Rating:  Summary: The waning days of liberalism Review: Our five largest states have Republican governors, as do most state legislatures. The House, Senate, and Oval Office are owned by the right.This positively sterling examination of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy on the political left can only hasten a decline that is already well under way. The modern liberal, lacking ideas relevant to a modern civil society, is left with only the tools of personal attack, hatred, and intolerance. Their relentless pursuit of historical revisionism can no longer succeed now that their stranglehold on the media is broken. It is a testament to the quality of the American people that books such as Ann's invariably top the bestseller lists. That sad fraction that loaths America, and by extension themselves, can no longer prevail. The game is over, the jig is up, the grownups are back in charge.
Rating:  Summary: Frantic fearful faschick Review: I used to wonder about these "save America now or next minute we die" people: why are they so over the top? Now I attribute it to two sources. The first is pure opportunistic marketing: if I don't convince you there's an immediate crisis, I won't really get your attention and dollars. That's Coulter all over. The second source, applicable to conservatives of good faith, is more interesting. They actually have little confidence in the value of the values they trumpet. They don't believe that liberal democracy and publicly-moderated capitalism are so much better than the alternatives, and they don't believe that people are smart enough to notice the difference. Given how the Cold War came out, what could justify this amazing lack of faith?
Rating:  Summary: Ann is a true patriot Review: Informative accurate and with a sense of wit.A must read for any true american. The 101st Airborne could use her.
Rating:  Summary: A remarkable achievement of scholarship, courage - and humor Review: That Ann Coulter continues to stand tall and produce good work against a barrage of vicious verbal attacks is a testament to her strength of character and her talent as a writer. She believes every word she writes and that integrity shines through - with incredible good humor! (Unlike her detractors.) TREASON is a fascinating take on the McCarthy era and how it has been blown out of porportion and used by liberals to stifle free speech. Coulter has clearly done her homework - she always does - and she writes with piercing intelligence, insight and aplomp. One thing is irrefutable: Coulter NEVER bores. In fact, this chilling expose had me laughing out loud throughout. For daring to speak her mind and challenge the status quo, Coulter should be applauded, not condemned - and this book should be read by everyone who considers him or herself to be an American. A GREAT READ. And damn funny too.
Rating:  Summary: This woman really needs help Review: I feel for you, Ann. Maybe it was because Daddy didn't show you enough affection as a child(or at least the kind you wanted). Maybe it was that you sat home most Saturday nights in high school and college, dateless. Maybe it was watching your peers go about their lives, finding love and happiness in the world, starting families, living life, enjoying themselves, all the while you didn't participate because you just knew someday you'd make a name for yourself, THEN you'd show everybody that you were someone. Hmmm, she is a tad skinny for her age, and constantly talking very fast and frenzied...maybe another right wing blowhard is abusing substances? I have been there and I know all the signs... Ann also must really hate herself. Her self-esteem is fragile, which is why she has to present herself like a Max Hardcore reject in her "look-I'm-a-tramp" mini skirts. Somewhere along the line, the only lawyer whose never set foot in a courtroom decided to tap into the wave that the Mighty Rush Pillpopper began. (Prescription or not, if you DONT have a fricking prescription for it, you ARE a criminal addict, and you ARE in the same league as those "winos on the corner"). So she began writing. Not to inform, or theorize, but to appeal to the basest of human emotions that the rabid right loves to target, FEAR! Fear of things different, fear of them libruls and them homasexulls and them forenners and them non church goin folk. Spelling errors intentional as anyone who buys this ilk and is shocked at what they find in it perhaps need some educational additives themselves. Fear is what drives all right wing ideology and this so called book 'Treason' plays all your favorite right wing hits. How can any logical, rational person write with a presumably straight face and an education, that if you dissent against your government, then you are an enemy of this country? Could anything be MORE patroitic than to ask questions, especially during the dark times? Lock step rightwingers love a good leader, so much so that they cant even find fault in him, even when they know damn well that he is a smirking chimp with zero qualifications. Nothing in my eyes could be more traitorous than blindly following the leader and it's misguided ideas without once raising your voice, maybe not even in protest, but perhaps asking, hey maybe this isnt the best route to travel on? Traitor, sayeth the anorexic Annie, how dare you speak against the dear leader! You must be one of those 'hate america first' lib-ruls! The laughter, oh the laughter. Any rational mind can see this trend for what it is. Now back to my favorite tv show, the Faux News Channel, where the motto is "We distort, you comply"
Rating:  Summary: Sensationalistic Garbage Review: The only people who like this kind of trash are the ones who still refer to black people as "colored" (i.e. see below) and those who are more interested in reading shameless propaganda than they are with reading intelligent debate. This is sensationalistic garbage. This is the woman who said: "The only problem I have with Timothy McVeigh is that he didn't target the New York Times building." She does not even address real issues-- she just bashes liberals. Disgusting.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter is a racist hatemonger Review: "Savage Oriental beasts"? The "yellow peril" died about sixty years ago. Coulter is nothing but a racist, anti-Muslim verbal terrorist who was screaming on a street corner until somebody pitied her and gave her a typewriter. I'm taking a survey on what the "H" in her name means: I say either "hatemonger", "hellbeast", "hawk" or "Hitler".
