Rating:  Summary: So if you're not unquestioningly loyal you are a traitor? Review: Ann makes the mistake that all misguided Conservatives make: "America -- Love it or Leave It." Disagreement doesn't equate to being a traitor, Ann.Al Franken put it well: Conservatives insist that we must love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. But we Liberals have a more adult love affair with America -- we love America every bit at much -- but we merely wish to improve America where she can be improved, and correct America when she's wrong. Think about it: this same muddle-headed nonsense is behind the drive for a Constitutional amendment to ban flag-burning. But consider: Flag burning is what you cannot do in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia! That is what makes America different from those countries, and is what makes America great. Conservatives, I'm not saying you're stupid...you just don't seem to get it. Shall I explain it to you again?
Rating:  Summary: Disgusting and UnAmerican Review: Ann Coulter would have fit right in at a Ku Klux Klan meeting in the 1950s. Her vitriol, starting with the title, is an example of what's destroyed rationale political discourse in this nation. To she she is careless with facts understates the distortions and disinformation. Ann Coulter is a Traitor. The question is who is she working for? Nutty as a fruitcake.
Rating:  Summary: Conservative reviewers humiliate Ann Coulter Review: . Ann Coulter has gone off the cliff, folks. Ron Radosh, a major source for this book, is considered one of the most reputable conservative scholars who has studied the McCarthy era in great detail. He is apparently appalled at the damage Coulter has done. He says "I am furious and upset about her book. I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Hayes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments." David Horwitz, a well know conservative writer, knows Coulter and considers her a friend. Horwitz makes this observation: "...this charge - that no Democrat, apparently including Jack Kennedy, can root for America - is obviously absurd, and if conservatives do not recognize that is absurd, nobody is going to listen to us." Andrew Sullivan, a conservative journalist, writes: "...in Coulter's world, there are two types of people: conservatives and liberals. Those aren't groups of people with competing ideas. They are the repositories of good and evil. There are no distinctions among conservatives or among liberals. To admit the complexity of political discourse would immediately require Coulter to think, explain, argue. But why bother when you can earn millions insulting." And, finally, another conservative writer, Cathy Young, notes: "...as someone who shares many political views identified as conservative, I have always cringed in embarrassment whenever I saw Coulter on televison purporting to speak (or rather, rant) for 'my' side....if conservatives know what is good for them, they will distance themselves from her poisonous message. This isn't just about nastiness and lack of civility. Demonizing the opponent makes reasonable debate impossible, and is thus detrimental to democracy itself. Our fellow citizens whose views on political issues differ from ours are not the enemy." Actually though, it's too bad to see that even conservatives are attacking Ann since it means she'll probably have to tone down her next book. I was looking forward to the third volume in her series in which we learn that Democrats from FDR forward have all been secret child molesters.... .
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: Its just amazing, just how much hate there is in the leftist side. Ann goes through all that work to research, and because she a conservative her book is "all lies" i went and looked up most of these, including the Venona Project and found she was dead on. The book is inciteful, informative, and yes a little on the vitriolic side but she had to write it like that to make a point. As for those so-called articles that debunked her re- research remember those article were written by liberals who don't want you to "waste" your time by doing your own research. Now do us all a favor and read the book yourselves before you go bashing it, you may not like the author but at least you'll have the information to make your own conclusions.
Rating:  Summary: Humane, caring, and persuasive Review: The vitriol thrown at this work is entirely uncalled for. "Treason" is one of the most balanced, elegantly crafted, carefully phrased political ruminations I have read in recent years. It compares with the work of Jacques Barzun in its sheer mastery of detail, its moving portraits of historical figures who have changed the lives of real people through their dedication to public service, and its overarching kindness. When I read "Treason," I said to myself, "There is still hope that people of different backgrounds can come together and find communion." Although I was smoking a lot of grass at the time, and was naked, and had just finished a sandwich, and was flipping back and forth between "Treason" and "Naked Lunch," I still found Ms. Coulter's arguments life-affirming, essentially decent, and--above all--responsible, in that they establish a legacy of honorable discourse and humane public spirit for our children and grandchildren to follow.
Rating:  Summary: Liberals Rewriting History Review: Ann Coulter shows, through thoroughly documented detail, how liberals are rewriting history to their own advantage: through movies, newspaper features, and even textbooks. With CBS's movie about the Reagan presidency coming out this fall, is this really so hard to believe?
