Rating:  Summary: Poor thing doesn't know how to focus. Review: Whatever case Coulter may have gets buried in an onslought of marginally relevant sarcasm and dissembling. This book panders to those who get an adrenaline high from name calling, which may be more fun than a reasoned analysis, like Doritos are more fun than broccoli. As intellectual nutrition, it's way negative.
Rating:  Summary: cut out the sacrcasim and you may have something Review: Ann Coulter does provide some good information in Treason. Most of the book deals with McCarthyism and fighting communishm from the end of WWII to the end of the the Vietnam War. She provides some useful evidence such as the Venona Project which provided links between the Soviet Union and spies in the America as well as giving explanations of MyCarthy to demonstrate that he had reasons to believe what he did and that he may have been mistreated by the left and textbook writers. It also deals with how party politics influenced the Cold War such as the end of the Vietnam war. Coulter also provides some information on the conservative side of the current war on terrorism by dealing with allegations of misconduct by Attorney General Ashcroft and the Justice Department as well as issues such as racial profiling. The only problem is that Coulter tries to make wisecracks and sarcasim that seem to take away from any sort of meaningful points that she might have.
Rating:  Summary: ALL HAIL SATAN...i mean Ann Coulter! Review: THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! i mean WOW! i've read it cover to cover, and i just can't get enough! it really grabbed my attention on the FIRST PAGE when she used the phrase "third-world savages"! AWESOME! just like we're in the 50's! Ann proves you dont have to be an ugly redneck with a mullet, to be a lying, peace-hating bigot! She beats the pants off these so called "american political minds": Noam Chomsky? please, like working at MIT means anything! Howard Zinn? so what if Columbus was a horrible guy? i'm rich because he killed natives. AWESOME! Michael Parenti? How can he call USA a rogue nation. we should get rid of him. i don't care how many treaties we have to break to do it! See? Being an ignorant wretch is REALLY FUN! you should try it! Ann Coulter did. GO GET 'EM ANN!
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Ann Coulter doesn't pull any punches! She names names and documents where she found the information. She shows that the Venona Project,declassified in 1995, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss were guilty. (By the way, the Venona Project is online for your personal observation.) And so I say, thank you, Ann Coulter, for saying what needed to be said about left-wing liberals liars.
Rating:  Summary: Funny Stuff Review: I got a good laugh out of the review called "got them liberals on the run." I really hope that it was a sarcastic joke imitating right-wing readers of this book. Otherwise, I'm really scared to know that there are people like that in this country. As far as the book goes, it is poorly researched, and hard to identify the sources as they come in the form of endnotes, not footnotes. It will not change anyone's views, but it will push people further to the left or the right, wherever they were already.
Rating:  Summary: stupid book Review: If you want to get mad at George Bush, read this book. It scares me that people would actually buy this. I read it at the library just out of curiousity. It scared me so much that I'm now planning to volunteer for the Democratic campaigns next year, and will donate money to them for the first time ever.
Rating:  Summary: "Well researched" Review: I just read through the first two pages of this 'research' and just stopped. Whereas most pieces of research will give specific credit to specific people for making specific comments, Coutler goes out on a limb to say a 'Democratic Senator' made supportive statements about Osama Bin Laden creating day-care centers. Obviously, she's preaching to a choir of folks who are on the same track as her. There's nothing wrong with white-picket fences, or pink ones for that matter, however, I don't quite get where you can come off as saying this is 'well researched'. Ok... blame it on the liberal professor who down-graded you in history class for not being specific about your sources. Geez. The point is that the Senator is not 'supporting' Osama Bin Laden but that Bin Laden is popular amongst people in disenfranchised countries. I don't support Osama Bin Laden , but for speaking a truth about third world countries, Coulter puts liberals in a bucket saying that Liberals = (Bin Laden + 3rd world opinion). This is treasonous? Taking statements out of context is more like it.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Review: Ann is one of the funniest and most thoughtful Women on the planet today.... If you've ever had to pick yourself back up And get in the fight Ever had to stand alone because You believed in something right If you've ever had to work all day long And just wanted to not be taxed to death If you've ever listened to some slant rant That went on and on without taking a breath If you've ever served in the military And loved your country and what she stands for If you've ever figured out the name of the game Is Win when you have to take it to war If you've ever used logic and reason Facts and truth when facing down lies Only backed by the dance of arrogance And a snoddy attitude that easily rolls its eyes **** **** When you don't want to be a girlie boy For some man hating woman gone astray Who doesn't really have a comfort zone Unless you do everything her way If you believe in the 2nd Ammendment And even dare I say like to shoot guns If you take a pic-nic basket with you A tin can or two and make it a day of fun Ann is one of the funniest and most thoughtful Women on the planet today.... If you have come to realize moral equivolancy Is just advocating to hang it all on maybe And this sort of tactic is usually done by those Who are deflecting misdirecting type crybabies If you can look up at the stars at night And know that all light can't be seen Some of it has to be lived In order to know what it means Neils 6:50 pm 09/25/2003 * transcribed this time 9:03 am 11/29/2003
Rating:  Summary: Coulter's TREASON: The Medium is Not the Message Review: When I first read Ann Coulter's TREASON, I was already in agreement with the key points of her theory: namely, the left wing liberal democratic party had for decades been the ruination of this country. I had already read her earlier work, SLANDER, in which she had argued that the left has long maligned those concepts that the right cherishes: guns, anti-abortion, and a hawkish national security. What I got out of her TREASON was what should have been a clear message of conservatism was instead garbled by an excessive sarcasm to the extent that many a reader would be more likely to examine the messenger rather than the message. Coulter insists on the following: Alger Hiss was a communist; the NEW YORK TIMES would defend relentlessly to the death the right of any communist to hold high political office; Joe McCarthy was a true American who sought only to warn America of its 'hidden' communists; every democratic President since FDR has been hailed as the reason for the collapse of the Soviet state; Reagan deserves none of the credit for that collapse; the liberal left desires nothing more than to embrace all things anti-American (especially the right not to defend our borders) and carp against traditional World World II virtues as flag waving and buying liberty bonds; and noting that the loudest critics of President Bush are celebrity actors who are fond of traveling to the homelands of despots and happily praise the life styles of those who live under their heavy-handed rule. Most conservative Americans would agree to most of the above, as do I, but I like to think that well-reasoned argument and an aversion to mudslinging ought to be enough to make one's point. Bernard Goldberg, who says much the same in BIAS and ARROGANCE, establishes a solid crest of logic is his dispassionate dissection of how the left-dominated media distorts the news. By the time, I reached Coulter's conclusion that "The inevitable logic of the liberal position is to be for treason," I had already been convinced before I even opened her book. I simply could not be objective enough to guarantee that a non-believer would have reached a similar conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: Controversial and credible Review: I haven't read a single negative review that refuted the premise of Anne Coulter's book as much as they have attacked her personal credibilty. I found her documentation to be fairly substantial. Yes, this is a partisan treatise that occassionally lapses into hyperbole but nevertheless the argument she makes is based on the historical record. Trying to rehablitate Joe McCarthys reputation is a challenge even for someone as bright as Anne Coulter. This is thought provoking book and that may be lost in the current climate of dueling talking head books.