Rating:  Summary: Over the Top Review: I really did try to read this book,but just couldn't get through it. I don't know if Ms. Coulter is mentally ill or just sociopathically angry, but for sure her style never changes, twisted facts, facts taken out of context, facts distorted, and always always the anger and hatred. It is sad to think that this kind of book has an audiance in America, doesn't speak very well of us.
Rating:  Summary: Thank your Ms. Coulter! Review: Wow...I finished this last night. There is really nothing I can say. This is absolutely DEVASTATING to the left. The liberal/socialist agenda is exposed here...spread out for all to see. This is the last thing the left wants to happen. They must run their candidates as moderates to be elected--only to push a hardcore anti-American agenda once they gain power.As you read this book, your long time suspicions will be confirmed...and contrary to what the leftists say, they do NOT love America...They are NOT patriots. In fact, they loathe the idea of American success...They are disgusted that at the sight of American dominance. This repulses them. The hard left gags at the sight of the American flag, and has taken an instinctive stance against every action this country has taken to promote freedom in the world. They use the liberties bought with American blood to fight against their own nation. Ann Coulter clearly shows how the left wing in America has stood united with our enemies time and time again throughout history. The left absolutely despised the anti-communist movement. They accept the 90 million+ people killed by communism over the past century...not because they liked the fact people were dying, but because people like Joseph Stalin were standing firmly AGAINST the United States, and anyone who has stands against America earns a warm spot in the heart of today's leftists. Every argument democrats throw up is handily dismantled by Coulter in this new book. It completely obliterates any hope they once had of rewriting our history. Buy this book. Read it cover to cover...and pass it along. You will finally know the truth about the left...what they have been trying to hide about themselves for the past 50 years, and it isn't a pretty sight.
Rating:  Summary: Annie, get your gun! Review: Ann(ie) Coulter certainly did get her gun; and, with laser accuracy, she has shot gaping holes in the monolith of the Left. After having to get the bookseller to fetch the book from the back of the store (heaven forfend it should be placed where folks can see it!), I dashed home and read it ALL yesterday evening/this morning. Great book, but I have no illusions that liberal idiots will even look at the book, much less give it a considered read. If you've ever used the word "McCarthyite" or "McCarthyism", you had better read this book; you'll either change your use of the word, or you'll strike it from your vocabulary altogether.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal morons are rightfully quaking in their boots Review: Brainless talent-voids like Al Franken must certainly be quaking in their boots at the thought of an empowered and indepentdent minded woman like Ann Coulter who managed to escape the liberal brainwashing so intrinsic to the public school system. In "Treason" Coulter takes her style of thoughtful exposé a step further and gets to the truth about the much maligned American hero, Senator Joe McCarthy. Coulter takes no prisoners by providing ample documentation to back up her claims that liberals had loads to fear from McCarthy's hunt for communists, as many of them (including Jimmy Carter himself) wanted nothing more than to see a democratic America fall into communist revolution. If you are tired of studying liberal "herstory" from a perspective that doesn't do justice to the word "biased," pick up Treason and start yourself on the path to truth.
Rating:  Summary: Exposes the cesspool known as the Democratic Party Review: What an interesting book! It shows that Joe McCarthy was right and the liberals who were scared that they would be exposed as the communists they are started to slander McCarthy. It's nice to know that today the Democrats/liberals are doing the same. This book also shows that the liberals have always been weak on national security and have always pushed for "Progressive" politics (If you don't know the word Progressive was used during the McCarthy time since being a communist was shunned by the majority of Americans, today the Democratic Party has once again started using the word Progressive to hide their Socialist and Communist leanings) The book also shows that Democrats have been hurting the country with their lax security and devosion to the U.N. Unlike the Democrats who commented on the book without reading it. I actually read the book and would challenge those Democrats who gave this a 1 star to actually read the damn book before spouting off.
Rating:  Summary: Squealer's next tome for the Sheep Review: You have to give Annie credit with her recent publishing of both Slander and Treason. She knows her target market. She knows they'll buy her books, probably because she knows these folks are none to bright when it comes to understanding that the only way this woman actually has a market for her books is by catering to the core group of rabid neo-cons & fundamentalists out there who'll buy anything that badmouths people 'not like them'. This book is coming from a woman who wrote immediately after 9/11 that "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity" Don't hand this woman a 'Roadmap to Peace', she wouldn't even bother to look at the map. And speaking of terrorism, this woman once suggested that Timothy McVeigh's only flaw: "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." Suggesting we commit atrocities against our own country? Sounds like treason to me. She was so outlandish with her editorial columns that Conservative group The National Review dropped her because she was way too out there. (She called the editor a "girly-boy" and she calls herself a professional) But she'll sell some books, nothing sells better than to put a leggy skinny blonde on a cover and call it non-fiction. But to understand who reads these books you need only read Animal Farm by George Orwell. Ms. Coulter is Squealer and the sheep need to learn their next message to repeat again and again
Rating:  Summary: Incrediable Insight ... with the looks to boot! Review: In a way only she knows how, Ann has done it again. Exposing the liberal lies, she speaks with the honesty and integrity that is so needed in today's political scene. I challange ANYWAY to factually discount anything Ann has to say in this book. Finally, someone has the courage to speak up for Senator Joe McCarthy and clear his good name. Way to go Ann!
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Treason shows an excellent conservative view of historical events that is not told in he current history books. Ann Coulter is finally bringing facts and common since to the world of misconception. Treason is one for the history books.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a great read and extremely informative. Review: Ann Counlter's new book is a great read full of usefull information which has yet to see the light of day. It is refreshing to read a book that gives the reader the truth about liberals. It backs up the ideas I have always had. It is headed to #1.
Rating:  Summary: Disagreement is Disagreeable Review: It is evident that Ms. Coulter categorizes anyone who disagrees with her to be a "liberal". Disagreement with her is disagreeable and you will be held guilty of treason in her little mind if you deviate from her way of thinking. This narrow minded thinking is tolerated because of the society in which we live. But change that society to fulfill her dreams and she would be burned as a witch!