Rating:  Summary: Christmas gift time is coming! Review: Treason is great fun and deadly serious at the same time. Coulter's biting wit makes it possible to review and reassess the tragedy of the Alger Hiss era without lapsing into deep depression. Meticulously footnoted, this is a great introduction to the subject for both the casual reader and the avid student of history. All historians inflict their bias. Coulter is above board with hers. Ann calls it like she sees it, and she sees pretty darned well. When she is a bit over the top, it is done with a healthy dose of humor. With Christmas on the way, Treason is a great choice for the intellectually honest on your list!
Rating:  Summary: Liberal America haters? GHW Bush didn't think so. Review: So, what's this business about liberals hating America? OK, let's see what G.W.'s daddy had to say about losing the presidency to an America-hating-liberal.The following are verbatim quotes from George H.W. Bush concession speeches after the 1992 election (from the G.H.W. Bush Presidential Library web site.) Nothing in here about a bunch of treasonous America haters taking over. Lots of remarks about the greatness of the democratic system, the need for new ideas, the common goals of all Americans, putting differences aside to help the new president . . . Remarks in Houston on the Results of the Presidential Election November 3, 1992 Hey, thank you very much. Look, here's the way I see it. Here's the way we see it and the country should see it, that the people have spoken. And we respect the majesty of the democratic system. . . . I just called Governor Clinton over in Little Rock and offered my congratulations. He did run a strong campaign. I wish him well in the White House. And I want the country to know that our entire administration will work closely with his team to ensure the smooth transition of power. There is important work to be done, and America must always come first. So we will get behind this new President and wish him well. . . . Now I ask that we stand behind our new President. Regardless of our differences, all Americans share the same purpose: to make this, the world's greatest nation, more safe and more secure and to guarantee every American a shot at the American dream. Radio Address to the Nation on the Results of the Presidential Election November 7, 1992 Way back in 1945, Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls. He said, ``I have been given the Order of the Boot.'' That is the exact same position in which I find myself today. I admit, this is not the position I would have preferred, but it is a judgment I honor. Having known the sweet taste of popular favor, I can more readily accept the sour taste of defeat, because it is seasoned for me by my deep devotion to the political system under which this Nation has thrived for two centuries. . . . I realize that defeat can be divisive. I want the Republican Party to be as constructive on the outside of executive power as it has been for 12 years on the inside. There must be no finger pointing, no playing the blame game. New ideas will flourish, and that is good. . . . Ours is a nation that has shed the blood of war and cried the tears of depression. We have stretched the limits of human imagination and seen the technologically miraculous become almost mundane. Always, always, our advantage has been our spirit, a constant confidence, a sense that in America the only things not yet accomplished are the things that have not yet been tried. President-elect Clinton needs all Americans to unite behind him so he can move our Nation forward. But more than that, he will need to draw upon this unique American spirit. . . . There are no magic outside solutions to our problems. The real answers lie within us. We need more than a philosophy of entitlement. We need to all pitch in, lend a hand, and do our part to help forge a brighter future for this country.
