Rating:  Summary: Tail Gunner Annie's At It Again... Review: Ann Coulter hates liberals. It's not just that she dislikes them - she hates them. Really really really hates them. Got that? Good - because once you've realized that, you no longer have any reason to read "Treason," Coulter's new work of anti-liberal propaganda. Coulter's dubious thesis is that, ever since the end of World War II, liberals have been engaged in a perfidious conspiracy to undermine and attack America. Having engaged in contemporary polemics in her previous bellicose right-wing diatribe "Slander," Coulter now turns to the past to prove that what she dislikes about liberals is part of an ongoing historical process that goes as far back as World War II. Unfortunately, Coulter is both an ignorant and an inept historian. To give just one example of her errors, Coulter writes, "In 1945...The Nation magazine derided the atrocity films of Hitler's death camps as a hoax." This is pretty shocking: it's also not true. If you look at her notes, she cites, not James Agee (whom she clearly hasn't read), but Paul Johnson's "History of the Jews." If she had bothered to read the article (which is in "Agee on Film": it's on page 149-50 or, if you're looking at an earlier edition, the review for May 19, 1945), she would have seen that nowhere does Agee use the word "hoax," and he clearly is not doubting the authenticity of the footage - merely the political uses to which the footage is being put. This is symbolic of Coulter's method as a historian. Even when Coulter is correct (in the sense in which a broken clock is correct twice a day), she's right for the wrong reasons. She claims on page 126 that "The Russians would never have dared to take advantage of Nixon by delivering nuclear missiles to Cuba," but claims that they did so as a direct result of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, when the fact is that placing the missiles in Cuba was Khrushchev's personal choice, and he did so as a direct result of his face-to-face meeting with Kennedy at Vienna, where he came to the (incorrect) conclusion that Kennedy was someone who could be bullied. Coulter never mentions Vienna - possibly because her analysis of any event before 1980 is pretty much ripped off wholesale from the books of British right-wing Historian Paul Johnson (incidentally, Johnson was publicly outed some years ago by his longtime mistress as a enthusiastic recipient of what they call "le vice Anglais," joining Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde and Rush Limbaugh in the Conservative Hypocrite Hall of Fame - what is it with these right-wingers, anyway?). The hero of "Treason" is Senator Joe McCarthy. Coulter sees McCarthy as a patriot. A hero. A man unjustly vilified, persecuted and finally hounded to death and martyred by - you guessed it! - liberals. "McCarthy was beloved by workers," Coulter writes. "He had a gift for appealing to the great common sense of the American people. He made broad points that captured headlines and rallied Americans. Normal Americans could not believe their fellow countrymen could be so dastardly as not to love their country. For them. McCarthy was a poet... No matter how much the elites ridiculed McCarthy, lots of Americans seemed to like him." The subtext here is that Ann Coulter envisions herself as a latter-day Joe McCarthy, and her identification with him is so complete that in defending McCarthy she's really defending herself from all those attacks by nasty, unpatriotic liberals who are so dastardly (and who, by the way, was the last author to use the word "dastardly" in a sentence with a straight face? Ayn Rand? Danielle Steel?) as not to love their country. Or Ann Coulter for that matter - at which point we start getting to the real point of "Treason." "Treason" is nothing but a hastily written and thinly-disguised attempt by Ann Coulter to defend herself against the onslaught of the left after her last book was so widely (and justly) discredited. You see, if liberals are nothing but a bunch of traitors who hate and attack America at every opportunity, than what they say about Ann Coulter doesn't count - get it? Only Tail Gunner Annie doesn't have the guts to defend herself against her critics directly. So she does it indirectly, using Joe McCarthy as her proxy. Coulter is acting here less out of respect for the facts than from the dictates of a psychological imperative that is best left to a professional to explain. So unless you're as obsessed with Ann Coulter as Coulter seems to be with Bill Clinton (who haunts this book the way that the head of King Charles I haunts Mr. Dick in Dickens's "David Copperfield"), there really is no reason to read this book, unless you're either a rabid right-winger or a total masochist.
Rating:  Summary: A yawn-fest. Review: I tried to read this and got bored after about fifty pages. Guess I don't quite get it. Not much to recommend here.
Rating:  Summary: Tell me to my face I hate America. Review: Ms Coulter, I'm a liberal. Not extreme but I do vote Democrat and I'm sure I always will. I'm 6'6" and I weigh 293 lbs. I'd love to meet you sometime so you can tell me to my face I hate America.
