Rating:  Summary: Lies Review: Ann Coulter claims to have her sources backed up. But how about this? She accused Evan Thomas, a journalist for the New York Times, of being the son of 4-time socialist candidate for president Norm Thomas. It turns out that his father was really Evan Thomas, Sr. How can you get that wrong? She is totally making up everything in that entire book. Don't read it; you will corrupt your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Good topic, too dogmatic Review: Ann Coulter's research and resources are astounding. If ever there were a solid case for a point of view, this book embodies it. Coulter's writing technique is unique, sarcastic, and often very witty. It's fun. However, my big criticism of this work is that she makes no distinction between liberal and Democrat. Even further, she doesn't distinguish between the pro-communist and anti-communist liberals of the time period. She simply indicts, charges, and convicts the guilty liberals and then applies it to them all. Yes, a chunk of the Democrats at the time were communists, but not all. This dogmatic "liberals are always wrong" viewpoint writes off about half the country that would tremendously benefit from reading this forgotten side of history. By the end, it has turned into a rant and rave fest, which drags out redundant attacks. Overall, however, this book's issues are extremely important and need to be discussed. "McCarthyism" really was made up to protect the guilty, then and now. The Harvard elite won't agree. But if you can turn off her rants for a second and take an objective look at the evidence, you might end up with a new worldview.
Rating:  Summary: Withstands the Most Biased Scrutiny Review: I brought the book to my brother-in-law who is a left-wing extreemist, one who sees a right-wing Christian behind every tree. When he saw it, he became more agitated than I had ever seen him. He rattled off a list of inaccuracies, building up a furious head of steam. "Have you read it?", I asked. "No," he admitted. Over the next day and a half, he read Ann's book. He could not come up with a single unsubstantiated claim that Ann made. If fact, he admitted a few, "I didn't know this...before." Ann provided an analysis of 1990's releases of Soviet secret files he never knew existed. I could watch the wind luft out of his sails when he was confronted by undeniable facts and documented truth. In the end, HE found no ground for claims he had about Ann and her book before reading Treason. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Nice job, Ann.
Rating:  Summary: A study in Irony Review: No this book is not that great. Yes Coulter has some pretty overheated prose. Yes some of her research and conclusions are not as strong as they should be. But isn't it interesting that Micheal Moore is the left's equivlant of Ann coulter and many of the same people who are ripping into her book will defend Moore as a champion of truth.I also find it amusing that most of the one star reviews are from places like New York City, California ,Massachusetts and Maryland. This country is most definitely not on the same sheet of music. I dare say that we would all be better off if the ideologues on both sides would just shut up and go away, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'm a conservative, but I get the definte impression that everyone is enjoying the bloodletting a little too much. If you're a conservative you're probably going to agree more with Coulter then disagree. If you're a liberal you'll be ripping this book into pieces. How about if we put Coulter and Micheal Moore on television and let them duke it out? Sounds better then Survicor.
Rating:  Summary: Insulting to conservatives and liberals alike. Review: This poorly researched hate proaganda is a direct insult to liberals - as it is intended to be, but is an unintended insult to conservatives by making us look like whiny idiots. Come on. We know who hates America and it isn't other Americans. Utter trash. This is nothing but one woman's opinion. There is nothing new in here - just history spun from a hysterical right wing pont of view. If that's all your looking for, then go ahead, close your mind and read. Here's your book.
Rating:  Summary: Very Surprising Review: I originally bought this book out of a morbid curiosity. So many here do not want anyone to read this at all costs so naturally I had to. What I found was surprising. She really does make an excellent case that McCarthy was not the monster that we were taught he was. That indeed, with the exception of Lattimore, the people he accused were proven to be spying on the United States. The best her detractors here can come up with is that "she lies" although they can't seem to document those lies where she has gone out of her way to document her facts. I think that there is a huge problem of sexism here, the boys refuse to take a pretty face seriously.
Rating:  Summary: Gotta love it Review: I thoroughly enjoyed Coulter's observations about the lack of backbone and decisiveness in liberal America, especially during war. Her arguments are backed up by historically proven facts, and feature endless quotes of liberals making fools of themselves via their favorite media forums in America. Liberals time and again prove one of Coulter's main points in the volume; when it comes down to making the case on an issue, conservatives provide facts and liberals whine.
Rating:  Summary: More than the usual Coulter Review: One doesn't need to be "on the right" to read Ann's book. Once again she's right on, but I did have some trouble reading it even though I am a writer myself (From the First Date to the Bedroom; the Single Man's Official Guide to Success with Women.) I'm sure Ann would not consider my book politically correct; but then neither is she. On the other hand, Ann has more facts at her finger tips than any current political writer today--go for it girl! Butch Mazzuca
Rating:  Summary: Lies lies lies through and through Review: I had a hard time finishing this book with the vast number of insults to my intelligence. I will say this about Ann Coulter, she can lie like no other, and make it sound like fact. My advice to those who like this book and find it beleivable is to spend some of benefits of that precious education you have received and research the facts on your own. You will discover that if the statement made is not a bald-faced lie, then it is a bald-faced distortion of the truth. I feel sorry for people who read this book and like it I am here to tell you that you are being lied to, and that her assumption is that you are just too stupid to know better. Liberal-minded people in this country like me care deeply about the future of America: that is why I care that you not accept lies as fact, and not let this woman make money off of whatever reason it is that drives you to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Proof that the right hates free speech. Review: CBS pulls Reagan miniseries Tuesday, November 4, 2003 Posted: 1:54 PM EST (1854 GMT) NEW YORK (AP) -- Following a storm of protest and threatened advertiser boycott, the CBS television network announced Tuesday it was pulling "The Reagans" miniseries off the air. . . . ". . . the producers have sources to verify each scene in the script . . ." the network said in a statement. . . . Supporters of the former president . . . were concerned the miniseries would be critical of him. The conservative Media Research Center had asked major advertisers to review the script and consider not buying commercial time on the show.