Rating:  Summary: The Facts Don't Lie Review: This book contains so many facts! It simply overwhelms the reader with facts we should all want to know. The liberals on the other hand with their "don't confuse me with the facts" approach to life, are simply baffled and confused. Liberals refuse to debate the facts, and resort to bashing those who present them. This book is brilliantly written and backed up with plain and simple truths. It is a must read for anyone who wants to know what the true liberal agenda is...
Rating:  Summary: Clinically insane author Review: This woman is over-the-top nuts. She's so biased and misinformed, that it's a genuine surprise that people take her work and opinions seriously.
Rating:  Summary: Full of Lies and misquotes by Miss Coulter Review: One example: In page 37 She qoutes Haynes and Klehr's book Venona: The communist party was "a fifth column working inside and against the United States in the Cold War"Well I happen to have the book Venona. Heres the full qoute: "To say that the CPUSA [communist party u.s.a] was nothing but a Soviet fifth column in the Cold War would be an exaggeration" This wasn't an honest mistake she intentionally misleads the reader and distorts the truth.
Rating:  Summary: More Liberal Heads on the Pikes at Traitors Gate Review: Yet another in the growing list of OWTTs (One Word Title Tomes) that expose the enemies of America for what they are: Traitors, liars, perverts, tyrants, despots, etc. Coulter once again shows how dangerous to leftist interests an educated woman can be who possesses a word processor and knows how to navigate Lexis Nexus. As always those who read Ann with an open mind give her four or five stars. Angry liberals will give her one star in a futile attempt to keep the undecided from reading her books. But Ann is irresistible, and I am continually amazed by the number of people who are stepping out of the darkness and turning on to the reasonableness of the conservative position. So let the increasingly irrelevant and hysterical "one star warriors" post their boilerplate reviews. History, reason, and the facts are out and the Treasonous Left senses their time grows short and their movement is spent. Treason is another nail in the left's coffin.
Rating:  Summary: Opinions are not always Fact Review: I am conservative in some things, but as a former teacher, I feel that we didn't do a good job teaching the difference between fact and opinion as many of the reviews of this book show. But I am most appalled that Eric from Texas, a HS history teacher, has made this biased, opinionated book required reading for his class! I would feel the same way if a teacher required Franken's book without a requirement from the other side! As a parent, I would be down in that school office immediately.
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Treason is a brilliant book by an outstanding political author. It exposes what was really going on in the 20th Century, especially from the 1930s on when communism in the USA was appealing to Robot Liberals, politicians and some people in the arts. Yes, there were communists in our government. We would have elected a communist to the presidency in Henry Wallace had Roosevelt not selected Harry Truman as Vice President. All the allegations of McCarthy have turned out to be absolutely or basically true. HUAC was a House of Representative inquiry and McCarthy was in the Senate. Why don't Liberals ever get this straight? All the people McCarthy outed as communists were in fact communists. He did not deprive anyone of a job in Hollywood. Hollywood companies made decisions whether they wanted subversives working for them. Almost all of them continued to work. Since the 1950s Liberals emerged from what we called "liberals." The capital "L" Liberals or "Robot Liberals" typically do not like the USA, they hate religion, they want to redistribute money from anyone who earns even a modest income, they love the UN and communist and socialist countries, do not want to fight terrorism, and they generally want the whole world to be their plaything where they are the elite and the rest of the people are peons.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Political Book I Have Read in Years Review: Even the laziest conservative ought to sit up and take notice of the fact that liberals are falling all over themselves to condemn this book and its author. Further notice should be taken of the fact that the author exposes the liberal lies about the Rosenbergs, Richard Nixon, Alger Hiss, Joseph McCarthy, Ronald Reagan, J. Edgar Hoover, and the list goes on and on. Virtually everything we have been told by the left-wing establishment is a lie. I especially like the one about how Truman, not Reagan, won the Cold War. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. This book is great ammunition for conservatives and a well deserved punch in the face to liberals. Let's see if they can strike back with anything that isn't just another pack of lies.
Rating:  Summary: ????? Review: i feel so sorry for you poor poor conservatives. you have a spokesperson like coulter. come on with reagan and bush senior there were two guys with something to say. coulter. awful. nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: The Repuglican Pam Anderson? Review: She "juggles" with facts. She "dances" with dates. She "skirts" pertinent information. She's always the source for a "spin".....Hmmmmm. Borrow,don't buy this book. Read it at the library or bookstore if you must. Just like its author,the book is only tolerable for a moment if that....But not good enough to bring to your home!
Rating:  Summary: Facts! Just the facts Ma'am! Review: Does a valid dislike of a book allows one to leave out the validity of the evidence contained in the book. When I was a liberal my arguments were all like the previous readers hysterical outbursts. Loud and incoherent but containing no direct facts refuting evendence laid out by the author. This book lays out evidence that the reader can and should check out independently. By the level of the screeching I guess Miss Coulter has hit a nerve!