Rating:  Summary: WHO WOULD'VE THUNK IT Review: I would never imagine anyone anywhere would dare to write a book in which Senator McCarthy is a prominent topic and actually craft an argument IN FAVOR of McCarthy! And yet Ann Coulter does so, and succeeds quite well in presenting her point that a very great deal of the Senator's ominous warnings were not only correct, but actually underestimated the true nature of the corruption and level of infiltration in the United States' government by people (inevitably they were the creme de la creme of liberal society) who were not merely sympathetic towards the "Worker's Paradise", but actually actively working against their own country. What gives so much weight to the book is the FACT that indeed the Democratic party was utterly infested during the 1950's by people actively working against the interests of the United States. What makes this a FACT rather than just the rantings of a deluded conservitive pundit? Well, the Venona Project confirms it as FACT. Incredibly enough, I've never heard of the Venona Project until having read this book. What is the Venona Project? Well, the United States Army was able to crack the encryption codes used by the USSR during the 1950's and as such were able to intercept and decode messages/cables sent by the USSR to the many active Soviet agents in the United States and this operation, kept secret from even Truman himself, was named the Venona Project. This information was declassified in 1995 and finally made public, but much to my amazement, it has not received anywhere near the attention it deserves. If anything, Venona proves that during the 1950's it was odd not to find a prominent Democrat who was not on the Soviet payroll or advised by someone not on the clock for Joe Stalin. The declassification of the Venona Project cannot be but the most despairing and shameful of revelations for liberals. The book is a gripping read and infuriating at the same time. One cannot help but feel rage at the sense of how own's own country has been duped and betrayed by so many of those in positions with the sworn duty to protect her. One may very well disagree with the conclusions Coulter draws from these historical FACTS concerning liberals in general, but one cannot argue with the veracity of the FACTS Coulter uses for her argument since the treason she speaks of is independently corroborated and verified by the Venona Project. Of course, I cannot see how one can accept the evidence Coulter presents as FACTUAL and not inevitably come to the same conclusion that Coulter does; that is, liberals and their ideology seem to quite often go against what is in the best interests of America and more often than not side with America's enemies rather than with America herself whenever a direct conflict arises. Coulter follows this diheartening tendency which liberals seem to have a propensity for in detail from the post WWII era to the present. At the very least, even if one disagrees with Coulter's conclusions, the book is a wonderfully interesting read because it shows how an immense honeycomb of active Soviet spies were colluding against America at the highest levels of the Truman presidency at a scale so unbelievable that it dwarfs the fictional plots of the many spy/mystery genre novels of which I am so fond of. (I assure you that if Tom Clancy ever wrote a novel with a situation analogous to that which was present during the Truman presidency it would be instantly discredited because the premise of the novel would be too preposterous even for fiction!) Whether or not one agrees with Coulter's take on Senator McCarthy, it really cannot be argued that the story of "McCarthyism" has come to so dominate the present day image and narrative of political America in the 1950's that very few people have had an opportunity to learn about the massive infiltration of foreign agents in the American government which also occurred in the 1950's as verified by the declassified Venona Project files. The book's review of this incredibly overlooked piece of amazing history makes it a worthwhile read even for non-Coulter fans. Get it now! Its worth it!
Rating:  Summary: When Ms. Coulter Writes the Same Drivel Over and Over... Review: How does she expect to keep it fresh? How many times can one individual write the same incessant whining about how "Liberals" are supposedly responsible for everything that has gone wrong, or could possibly go wrong, in the history of America? Who would possibly want to hear more of Ms. Coulter's nasty, whining complaints? If she wants to be taken seriously as a writer, she'd be well-advised to go about attacking "Liberals" in a more sane and even-keeled manner. Ann's defense of McCarthyism is so over the top...it's downright laughable! Like all of Ms. Coulter's book, this one is light on fact and heavy on projection. Perhaps the author could take a break from her incessant whining about "Liberals", and for once take a critical look at Conservative politics.
Rating:  Summary: a nasty little book Review: Ann Coulter has done what she did with her last book, Slander, which is spoonfeed a paranoid, brutish, and simple-mindedly polemic world view to those "special" people who voted for Pat Robertson or Pat Buchanan. The bulk of her "research" involves the besmirching and rehabilitating of ghosts long dead. The public humiliation of Joe McCarthy, for example, was predictably caused by a conspiracy of america-hating liberals and communist sympathizers. Real historians, however, such as Paul Johnson (a Clinton-hating conservative by inclination) agree that Eisenhower personally torpedoed McCarthy because he had turned a few valid cases into a self-perpetuating witchhunt that was bad for the country. I suspect Eisenhower, a great American and classical conservative, would dismiss Coulter's crazy talk as firmly as he dismissed McCarthy's. The fact Nixon did nothing to rehabilitate his old collegue when he had the chance is another indication that Coulter is barking up the wrong tree. The example of Nixon also shows Coulter's amazing neglect for simple and well known facts in the midst of her ideological feeding frenzy. She does not like Truman and Clinton, and so trumps up their Chinese connections, but essentially ignores the curiously close relationship Nixon enjoyed with Chinese Communists until the end of his life. Was Nixon selling us out to the Chinese in the 1950'S, and, like the Manchurian Candidate, he used his anti-communist stance as a cover? Inquiring and conspiracy-addled minds want to know. According to Coulter, people like her (whatever she is) are patriots, while people like my father, who collected scrap iron and rubber everyday after school, enlisted at 17, and got shot fighting in the South Pacific, is a traitor for still thinking FDR saved this country from disaster, not Ronald Reagan. And that spending 200 billion on Iraq is not an efficient way to protect our borders and kill al-queda. In short, Coulter cheers people she likes and smears those she doesn't. Welcome to the eighth grade. Ho-hum. Next.
