Rating:  Summary: Read this instead Review: If you want a true look at McCarthyism and Red Baiting along with the havoc it caused read Scoundrel Time by Lillian Hellman. She lived through it and survived. It is shocking that anyone could possibly make Cohn, Nixon, and McCarthy heroes. Once again read Scoundrel Time not this drek!
Rating:  Summary: yipes Review: Who said political books can't be funny? i didn't think the right could possibly come up with a pundit dumber and more perfectly irritating than the left's big two of Al Franken and Michael Moore, but this poor soul makes Weird Al and Rob Reiner look like celestial superbeings. It's a lethal combination of probably less intelligence than one of the mice her eyeliner was tasted on and what must have been a ridiculous amount of propagandist brainwashing. The premise of the book - all "liberal" thinking of the last 50 years amounts to treason - is so ridiculously inane that it should stop most people from even going near its Barnes & Noble bookshelf, but if you venture deeper (which I did, in a momentary lapse of reason) you will find some of the stupidest, most childish, most petty, most counterproductive, most bemusingly and blindly partisan, and generally the most hilariously awful political writing the world has ever seen (and most intelligent conservatives are wise to disassociate themselves with this type of stuff, just like most inteligent liberals are wise to disassociate themselves with Franken et al). She is perhaps comparable to Ralph Wiggum in The Simpsons - her inability to say anything that isn't mirth-inducing is very endearing. 5 stars!
Rating:  Summary: fact checkers Review: I think Ann Coulter constucted this book to be misleading, mostly using endnotes. Some of the "facts" are simply untrue, and should be stated as opinions. I found the misrepresentation offensive. I couldn't finish it.
Rating:  Summary: Dumb, Dumber, Really Stupid And Then There's Ann Coulter. Review: There are only two words that describe conservative Annie's book: Beyond Stupid.Her premise that it all the liberalism that has pervaded U.S political life since the end of WWII is Treason is just about the stupidist thing anyone has ever said. And even if were Treason, give me more of it. First of all, we are all still here. More than once during the last 60 years the whole of human existence came seriously close to being extinguished in a nuclear holocaust. Equating Osama and Sadam with Joe Stalin or Chairman Mao is ludicrous. These two fools are nothing compared to Uncle Joe and Mao. Worrying about the harm those two idiots can bring upon us, to the extent we do, is, even since we rooted that fierce old Sadam from his hole in the ground, simply absurd. Saying that her hero is Joe McCarthy is also the rant of some totally deluded ignoramous. McCarthy was an egomaniac, a closet gay, an alcholic, a fascist and the most pathethic person ever to serve in the US Senate. Lucky for humanity, the liberals prevailed or Annie wouldn't even be here. She suffers from the same delusions as Wisconsin Joe - acute paranoia that people will find out who and what she really is - Gestapo Ann, Dumber Than Dirt Neo-Nazi. Secondly, her premise is simply a lie based on the following facts: Today our citizens have the highest standard of living in the world. We have the most powerful military in history. We have highest gross domestic product of any nation in the world and hundreds of millions of people in the world would give up everything they have to come to our country and partake of our incredible success. All things considered, Gestapo Ann should get a clue and just come out and say her bible is "Mein Kampf" and her God is Adolph Hitler. Better yet, she shoud take part in a NAZI like eugenics experiment and have a kid with Sean Hannity. Then we'd all have something to look forward to - the first human being to be born with a negative IQ. However what is even more bizarre than Ann Coulter's views is that Democrats haven't yet figured out that people like her, Hannity and George W. are the greatest thing to ever happen to the Democratic party. Give them time and these neo-fascists fools will become beyond relevant. Books like this peice of garbage simply speed up the process.
Rating:  Summary: 1 star for effort, 0 for facts. Review: Recently, I began putting together the major errors in Ann Coulter's Treason that have been found by many resources. So far, I have posted 20 major errors. I added some of my own commentary and research on these claims and have put them together at this blog site: http://treasoncoulter.blogspot.com There are more posts to come on my blog, but this will have to do for now.
Rating:  Summary: A sad state of affairs Review: As a career active duty military officer and a proud Democrat, reading Coulter's latest book is perhaps the saddest I've ever been. Those of us in the military sweat, sometimes bleed and sometimes die in order to protect the Constitution and protect America's freedoms--for both Republicans and Democrats. After nearly 20 years of service to God and Country, it truly saddens me to see this particular author so vilifying the 40% or so of the country who are Democrats. Further, she tries to take away through innuendo (it's "unpatriotic" to say this or that) that what those of us in the military are willing to die to protect. What's worse, she does so with unsubstantiated claims, some of which are down right false--too many to even begin addressing in a forum such as this. But that's the hard thing about freedom--we Democrats in the military fight to protect this author's right to say these things, too. I just wish she'd realize that.