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, as usual... Review: In reading those reviews critical of Ms. Coulter's book, it seems clear to me that most haven't read the book. I have read it. If, in 1950, aliens had landed on the White House lawn and said "Liberals are corrupt and actively support those that would destroy your country", liberals would ignore the story. "Yeah, whatever. So an alien lands at the White House. Big deal. And he's obviously full of hate." Ann Coulter is pointing to the shiny spacecraft on the lawn and asking for us to pay attention. For that, some of the reviewers call her; insane, hatefilled, hysterical and so on. Hmmm... Sounds a little "McCarthy-like", doesn't it? Thankfully, Ms. Coulter bravely shines the light on the revisionist history relentlessly drummed into the public unconsciousness through the public schools, film, television, etc. She is brave enough to swim against the stream that has succeeded in brainwashing many of the reviewers of this book and far too many others. The fact that the Verona documents weren't THE major story of the 90's shows the absolute idiocy of the major media. How can anyone learn of the compromised situation in both the Roosevelt and Truman administrations and not wonder how this isn't the story of the century? How can you learn about the contents of the Verona documents and not wonder why it isn't on everyone's lips. Instead, I'll bet I can say "blue dress" and everyone will know what I am talking about. Sad. Unforgivable, really. Seriously. I don't care what political persuasion you are. If you aren't a pro-Soviet Communist, you'd have to be dumbfounded and dismayed to find out that our government was riddled with spies working for a country that actively sought to destroy this country. Instead, all I ever learned as a kid in public school was that McCarthy was an evil man on a witch-hunt. Even the word witch-hunt is misleading. It implies that the claim isn't based in reality, and that those questioned about being witches are railroaded because, of course, there are no REAL witches. There WERE real Soviet agents in our government. Not just a few of them and not in trivial positions. Why did I not know this? Why isn't it discussed? Why are the implications not honestly debated? Why is the only villain anyone can name from this incredible story the man who tried to alert our country to the "imminent threat"? Anne Coulter tells you why. If you're a liberal it may be a bitter pill, but it could cure you.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter is either insane or a con artist Review: The 'facts' in her book have already been rebutted by numerous articles and interviews. Her exposure rate is coming down. You don't see her as often on TV anymore. I suppose she is so carried away by her fantasy that she is losing her very little credibility left. Or she could be a calculating con artists, saying all the things people on the right like to hear, to make a buck, to create a sensation. Well, this time, she miscalcalated and went too far. Sad!
Rating:  Summary: I fear for Miss Coulter's sanity Review: Unless it is all a gimmick and she is just trying to shock people into buying her books, Ann seems to be getting crazier and crazier in her middle-age. In a few more years when she is fifty, Coulter may be calling for concentration camps for all Democrats, homosexuals, feminists, assorted ethnic types and the morbidly obese. There's so much lunacy in this book your hair will stand - mine got almost curly when I read about how ALL Democrats should be viewed as traitors, no matter how great their accomplishments, and including those who have bravely served their country in military combat (something that, I understand, many of Ann's right-wing buddies tend to avoid) It's not just the liberals, Ann says, but all the Democrats (and maybe even a few treasonous left-leaning Republicans) that are nothing but a bunch of traitors, who should have been punished accordingly if it wasn't for the fiendish liberals who are always plotting in high places and generally ruining things. I won't even get into the ethnic/religious slurs and downright racist comments in this book - it all makes me wonder if the author is maybe high on something when she writes. I am just afraid that anyone who at this point in history goes around telling people that Joe McCarthy was a great patriot and that his un-democratic witch-hunts represented good American values is either evil or insane. Or maybe trying to attract attention. But, at this rate, Ann's lunatic rants may one day attract the attention of some kind people in white lab coats who will come to her door carrying a straight jacket and a big butterfly net.
Rating:  Summary: Unimportant Review: I call myself centrist because I have views from both sides of the aisle. From this view point all I see is two sides yelling at each other at the top of their lungs, eyes and ears shut tight. I do wonder if the author would have called those concerned with our treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII traitors. I think both extremes of American Politics love their country and both extremes find the other repulsive. Indeed both sides probably think the other are traitors and from their views they may be. From the center I find this book somewhat humorous at least in the response it illicits from the two extremes. From the center this book just does not seem all that important. Its basic premise seems to lack any real intelligence unless you are as far right as Miss Coulter or maybe far left judging by the response. The book does seem to push for an ideological hate similar to those that allowed for the persecution of faiths antithetical to those in power. It seems equaled only by those directly apposed. It is only that hate coupled with fervent support that gives a book like this any power. Take it as an intersting read at least in its commentary on the state of affairs between the two extremes of American politics if not its content.