Rating:  Summary: A political book with facts Review: It was a refreshing change of pace to read a political book that actually uses facts, quotes, and real examples to back up the positions. Coulter doesn't just state a couple opinions but gives example after example that drives her points home. It's the first book I've read from Coulter but definitely not the last - I've already ordered "Slander" It was a great read.
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: Coulter does another superb job of calling the liberals on their bluff. When she says McCarthy was right, she doesn't mean he was right to pursue innocent people like Oppenheimer. What she is saying that McCarthy was right to go after those who would undermine our country. McCarthy was right to question the patriotism of those who would destroy our country. What Coulter is saying is that the tactics used were justified because of the cause that McCarthy was fighting for.
Rating:  Summary: Appalling Review: And to think scarce trees went to the blade for this. Truly reprehensible and a sign our country is in sad, sad shape.
Rating:  Summary: My number one choice for humor! Review: This has to be hands down one of the funniest books ever written! From the first chapter where "Ann" details how an admitted trans-sexual (Ann was Andy not so long ago) has managed to infiltrate and become a spokesperson for the rabid right wing,to the last chapter where she gives nothing but contempt for her right wing followers. I laughed 'till tears streamed down my face when I read the part about how "Ann" has been out on dates with prominent Republicans in the beltway! It seems that "Ann" has kept copious notes on the sexual preferences of many, many people in Washington and plans on a BIG bombshell book early next year. Will Tony Scalia be stepping down when his cross dressing escapes become public knowledge? If you are looking for a hearty laugh I recommend this book! It's a VERY quick read and written in almost child like prose-( remember the people "she" is fooling!) You can skip the "End Notes" section as she admits in chapter 7 that they are all fabrications anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter hits another Grand Slam Review: This book is sure to make a liberal gag on their own words. Once again, as in her earlier best seller, SLANDER, Ann Coulter hits the mark in high grades, telling the story of how Liberals have always chosen to defend the ideals that have: (1) historically been the opposite of our Constitution, (2)that have historically been supportive of governments that have openly called for the overthrow of the United States government, (3)and have also openly supported morals and ideals that our Christian Founding Fathers would have abhored, (4) and have historically slandered and personnaly attacked the character of innocent and honest Patriotic Americans who love their country. Ann backs up her claims with a deluge of footnotes, proving she did more than her share of home work, but did it for the benefit of any Liberal who mistakenly chooses to research her work for lies: all they have to do is read her sources, and they will see she tells the truth; Untarnished and raw, like a glass of water in the face of a Arkansas Pervert groping a 20-something in the White House.
Rating:  Summary: Unconvincing and Absurd Review: The true test of a writer is her ability to convince. On that test, Coulter fails. I spent hours in the bookstore reading this book and, time after time, she fails to consider anything that might disagree with her pre-conceived notions. Ann, have you ever heard of "cognitive dissonance"? That's when a person fails to even comprehend facts that do not fit with her pre-conceived ideas. That's what's going on here. I find most curious her defense of Joe McCarthy. That she defends his behavior speaks for itself. With the benefit of historical perspective, it is clear that McCarthy's behavior was not correct and that his actions only damaged our country. The Republicans may be able to take control of our land for a few years. But, as it has happened in the past, America will be reminded of why all these laws protecting civil rights, the environment and the poor were enacted in the first place. Republicans are rich people trying to stay rich. Whose position is more defensible: A party protecting the wealthy or a party protecting the poor? The rich don't need protection, folks. For the most part, I believe as an American who pays the top percentage rate of income tax withholding, I get a good value for my money. The Republicans act like children who want to have their services but don't want to pay for them. Ann Coulter may get some traction on her book--making her even more wealthy and out of touch with the common American--but her shrill tone will fail to convince anyone. Even in this forum (thank you, Amazon), you will see either one-star reviews or five-star ones. America is polarized, obviously. Are there more rich people than poor? The right may be able to pull along the Christian conservatives for a few years. But when the poor Christians start to see that the GOP doesn't really care about them, there will come a day of reckoning. I, for one, will work to make that day sooner. Coulter--with her laughable fear of flying--manifests an amusing pathology. She is a person who wants to keep her advantages and he thinks she can fool America. Let the 2004 "Wild Rumpus" start.
Rating:  Summary: A question of patriotism Review: In "Starship Troopers," Robert Heinlein explores what makes a citizen. The tool he used was the concept of service to the country, positing a future society where the full right of citizenship; voting, service in elective office, ability to hold certain civil service jobs, etc.; was restricted to those who had honorably completed service in the military. It was not expected that the veterans agreed on any given issue, the fact of their service showed their commitment to the society. In "Treason," we see a different take - only those who hold certain views are truly committed to the welfare of this country. As a retired military officer, card carrying Democrat, and member of various organizations that Coulter would describe as liberal; I find it highly objectionable for anybody like Coulter to question my patriotism or commitment. Her discussion is hardly rational. Once again, as in "Libel," she partakes in ad hominem argument to paint her opponents as enemies of the state. If you agree with her already, you don't need to read the book. If you don't agree with her, this book presents no convincing evidence to bring you to her side of the argument.