that is instructive in many areas.If you care about America, you should read this book!
Rating:  Summary: I'm convinced Review: I'm impressed with Ann - her ability to twist the truth and ignore evidence she doesn't like is pretty impressive. She is remarkably good at screeching about everything "liberal" and all liberal people without providing a working on definition of who, in her mind is a liberal. She does a great job of insulting anybody who may, simply because they must be delusional, disagree with anything she believes. Unfortunately - she's just not a very good writer. When I started reading this book I was outraged that this could even be published, then it just got funny (it appears she puts Reagan slightly above God in her pantheon) then she finally convinced me (around the time she recommends just dropping a nuke on Iraq to solve the terrorist problem) - if being a traitor means that you believe the well being of the entire human race, and the future of the world, is more important then some American billionaires then I'd say she has made a very good case.
Rating:  Summary: Capitalizing on Tragedy - Divisive by Design Review: The expression "You only need to filter it one way because [effluent] can't swim upstream" was one of my grandfather's favorites, and although he was often misunderstood (most people thought he was speaking metaphorically, but as a Vice President of a waste management and treatment company for 20 years he usually meant it literally) the phrase carries quite a bit of weight, and seems apropos when addressing this little tome. I first heard of Ann Coulter during the fallout from her September 12th 2001 column when she stated that in responding to terrorists "we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Not being familiar with her "body of work" at the time, I chocked up her comments to those of a wack job, but after learning more about her, I came to the conclusion that these were the inflammatory comments from a cunning self-promoter, who apparently thought the deaths of 3000 of her fellow citizens was a perfect venue for increased name recognition. The fundamental flaw of this book (and unfortunately its intended selling point) is in it's inflammatory rhetoric that virtually prohibits any sort of dialog. One need not look any further then the preponderance of either 1's or 5's in the other reviews to determine that she in not changing a whole lot of opinions. Instead of provoking thought and discourse by bringing people together, books like this simply help galvanize opinions about what's wrong with the "other side", and push people so far apart that eventually they can't hear each other even if they wanted to. Her book also oversimplifies incredibly complex issues. In an age of limitless information, coupled with 55 hour workweeks and cross-town after- school carpools, much of the general public has been conditioned to expect their news in easy to digest thirty second stories. Context is often discarded for a good sound byte, and heaven forbid that a topic be discussed without a clearly defined black and white value judgment attached. When was the last time you heard the topic of arctic drilling addressed from a rational pro/con perspective for example? "Grey Areas" apparently are reserved for philosophers and sissies who don't have the moral backbone to take a stand on an issue. This problem has been exacerbated by the talking heads that the major news shows trot out to deliver obviously rehearsed and probably oft repeated banalities. The formula seems to be to distill and oversimplify an idea, then voice it loudly and authoritatively while giving it a distinctive ideological bent, and repeat. Then gather "ideas" together and put into book form. Oh yeah, and the more outrageous the idea the better; to paraphrase Goebbles, "the bigger the lie, and the more times you repeat it, the more acceptable it becomes". No doubt, most of Coulter's appeal rests on the fact that she is a bit of a hottie; a fact that she tacitly admitted when she stated that "I am emboldened by my looks to say things Republican men wouldn't." What do you think the average persons reaction would be if you learned that David Duke said that "Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave....We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males". Shocking? Stupid? Racist? Yep, and one more quote from Ann. The attitude present in her writing reminds me of one of those nerdy freshman girls in college who would crash a kegger, get totally ripped, and then talk nonsense to anyone within earshot. Invariably she'd end up making a public spectacle of herself, and then either leave in a crying jag, or be walking around in your roommates Dockers shirt the next morning asking what was for breakfast. The content of the book, at least in my mind, meanders the tributaries alongside my grandfather's "bread and butter" shall we say, and hopefully, eventually into the gulf of oblivion. One thing I did find kind of amusing was Amazon's book description describing this book as a "stunning follow-up". Sort of carries the same weight as when New Millennium Books President Michael Viner said that Jayson Blair "is one of the best writers in the country today." I forget, what ARE the signs of the coming Apocalypse?
Rating:  Summary: What A MORONIC Piece of Rabble-Rousing Claptrap! Review: This woman (I cannot call her a "lady" since she doesn't behave in a way that I see as ladylike) is angry, hysterical, vituperative and mean-spirited. She lies and distorts constantly throughout this book. It is clear that she wrote this for two reasons: to make a huge pile of money from the lunatic Right in this country and to stir up as much hatred as she could. She has poisoned the political discourse significantly and made it less likely that we can ever come to consensus about anything. Frankly, it sounds like bitchy bitchy bitchy screechings. Avoid this book like the plague. Actually, I read a copy that five friends chipped in for so we could share it and avoid giving her any more money than necessary. Then we disposed of it in a sanitary landfill. So should you.
Rating:  Summary: Great cover Review: This is the best cover of the year. I couldn't even past it to page 1.
Rating:  Summary: Refuting conventional wisdom Review: Have you have ever asked yourself, "Self, does our nation's elite love Power more than Principle? Moreover, to the extent that the elite retains any belief in the concept of nationhood, does our national sovereignty have any meaning for them or are they internationalist 'citizens of the world' paying fealty only to the United Nations?" Ann Coulter unequivocally answers these questions and more in her latest tome: Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to The War On Terrorism. If one picks only one book to read this year, Ms. Coulter's Treason must be a candidate. An attorney who has made a career in journalism, Ms. Coulter brings an unambiguous passion to historical truthtelling in both broadcast and print media-venues notoriously rife with political spin, distortions, outright fabrications, and confabulations. Treason, however, is shocking in as much as most of what one reads is diametrically opposed to the politically correct conventional wisdom emanating from such stalwarts of 'objective' journalism as the New York Times, ABC, CBS, and NBC. Notwithstanding a select group of conservatives who seem to hold a personal dislike for Ms. Coulter (complaining that she goes 'too far'), much of what she has to say rubs the usual coterie of talking heads the wrong way. Make no mistake about it, liberal opinion has held sway in America since the '60s. From Education to Hollywood, to National Defense and all subjects in between, 'received' opinion (that which everyone knows) has come from the left. And Ms. Coulter refutes these purveyors of 'received' opinion by heaping quotes, headlines, and historical fact upon their heads. 'Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: One for the bathroom Review: Well she's got conviction so she can have a star. Not an easy read: like being harangued by a kitten-heeled self righteous drunk. But if you just let it wash over you it can become genuinely amusing. However, it's hard to believe that such a fevered & maniacal rant passes for a contribution to contemporary discourse. Unsure why you all find her quite so scary when her MO is to wind you up. That said I am 3000 miles away. Thankfully. File under fiction-fantasy.