Rating:  Summary: Idiocy : Conservative Treachery in Book Form Review: Even more surrealistic conservative bile from the fame hungry Serpent Queen of Venom, Ann Coulter. I honestly believe this woman is insane. Mental Pygmies read at your own risk! but remember to come back to reality afterword, this is fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Politcal Hate Speech at it's most Best Review: A vitriolic, hyperbolic polemic, guaranteed to please those who can only see the world in black and white, and who think everyone who fails to believe as they do is a treasonous, evil, brainless idiot. This book is a screed, a shrill hate-fest riddled with errors and outright falsehoods.....which Coulter simply shrugs off when confronted.It's particularly amusing to see complaints about the uncivility of those who dislike President Bush when folks like Ms. Coulter make money publishing such uncivil and hate-driven efforts. Perhaps they've forgotten (all too conveniently) the amount of nastiness they've been unleashing for more than a decade? Seems, in the mind of Ms. Coulter and her syncophantic fans that there is only room for one point of view in this country. Theirs. Anything else is "treasonous." As for the book's content, there's not much to say. Anyone can pull together a one-sided, accusatory list of alledged evil-doings and present them to the public (and conservatives hardly have a monopoly on this sort of thing). There's no effort or intent to be balanced, nuanced, objective or intelligent here. That's not the point. This is angry, destructive, devisive propaganda at its worst. And having written such a critical commentary about Ms. Coulter's broadside, I will no doubt be dismissed as one of the vast legion of evil, treasonous, liberal-leftist, wimp, socialist America-haters. So be it. It should be an honor to reject this kind of divisive, angry politics, no matter what names one is called.
Rating:  Summary: Not a good book at all Review: I bought this book out of curiousity. Also, after reading Michael Moore's last two offerings (which were kind of entertaining, but not very good), I desperately wanted to hear from the other side of the political spectrum. Well, having said all of that, I just want to say that "Treason" simply is a waste of money. It's just Ann whining and complaining, page after page after page after page after page after page. There's not a lot of substance to any of it AT ALL. I can't believe how someone like Ann could be so mean-spirited and hateful. How the heck did she get this way? Ann's views are terribly extreme, and I really don't think any of her "solutions" to some of our country's problems have any merit. They're all unrealistic, given our increasingly multi-cultural and progressive society. Maybe in her own right-winged, monochromatic little world they would work. But not in ours. This country needs more love, not hate. I would respect Ann more if she was a bit more open-minded. But she's too far gone. Not even a good lay could save this poor woman's soul. One star. What a loon.
Rating:  Summary: Queen Ann Review: A great read. It makes me want to befriend all of the ego-fornicating lawyers from Connecticut to Texas. Her insights and wisdom are invaluable for the "eighty percent, or whatever it is" (Chomsky), that are without the wherewithal and gumption to assess for themselves critically, and with a healthy open mind, actual fact verses fiction and understanding the function of persuasive agenda. It says what a so-called "conservative" WANTS to hear, no matter how distorted, or invented, the reality. All of coulters books, in hard cover if possible, should be a treasured collection for any library, including this book. Like your bible, this book should be purchased new, and read in a literal sense, together with the priesthood of the believer, that will allow translation into tidy accommodations.
Rating:  Summary: Why Do They Flock To Read And Review A Book Like This? Review: Ignore the extremely negative reviews on this book. There are good reasons people who support socialism and hate "conservative thought" flock to rate Coulter's books with a dismal review: #1. She proves them wrong. #2. She proves them to be anti-American. #3. She researches her work so well - it can't be refuted; their only hope is to stop the book from being read in the first place. I don't think this book is as good as Slander, but it is more concerned with world affairs, or at least how our foreign policy was hurt by the LEFT. Ann Coulter is still a great researcher and writer. She exposes the quick attempts by liberals in our nation to criticize great leaders like President Ronald Reagan - the man who brought down communism with a "peace through strength" policy. Ann exposes the hypocrisy prevalent in the media's reporting of simple successes by Democrats, while ignoring huge accomplishments by Republicans. She sheds daylight on the dark-myth of McCarthyism; the save-all light-saber for the LEFT, especially when backed into a corner. I say if you are going to buy just one an Ann Coulter book, purchase Slander. If you are going to buy two Ann Coulter books, buy Slander and Treason - the two books compliment each other well. But whatever decision one makes - ignore the whiners; they've been in the dark so long, the light hurts their eyes! Peace-out! www.therunninggirl.com
Rating:  Summary: A New Low Review: People really need to start recognizing the works of this woman and her ilk on both sides of the political spectrum, including the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly, and Moore, as what they are...sensationalists. All of these authors know what sells books, and it isn't being nice or levelheaded. These men and women, and Coulter is especially guilty of this, make broad generalizations about the other side, making them appear to be the ultimate evil in the world. The fact of the matter is that it is much easier to simply label those with differing opinions than your own as stupid or in this instance "traitorous", than to actually take the time to understand the other side's point of view. Democrats and liberals in this country are every bit as guilty of this as Republicans and conservatives, and it needs to stop if there is ever going to be any real progress. You'd be far better off spending your time and money elsewhere, perhaps on something that actually educates instead of just making wild inflamatory accusations.
