Rating:  Summary: Liberals are un-patriotic? Review: It seems to me that one of the best ways an American to express his or her patriotism is to actually give a damn about where the country is going. If "America-hating liberals" happen to disagree with the goals of a President who is primarily concerned with having his way with America in a dark alley, why should anyone on the other side of the aisle try to silence the Nation's screams for help, and then claim to be a patriot? It's not like conservatives were any less vocal under Clinton, and I for one didn't think them any less "patriotic" for it. I happen to consider myself a liberal, and I also happen to love my country. Shame on anyone who would say different....Oh, and Ann Coulter is hot.
Rating:  Summary: Telling the TRUTH about American Liberal history!! Review: Perfectly stated, this Republican stands for common sense and patriotism. Something that Liberals lack.
Rating:  Summary: Nut Case Review: Is it really true that conservatives think this woman has a point to make? Is it really within the pale to argue that all democrats are deliberately seeking the overthrow of the USA? Really, even John Kerry, Bob Kerrey, and Dan Inoye who left parts of their bodies in Viet Nam?? While there will always be freakishly extreme views on both the right and left, what bothers me is that no one on the right is willing to say that this profiteering priestess of extreme right wing radicalism goes much, much too far. Sean Hannity, a so-called journalist, even salutes her "patriotism". This is not patriotism, or political dialogue, but rather a form of demonizing one's opponents so extreme that Goebbels himself should take notes.
Rating:  Summary: Her 15 minutes are almost up Review: Swill. Anyone with any knowlege of Mccarthy knows he made up just about everything. Its like saying the concentration camps never existed. Ever seen this women on TV? She's jsut creepy. Ugh. You have to be seriously deluded or nuts to swallow this B.S.
Rating:  Summary: More pundit garbage Review: More garbage from another trashy pundit. Al Franken, Michael Savage, Jim Hightower, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes, Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly.... all wannabe politicians pandering to those who follow their agenda. Books like "Treason" do NOTHING to stir reasoned, intelligent debate. Rather, they set agendas based on historical facts (that are sometimes bent or changed to support their views), and those who read them already agree with the author. So what's the point? Over the past year I've watched as conservative and liberal morons scream and spit at each other, wagging their fingers about the latest "facts and figures" from their favorite political authors. Usually, neither of them have read each others' book in question, so the argument consists mostly of gibberish with no valuable conclusion of any sort. I say these sorts of books have no redeeming social value, and I mean that because only people that already agree with the authors read them. Occasionally, a wary person who opposes the author's beliefs will pick it up and thumb through it, but not for the purpose of learning or opening creative debate. All they really want to do is find some tidbit or poorly constructed sentence to ridicule. Basically, the books just preach to the choir and then encourage the choir to fight with each other. All this political trash that sits on the bestsellers shelves at Borders and Barnes & Noble is not important information. They are each merely disgusting pieces of agit-prop fueled by individual agendas of the authors, not by ideals of compassion and cultural interest of our whole society. Despite how well these books sold over 2003, I noticed that they were all conspicuously absent from individual "best of" lists at the end of the year. I can't say I'm surprised. You'll never see a single one of these books with a cracked spine on the shelves of your favorite used bookstore. Trash, pure and simple. Avoid these books at all cost and think for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter joins the left's enemies list Review: Last year at this time, America was treated to the spectacle of watching far-left lunatics like International A.N.S.W.E.R., the "Not in Our Name" coalition, and others march side-by-side with radical anti-Semitic Islamic groups protesting America's war on terror and the impending destruction of Saddam Hussein's murderous regime. For the vast majority of Americans, this combination of feminist whackos and Talibanic Islamic groups who view women as property was probably a bit shocking. It wasn't for anyone who knows that the left operates by one simple maxim: "In all things, hate America first." One thing is certain--Ann Coulter knows how the left operates. Well, if she wasn't there already, Ann Coulter has now made the hard left's "Most hated people" list. With this book, she joins the ranks of Ronald Reagan, Whittaker Chambers, Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, and Joseph McCarthy as people the communist left will be slandering and attempting to destroy even long after they're dead. Why? Because she points a cannon of truth at the bulwarks of hard-leftism and simply blows