Rating:  Summary: Dishonest, appalling, and a very dull read Review: It's difficult to imagine the sort of person who'd support such a book. It's dishonest and appalling, and it's desperately dull.
Rating:  Summary: She has a point, but ... Review: Reading this book can be maddening at times because, had Ann Coulter addressed her topic with more style, sophistication, and most especially, restraint, she could have produced a masterpiece. Instead, it will simply join company with all the other "Attack" books out there, books that enjoy a brief burst of popularity and notoriety, and then are simply forgotten within a couple years or so. This is too bad since Coulter is clearly a smart woman and a skilled writer, but, much like her opponents on the Left, she cannot resist the temptation to indulge in rhetorical overkill. Her problem (as with all the other attack books) is the only ones she's likely to convince are people who already agree with her.Unlike her previous effort "Slander", which was an entertaining but essentially silly book, this is about a very serious subject that's worth looking at from a historical perspective. The Cold War may be over, but the attitudes and divisions from that era remain. The same ideological clash that produced the Whittaker Chambers versus Alger Hiss battle was present during the Clinton versus Starr impeachment fight. And it's only natural to enquire as to why this divide exists and where it came from. Unfortunately, Coulter really isn't up to the task. True, as she points out, there were genuine traitors who were actively spying for the USSR, and there was also a larger ring of sympathizers out there essentially aiding and abetting them. These facts, despite decades of evasion and even outright denial from the Left, cannot really be disputed any more. Coulter's problem is that she starts from this premise and then concludes that all liberals are essentially traitors. This kind of sweeping denunciation, far from buttressing her case (at least among intelligent and serious minded people) greatly undermines it instead. Ditto for the catty humor. Coulter can be genuinely funny, especially in her zesty attacks on dim bulb celebrities, but it also undermines her larger point in the sense that, if treason is such a serious subject, why then is she constantly making jokes and wisecracks? How can she distinguish herself from left wing attack book writers like Mike Moore and Al Franken who do essentially the same thing, namely, bash their political opponents over the head with a rhetorical club, then weasel out by saying "It's just a joke, it's satire, entertainment"? And that, really, is the problem here. Unlike the aforementioned two clowns, Coulter is actually capable of considerable depth and perception. In her first chapter, she quotes liberally from a genuine American patriot, Whittaker Chambers, including the devastating quote for which he is justly famous, the one that states that Communism is "The vision of Man without God". She quotes from de Tocqueville praising the way that, in contrast to Europe, Americans had succeeded in creating a society in which religious faith and political liberty could both flourish. Coulter, had she played her cards differently, could have written a strong and cogent defense of prudent conservatism, consisting of patriotism, respect for America's core values, and strong religious faith, as being the best course for this country to pursue, and combined that with an intelligent critique of the forces of secularism that seem to be standing in the way. But she did not. Instead, it's basically a melee of unrestrained liberal bashing, which unfortunately is unlikely to persuade fair-minded people of anything. She picks the most extreme attitudes and behavior from selected people on the Left, and then glibly presumes to paint them as being characteristic of liberals everywhere, which is, of course, ridiculous. And she also conveniently neglects to mention that the Right had its share of kooks and villains as well, perhaps most notable being the almost rabidly insane John Birch Society. This book will ultimately be just one more addition to the ever expanding collection of attack books that serve primarily to further polarize, as opposed to enlighten, political debate in this country. Which is a shame, because it could have been so much more.
Rating:  Summary: Not well supported rhetoric Review: As a conservative reader, I expected far more from Ann than this. She makes startling generalizations akin to the rantings of Rush Limbaugh on the right or Al Franken on the left. If you are interested in well supported and quality political opinions, you can skip this book!