Rating:  Summary: a brilliant fascinating history Review: Anne Coulter's book TREASON rips the lid off of the liberal historical revisionism of the last fifty years. Superbly researched,quoted from the liberal democrats themselves,this is a very important work for any conservative thinker to sink their teeth into.Conservatives, you can take it to the bank that all those "one-star reviewers" DID NOT READ THIS BOOK! Just another example of how liberals try and distort and deceive.I've never read any of al franken's books,nor do I have any desire to subject myself to them,but I have enough integrity to actually read a book before bashing it.Liberals,obviously,do not.Anyway,learn here about the REAL Joe McCarthy,the one liberals don't want you to know about,the liberal "footsie" games with communists during the various democrat administrations,how liberals undermined the Vietnam War, and how Ronald Reagan,(the REAL Ronald Reagan,not some liberal hollywood fiction,as exemplified in the made-for-other-lying-liberals miniseries to air soon on television)won the cold war against the Soviet Union. The book is full of Ann Coulter's razor-sharp,sarcastic wit,and I personally loved every minute of it!
Rating:  Summary: Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on T Review: This should be required reading for all U.S. History students!!
Rating:  Summary: Intellectual? I think not! Review: To the reviewer who described Ann Coulter as an intellectual, I can only say, I think not! She is the worst kind of person in that the facts never stand in her way of her vitriolic and inaccurate blather. I listened to this on tape and I was so angry at times over the overt prevarications she uses, passing them off as facts, that it made me want to scream! The fact that she can call the invasion of Grenada a huge success (island with the population cleveland, 12 service men died due to friendly fire versus enemy fire and 8,000 medals of bravery given to only 7,000 men and Regan slept through the whole thing?)The woman needs to be slapped silly for the inflamatory prose she excretes in the name of patriotism and the American way. She is an embarassment to Democrats and Republicans alike! I am a liberal Democrat and how dare she assume that I am not a patriot! How dare anyone assume that! It is slander!
Rating:  Summary: Hoodwinked Review: Let's see... I'm trying to think of a way to make a few quick bucks. Hmmm... I know that there are quite a few redneck ignoramuses in this country who buy books written by idiots that make them feel justified in holding their hateful, myopic, antiquated, paranoid, fear-mongering views... How about if I wrote a book full of hateful, myopic, antiquated, paranoid, fear-mongering views... Maybe those ignoramuses would buy it, cause they're just that dumb... and the dumber the book is... the more ignoramuses will buy it .... and I'll make more money from them because they're dumb enough to throw away their money on that kind of crap.... Hey, I'll just be telling them what they want to hear.. they won't care if it's true or accurate or cheapens the political debate in the country... All I know is.. I'll make money!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Conservative treason. Review: Liberal treachery? A more important issue right now is conservative treachery because GW ignored Clinton's security and intelligence recommendations and did nothing about bin Laden prior to 9/11. That's well documented. There are some very troubling questions that GW needs to answer about his Saudi connections. And what took the administration so long to investigate 9/11? And why does the report protect Saudis? How's that for treachery? More tough - and necessary - questions like that are asked in Michael Moore's book "Dude, Where's My Country". I suggest you pick that book up and pull your head out of ... uh ... the sand.
Rating:  Summary: As close to FASCISM as you can get Review: Words of advice, if you find yourself agreeing with anything in this book, do the world a favor and go play in traffic.
Rating:  Summary: A great read & highly informative Review: This is a great book - I'm very glad I bought it, & I simply cannot recommend it too highly. Very informative indeed, this book is truly an eye-opener for those who've been content until now just to passively accept the "history" we're spoonfed through the generations. Ann doesn't merely challenge orthodox opinion and supposed fact, but does so with an impressive amount of research to back her: THIS is particularly impressive in itself. Written in (& characteristically, for Ann -) irreverent style, it's not only educational but highly entertaining. A book very difficult to put down, and an absolute "must" for anyone who wants to know the real truth about Liberal influences in American society. This book is a undoubtedly a tribute to Ann. She does America a great service by exposing Liberal methodology and its destructive effect. She deserves commendation not merely for the quality of the book but for her gutsy patriotism. Very well done, Ann; I salute your efforts and your fight for truth, & look forward to reading your future contributions. Keep up the good work !!