Rating:  Summary: Good Read Review: I'm 76 years old, and colored. I've been waiting for this for years. I liken myself to a more moderate Republican and I am thoroughly disgusted with liberals. I don't want to sound like another old man going off on a tangent but I can't help myself right now. The Democratic party is no more. It has lost everything it origionally stood for and instead taken up the big red banner of socialism. Now I disagree with with Ms. Coulter that liberals are guilty of treason. They're not because they're too damn stupid to know what they're doing. They aren't for the working man. THey try to scare my friends into voting for them. They're leeches, all of them. Though liberals aren't traitors, they sure do hate their country. Everything they do is contradictory towards everything American: Judeo-christian values, the constitution (living breathing document? THat's me. Constitution means what it says, a$$hole), serving your country, and most fundamentally, capitalism. Before liberals started changing everything to fit their arguments, we were a lot better off. Thanks to them if you call someone colored, you're a racist. You can now be fined and or go to jail for using terms. it's ridiculous. Now my grandchildren walk around looking like Bozo the clown listening to crap on the radio and they don't have any respect for anyone. Why? Because jerks like Jesse Jackson holds us around just so much that he makes money. He's thenew slave driver. If I ever see some dumb white liberal come up to me and talk about this "social justice" garbage i'll spit in his face. And I'll do it because it's america and i can. McCarthyism hurt me because they took a guy and vilified him for being right. They screwed with the Vietnam war too. Turning everything around all the time and taking these liar stances. These people are nuts. The other day some guy came up campaigning for dennis kusinich. That guy is stupid and someone needs to tell his stupid white a$$ to get off TV and check into a mental institution.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Hurts! Review: This is a well written, factual book. Ann makes extremely valid points about the left, and judging by the stinging reviews on Amazon - is right on the money. The truth of the matter is that liberals have always put this country in peril. Starting with Roosevelt and Truman elevating known Soviet spies into state department, department of war and even the presidential cabinet. McCarthy was right! There were large numbers of Soviet spies in our government, and they got there with the help of the democrats in power at the time. Roosevelt gave Stalin all of eastern Europe, letting the Russians enslave almost 100 million people. Most telling is the fact that the Army kept hidden from Roosevelt and Truman the existence of the Avalon project which had cracked the soviet coded messages to their spies in the US. Roosevelt and Truman were kept in the dark because "they couldn't be trusted" with the information. It's a sad day when the Army has to hide things from the President, because he is a traitor to his country. The book also examines the Vietnam war, and how the dems started it. Only when they lost the white house to Nixon did the democratic party "suddendly" decide it was an unjust war. Their treachery was at it's height when they denied additional funding for the war when Nixon appeared to be winning "their" war. Nixon inflicted more injury to the Vietcong, while pulling troops in massive numbers. The sour grapes dems, sensing that Nixon could actually win the war, pulled funding and hense are responsible for the needless deaths of american soldiers. I could go on and on. Read the book. It provides historical facts about the other party. If however, you are interested baseless accusations wrapped in hysteria, I suggest you instead attend a Howard Dean rally. He is the closest thing to Adolph Hitler that this country will ever know.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter is a whiner and she hates America. Review: Who is Ann Coulter? She is an avowed follower of Jesus, yet she preaches social Darwinism. She abhors the sexualization of our society, yet she wears miniskirts that would make Jenna Jameson blush. She speaks for the common man, yet she comes from an elite background. She preaches family values, yet has never married nor had children. She calls liberals "totalitarian," yet she endorses a theocratic, one-party state and is an admirer of Joe McCarthy. She cries out for a more civil political discourse, yet is the most unhinged, extremist, shrill hatchet man of her ideological circle. That's Ann Coulter, folks--the darling of the fascist Republican Party.