Rating:  Summary: Conservative Lawyer ? Review: There is no such animal as a politically conservative lawyer, such as the author alleges to be. The recent anti-liberal propoganda is allowing many to make money for the pontificating media types. I am an ultra conservative and have been long before the marketing genius of Murdock and the Fox news channel. The author alleges to be a loyal conservative citizen in her public life yet, her actions in her private life associations would dictate otherwise. All citizens need to critically analyze any and all data given them regardless of who or what is presenting the alleged facts. Save your money for some real education or enlightening material. Remember, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see. Do your own research for the facts regarding any subject don't look to buy knowledge from authors like, Goldberg, Michael Moore,Miller,Coulter, etc... America is a great country because of independant thought and the freedom to choose.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter Lifted Up The Rug Review: I was very pleased with Ann's book. It was not written for historians and policy junkies, it was aimed for the average American reader who has taken in years of liberal propaganda from the media, hollywood and the educational system. She shows what I've always believed. That Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right! Just released Soviet decoded documents, and U.S. intelligence messages from the USSR tell the whole ugly truth. The Democratic Party turned their collective heads away from the stink of communists within our government, media and educational institutions. When Sen. Joseph McCarthy began to expose Stalin's massive communist infiltration of the U.S., the Democratic Party jumped to their feet to defend Stalin's cadres. This is why Joseph McCarthy was really punished by American leftists and their willing media. McCarthy blackend the name of communism within the U.S. And for that he will never be forgiven. Ann makes a great point when she mirrors the Star investigation against Bill Clinton with McCarthy's. Americans were not living in fear of McCarthy during the 1950s, any more than we were living in fear against Ken Star. But years from now the Star investigation will be transformed into the mythical hysteria of McCarthyism. That Americans all lived in fear of that knock at the bedroom door at 3 AM. The American Left has already begun this tactic during Ken Star's investigation. Books by leftists like Sexual McCarthyism were released. Ann then shows how the Democrates have sided with the pernicious anti-war movement regarding the War on Terror, (which is run by International Answer, an organization controlled by Kim Jung-il's cadres in the Workers World Party of America) whos desire is Americas defeat against Islamic fascism and international terrorism. Regarding the anger of many readers who posted outrage against Ann's name calling. Claiming how shocked they are and fearful of this sort verbal combat. The reason they are so shocked is because it never happens to them. The American Left and the Democratic Party has made an art of name calling and character asassination of their political enemies. If you don't agree with liberal political correctness, you're a bigot, homophobe, racist, intolerant, divisive, facist, Nazi, hate filled, uncaring, Christian extremist right-winger. The reason Ann's book Treason causes so many liberals to explode with anger, smashing the keys of their computers for revenge, is that the truth always hurts. But unlike most conservatives, Ann will never back down due to being called names like most Republicans. The American Left desired the truth be swepted under the rug of history, but thanks to Ann, we now know who keeps a messy house, and who has to clean the mess.
Rating:  Summary: Someone Has To Stop Her Review: Of Muslim countries this devil incarnate has said that "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Of our country she has said "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." These two quotes are but a small sample of the putrid bile that slips from the red-stained mouth of Coulter. If this is who the conservatives want to represent them then I say that our country is going to be in for a world of hurt. How people on this site can give Coulter a 5 star rating is beyond me. She is the devil's concubine. Is my language harsh? Well, I think that it is well deserved. She has sown the wind. It is now time for her to reap the whirlwind. Unfortunately for our country, we are all reaping the whirlwind for the intentional stupidity of people like Coulter. People hate us. Why? Because we have people in this country who make quotes like those above, and we have millions of those following them, to boot. Ann Coulter is a menace to our society. She is trecherous and treasonable. She is the epitome of everything that she applies to liberals, and those with whom she disagrees. It is horrifying to see that so many agree with her. May God protect us from domestic threats like her.
Rating:  Summary: Ann is smarter than all the stupid idiots Review: I like the book because it shows that the librals should be put in a jail for trying to kill every one and they are going to ruin our country. If the librals are so smart they should go to cuba and russia. They are STUPID!!!!! They are the reason that many people are dead because they hate americans. I like Ann because she isn't scared that the liberals (idiots) are trying to ruin her career. She has many fans that think she is good. I like her book. I hope all the librals get killed so president BUSH can save america from the arabs. I hope president BUSH (hero) saves america. He should hire Ann and let her work at the white house beacuse the librals are trying to ruin her career. ATTENTION PRESIDENT BUSH!!!!!!!! give her a job at the white house telling librals to get out of america!!!!!!!! She was on TV and she told the librals to go to hell. I vote for TWO STARS!!!! GO GET THEM ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What is wrong wtih everyone? Review: If you can read this book and say it is filled with facts there is seriously something wrong with you. Everything that comes out of her mouth is either 1. Something she made up 2. Somekind of relation between two different events that have nothing to do with eachother 3. Such an exaggeration that it's funny. It really saddens me to see that people actually think Ann Coulter is uncovering "hidden truths" of our society when in reality she only lying to try to make her point. Yes, this book is funny to read becuase it's so untruthful. But shame on you who think you are learning by reading this.
Rating:  Summary: Now Who's Treasonous? Review: It's a little bit frightening, this United States that Ann Coulter portrays. Yet in her constant attacks on liberal Americans (without whom, by the way, the U.S. would be a dictatorship of one political viewpoint and party), Coulter never even comes close to criticizing conservatives. Nowhere in Ms. Coulter's catalogue does she criticize the political "slip-ups" of Ronald Reagan, the unabashed lying of the current administration, or the fact that this country has prospered immensely under 20th-century liberal leaders such as Harry S Truman and Theodore Roosevelt (yes, there was a time when Republicans were liberals, Ms. Coulter). This book is meant to be nothing but inflammatory in a much, much harsher sense than even Al Franken's latest or anything Michael Moore has ever done. If readers like inflammatory books, this is the one for you; if you're like me, however, looking for something fair and balanced, this is certainly not the way to go.
Rating:  Summary: Just want to point out... Review: that the book,as far as I can make out, is tripe, and that I was trying to say that in an elliptic way in a previous review... I have served in the army and was very pleased to do so. I guess having five kids means thsat I can't be a liberal... even though the word is meaningless really. I think Liberal means "a person who we are more likely to kill than anyone else" if its spoken by a republican. God help that poor lass who is currently writing a book about being rescued in Iraq. I reckon it's all too soon before she HAS to go to Canada, like it or lump it before there is that all to familiar knock on the door....