Rating:  Summary: Bizzaro Coulter Review: As a Democrat and liberal, I read Ann Coulter to see what the 'dark side' thinks (or doesn't think) of 'us' and I would recommend this book to all liberals, but with one word of advice... ...Ann Coulter is like Bizzaro Superman. When Bizzaro Superman entered a room, he said "goodbye!" Bizzaro Coulter is the same - when she writes "liberals are traitors" what she means is "liberals are patriots." Her research and reasoning are sloppy and sometimes meaningless and her need for the invective attack, rather than argument based on logic and factual information, dilutes her assertion that liberals always resort to the invective. An extraordinarily bad book from an extraordinarily bad author - but worthy of reading if only to catch a glimpse of the 'new right.'
Rating:  Summary: The Reality of Communism Review: What many people fail to realize about communism is that the modus operandi of the party was to infiltrate key positions within governments and other political parties and then take over from within. In Russia, the overthrow of the Tzar was done not by the bolsheviks but the mensheviks. In the Spanish civil war, the communists usurped Republic control with Stalinist aid. In America, it is entirely plausible, and probible that members of our government and press were communists or even KGB agents. Even today, the stated foreign policy objectives of many countries include breaking American power. Yet this is rarely if ever discussed in the mainstream media. Why is that? Why is this so hard to believe for many people? Elia Kazan was told by many people in Hollywood that they were communists and he is still hated by many in Hollywood to this day for trying to help his country. People need to understand that being a communist didn't just mean that you were some idealogue. It meant that you were either in contact with Soviet agents, or someone you knew was. The truth of the matter is that communists had infiltrated many levels of our government. Henry Wallace, Vice President under Roosevelt, once said that if he had been Vice President at the time of Roosevelt's death, he would have named Laurence Duggan Secretary of State, and Harry Dexter White the Secretary of the Treasury. Both of these men were Soviet agents. For those of you who think I'm some right-wing whack-job, do some research on Mitrokhin. I think you'll find some interesting facts.
Rating:  Summary: Revisionist History at its Best Review: Every year, my brother and I exchange one books just before the holidays. We have to read whatever that book is that we each get. He got me Treason, I think he did it to piss me off. We are both Republicans but he calls me a traitor to the party because I am much more moderate than he is, though I own 87 guns. As I read this, I was first beaten down that I had to read something by a Michigan Grad, God I hate the Univ of Michigan. Then I was amused. So all Democrats from the late 40's, 50's and 60's were either communist spies or traitors by the fact that they protected communist spies. The Democrats worked hard to discredit Joe McCarthy and marginalize him, I am pretty sure he did a good job of that every time he opened his mouth and stuck a glass of Burbon in it. What about all the Democrats who fought and died during WWII and Korea and Vietnam or was it only the Republicans who did that??? Also she, at least I think she is a she, "she" does have kind of a adam's apple though, has whole litany of complaints about FDR and how he failed America. See, I am pretty sure he was directing this country in a WORLD WAR and was willing to do anything, including sacrificing Eastern Europe, to keep Russia in the war and get help against Japan. He didn't know the atomic bombs would work, the first fruitful tests didn't happen unitl 1945. Anyway, there are too many other things for me to go on about. Personally, I think any politician or political pundit should be forced to pay for the replacement of all the trees they cut down to print their books. It doesn't matter who, Al Franken; Moron Michael Moore-from the Oscars, "Fictition" is not a word, the word is Fiction; Cannity or Holmes, who can tell them apart anymore; President Bush, President Bush Senior, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Paul O'Niel, Henry Kissinger, tabloid TV boy Bill O'Rielly; Chris Mattews and so forth. For that matter lets throw Oprah and all the movie and TV stars and British Royalty into this mix. That's what is really wrong with our civilizaton - just about any moron can get any damn thing they want published.
Rating:  Summary: Treason is an accusation not to be made lightly Review: Why is disagreement now 'treachery'? Why is criticism an act of treason? Ann Coulter could easily become the target if our country accepts her use of these powerful words. Just because you are on top today does not mean you will still be there in twenty years when the knock on the door comes in the middle of the night. Better to live by law rather than lip. Just look at the supporting reviews of this easy accusation: "That Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right!" or "far left lunatics...radical anti-semitic...feminist whacos...hate America first...mental midgets..." what is one to make of such words in place of evidence and analysis in a discussion of good will? or "Thin-skinned, closed minded liberals NEED NOT APPLY." This is the age old language of exclusion and abuse of the Irish, Italians, Poles and so many other groups who were not allowed to participate safely in the American discussion at one time or another. The punishment for treason is death. Be careful how you determine who a traitor is.