them to smithereens. Using meticulous research, Coulter demonstrates how since World War II, the American left has been steadfastly defending the most murderous regimes on the planet while demonizing other Americans who happened to oppose such regimes. She summarizes the litany of errors, lies, and slander the left has embraced to protect communist spies like Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, Harry Dexter White, and others while detailing the absurd lengths their willing accomplices in the media were willing to go to defend them. Perhaps the greatest strength of the book is Coulter's methodical defense of both the House Unamerican Activities Committee and Senator Joseph McCarthy, both of whom are shown to have been largely correct in their accusations of large-scale, high-level communist infiltration into the FDR and Truman administrations. Most importantly, Ms. Coulter points readers to recent resources on the Venona Project and the KGB files which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that certain individuals the leftwing media defended in the 1950s were in fact Soviet spies. Referencing books such as "Venona" and "The Secret World of American Communism" (available on Amazon.com) Coulter puts the the naked treachery of many leftist "patriots" on display for the world to see. With Treason, Ms. Coulter has done America a great favor. She has launched a ferocious and long-deserved attack on the totalitarian symps who continue to exist on the left and has done so with a sarcastic wit that makes her writing as caustic as it is incisive. Comparing this book to the drivel produced by mental midgets like Michael Moore and Al Franken does Ms. Coulter a grave disservice. In closing Treason, Coulter goes farther afield than simple politics and offers with the following insightful comment: "The fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is: Conservatives believe that man was created in God's image; liberals believe the *are* god." For anyone who has spent hours debating a liberal friend, acquaintance, or family member, the truth behind these words is obvious.
Rating:  Summary: PHWAAAAAAP!!!! THWWUUUNK!! Review: I admit it, I am a liberal democrat. What people like Ann Coulter do not understand is that I live with my mom, play video games all day, and would not read a book even if I was out of weed! My opinions are right because they are based on MY feelings. So I don't need any actual information! PHWAAAAAAP! Woah! That was the sound of my head popping out of my large rear end! I used a shoehorn, lots of axle grease, and a copy of Treason. Believe me, the only thing this stupid book is good for is pulling your head out of your rear end. Now I'm starting to freak!!! Help!!!! Mom!!! Clinton!!!! Someone!!! Help me put my head back in!!!! HURRY!!! Before I choose reason over my irrational, uninformed feelings!!!! THWWUUUNK!!! (muffled) That's better. Warm and moist, again. Comfy-cozy. Thanks Al Franken and Bill Maher. Now, I'm ready to criticize that stupid right wing again!!!!
Rating:  Summary: This is the only review you need to read - trust me!!! Review: Thin-skinned, closed-minded liberals need not apply.... Ann Coulter has once again provided a well-researched presentation of some very important American history. She combines hard-hitting facts with her unique brand of humor, which I thoroughly enjoy. I just love how the media and others blasted Reagan saying the Soviet Union was just too strong, then after he won the Cold War, these same idiots said Reagan didn't win, the Soviet Union just imploded on its own. Which is it? Ann documents this and many other examples of liberalism throughout the book. Liberal readers of this book go ballistic because she documents the inconsistency and un-Americanism of the Democratic leadership throughout the years. As with Zell Miller's book, this is not an attack on "rank and file" Democrats; the focus is on the politicians. If you want to know the real story of American history for the last 50 years, Treason should be your textbook. And if you are not a totally humor-impaired individual, you might just have fun learning! Thanks, Ann!!
Rating:  Summary: Illuminating and Interesting Review: In this book Ann Coulter examines in her usual meticulous style many events that occurred before I was born or when I was too young to read. So, Treason was very enlightening for me. I always thought "McCarthyism" could be defined as a public witch hunt that destroyed people's reputations and cost them employment. In fact, Joseph McCarthy has become the real victim of "McCarthyism" - I know of no other public servant that has been smeared to this degree. This book also illustrates the extreme level of denial in the world of liberals - their opinions are in no way shaped by facts. This book shows that liberalism is just emotional illness en masse.
Rating:  Summary: It's wise to love Ann Coulter Review: Another fine work of art from Ann Coulter. Wow look at all the seething ire from the liberalists. Gee, I wonder why... Ann keeps shedding light on that pesky truth thing. Ann provides page after page of refreshing liberalese evisceration! If the law of non contradiction is self evident to you this book will be an enjoyable read!!