Rating:  Summary: The Horror Review: I must admit that yes, I would "do," Ms. Coulter. I would first have to gag her though, so that that I wouldn't be subject to the unmitgated gall spewing forth from her shapely lips. I noticed that price of this book has dropped significantly. I don't suppose this is from the astronomical sales the publisher is enjoying and may show that most of the fat cats have already passed it around, much the way I'm sure they have with her.
Rating:  Summary: Way too extreme Review: This book is a prime example of why so many people in America are disgusted by politics. Instead of remembering the true meaning of democracy, Ann Coulter, and many like her, are convinced that the only way to make this country great is their way. Our country is founded on free speech, on the free exchange of ideas, and I'm thrilled to see that Ann Coulter is practicing her Constitutional rights. But the fact is that there is not some vast left wing or right wing conspiracy to destroy America. The fact is that, with the exception of a few extremists on both ends of the political spectrum, the vast majority of Americans are simply interested in doing the right thing and making this country better than it has ever been. Ann Coulter not only insults liberals, but all Americans. She insults us all by implying that honest debate and the exchange of ideas is somehow invalid. I am a liberal. I don't hate America. And I don't hate conservatives. What I do hate are people, of any political persuasion, who are universally contemptuous of anyone who disagrees with their position and will go to any lengths to "prove" that they are right. Anyone who is willing to honestly work for the betterment of this country and the world deserves more than an accusation of "Treason!" or "Slander!" They deserve respect, both personally and for their ideas. Ann Coulter, and those who praise her book, should stop and think for a minute about what it really means to be an American.
Rating:  Summary: Snake Review: She's skinny, blond, and flat-assed! You white males are gonna love this!
Rating:  Summary: She doesn't know what 'liberal' means Review: Sigh. Class is in session. This is a "liberal" country. It was founded upon the principles of post-enlightenment egalitarian liberal humanism by men such as Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Tom Paine, all of whom described themselves in their writings as "liberals," and were denounced as such by the monarchists. Silly Ann. You don't know what liberalism is, do you? Here: Merriam Webster's Dictionary: "a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties" Now, which part of that did you find repellent? None of it? Gee, neither do the Democrats. Nor the Republicans. The difference is not in the moral philosophy of liberalism, but in the way they wish to IMPLEMENT that philosophy. Democrats tend to focus on maximizing freedom by egalitarianism, Republicans by maximizing individualism. Both parties are overwhelmingly "liberal," compared to the vast majority of the world's governments, and should recognize that "liberal" is a badge of national pride. The only people who claim there is a significant division between the "liberal" and "conservative" wings of politics, as if those movements were universally tied to the Democratic and Republican parties, are talk-radio goons like Rush Limbaugh who are entertainers and agitators, not political commentators nor newspeople. To use the term "liberal" as a pejorative does nothing other than demonstrate Ann's overwhelming ignorance of our history and culture. Go look up the definition of "liberalism" in any dictionary. Then compare that to the way that people like Limbaugh and Coulter (and you, dear reader) use that term. Then ask yourself "what would be the purpose of demonizing the terms inherent in liberalism? Who benefits from an attempt to change the meaning of our most essential principles? To the reviewer who suggests that this definition of liberalism is outdated, I wasn't aware that Coulter had superceded the dictionary as the arbiter of words' meaning. And how, specifically, is her misapplication of the blanket term "liberal" to the most extreme leftism of the 1960's more accurate?