Rating:  Summary: A book for America haters by an America hater. Review: Ms. Coulter, Americans are currently being killed almost everyday in Iraq fighting to establish an Iraqi state in which its citizens will have the right to openly oppose their government and debate policy expressing views that may differ from the governing party of the day. If you don't value the ability of citizens to do so here in this country, then YOU, Ms. Coulter, are committing treason and expressing hatred for America.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant and well documented. Review: Carefully researched and documented, this book is a real revelation. Of course, those people that idolize and defend those who knowingly allowed spies and traitors into our midst during the cold war are not happy that this book was published. Still, it does not take too much research to confirm that all the documentation is true history. We are now in an age where we are conscious of possible terrorist attacks and people living in the USA who are not who they claim to be. This book helps you realize how those in power may allow this to happen and explain the reasons why. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Treasonous to Reason Review: I actually could use the text of Ann Coulter to explain fallacies to logic students. The central fallacy of this text is its most dangerous. Her claim is that liberalism hates America and that conservatives are so patriotic "you could prove it in court." The fallacy is simple. When liberals criticize conservatism, she claims it is because they are treasonous (a very specific term that she tosses around like "Smurf") and hate America. However, when liberals attack conservatism, they attack conservatism, not America. Coulter believes when conservatives attack liberalism, it is because liberals are treasonous. She fails to note that liberals do not attack America, they attack conservatism, which she simply tries to rhyme with America. It is simple, Ann thinks conservatism = America, and thus an attack on conservatism is...you get it. I could just as easily say conservatives hate America when they attack liberalism: but I don't because I have basic skills in logic. This from a woman who still believes in the myth of the liberal media and that a little red man with a pitch fork lives under the earth in a firey chasm where bad people go when they die. Constantly confusing metaphors and anecdotes for hard empirical evidence, poor use of language, and unsubstantiated ad hominems, Coulter's latest is something I would expect from a college freshmen. Alas, she's a pundit, a commentator, not a scholar. What did we expect? If she were an 8th grader writing a "position paper," this book might be acceptable. Like another reviewer posts, this book would be funny if the topic wasn't so serious.
Rating:  Summary: The Leftist Legacy Exposed Review: Ann Coulter's book, Treason, is a documented litany of the Left's devastating foreign and domestic legacy of lies, deceit, dirty tricks, and marriage to the main stream media of our country. Critics may rail against her harsh assessment and straight forward, no nonsense expose of the liberal agenda in this country over the last 5 or 6 decades, but the evidence lies in the governmental records, the media clips, the newspapers, and more recently released secret government documents. While the left shilled for spies, Communists and subversive elements, America became stalled in a deadly game of MAD with the rightfully named "Evil Empire." It lends so much creedence to the fact that there is hardly a Communist or Socialist that the liberals in our country didn't find attractive or try to elevate to hero worship while condemning true patriots. This book is a great read and one that anyone who lived through the eras discussed in it, should find very revealing. I ended up thinking back and reliving some of the moments of the book while thinking, sure I remember when that happpened. Now I know much more about the inner workings of what was reported. I highly recommend this well researched book to anyone serious about knowing how the left has acted in the past and how they will operate in the future to fulfill their vision of the U.S. It seems the more they succeed, the further we fall from the American dream. Get a copy.
Rating:  Summary: SeƱorita Coulter es muy loca! Review: Buy this book? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!
Rating:  Summary: A Waste of Money and Time Review: Ms Coulter's emotional arguments not based on facts or reason would be hilarious if the subject of her book wasn't so serious. "Conservatives" or "Liberals" are only a rhetoric game to hide what really matters: positive and practical results. If reason, thinking and facts still matter to you don't waste your time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, seriously... Review: All right. Let's get past the partisanship for a moment and forget about Ann Coulter's political views. Let's instead look at how she jumps to conclusions; resorts to slippery-slope arguments (p. 13); exaggerates her opponents' foibles while downplaying her allies'; and compares the opposition to children (p. 14) and animals (p. 56). Between that, her excessive use of loaded words (the book's very title, for example), and her constant schoolyard insults (wasn't she also the author of a book called "Slander," and wasn't it about how her *opponents* can't argue without resorting to name-calling?), she's about as fit as Michael Moore to offer a serious political opinion. So...what's the difference, apart from their positions on the political spectrum, between Ann Coulter and Michael Moore? Moore presents himself as a comedian. And as far as I know, he's *never* presumed to speak for God.
Rating:  Summary: it counters hysterical hyperbole with: hysterical hyperbole Review: This review is for those of you who try to balance out the accusations of the partisans by listening to both and weighing the arguments: don't bother with this one. I finally gave up searching for a cogent analysis of any event. The author's tone starts off sounding like an emotional rant, and only gets more snide and vituperative as the book progresses. "Treason" is an outstanding example of the ad hominem fallacy, with scant facts but a wealth of insulting characterizations. It was a waste of my time.