Rating:  Summary: a great book... Review: After reading Ms. Coulter's previous book I was compelled to get this one as well. I enjoyed her arguments about how liberals have waged a battle against America and civilization and applaud her efforts. I love her writing style which had me in stitches. The lady has a biting wit and I'd hate to be on her bad side! Overall, I think the book was well-written and her arguments are very convincing. It's funny how the truth makes the most sense. I am glad that Ms. Coulter's intelligence and commentary are reaching a broader audience and I am glad that she is a conservative. She does us proud!
Rating:  Summary: Clear and To the Review: Just as she exposed the liberal bias in the meida, she does a tremendous job of substantiation for the ability of liberals to hide their hatred for America.Concise and well-documented, a fresh breath of air.
Rating:  Summary: Taking the Lid Off Review: Typical Ann Coulter -an "in your liberal face" collection of events, quotes and factual (rathern than emotional) information that really rips off the cover of liberal theology. I expect to keep my underlined, highlighted copy by my bed for a long time. Thanks Ann.
Rating:  Summary: Got hold of advance copy/disappointing Review: More psuedo-intellectul swill and vicious attacks against anyone who thinks differently than dear old Annie. The defense of McCarthy is a bold statement, but if Ann could keep her pathological rage in check, it could have been a good profile of the controversial senator. Instead, Annie buries any credibility she has in hate-filled invective. More geared to the soundbite and intellectually lazy crowd as opposed to a serious character study, better luck next time, Ms. Coulter.
Rating:  Summary: Clear Thinking? Review: One reviewer states that Ann Coulter is "Clear Thinking". I believe she is mentally disturbed. Her views are ranting and unfocused and just mean. I do not understand why a person can't celebrate the diversity in this country instead of spew venon as she does. She promotes hatred. It is very sad.
Rating:  Summary: The Treason of the Clerks Review: Thanks to Jason Blair we have all become much more aware of the power of the media to lie and create fiction on-the-run. In the 1930s a New York Times columnist - Walter Duranty - won a Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles on the Soviet Union in which he denied the Great Famine even then causing the deaths of over 10 million in the Ukraine. While peasants were literally starving and cannibalism was rampant, he described a nation literally flowing with milk and honey. To this day, that Pulitzer hangs in the halls of the New York Times. No one under 60 actually remembers Senator Joe Mc Carthy, but thanks to his enemies his name is attached to a totally fictional "dark period" of supposed terror in the US of the 1950s. According to the legend, the US and the USSR were experiencing the same terror, at the hands of the terrible McCarthy. McCarthy's real crime was exposing the fact that Josef Stalin - the same dictator who had murdered the peasants of the Ukraine and created the infamous Gulag Archipelago - had spies and agents of influence in the government. For that he was called a "witch hunter" and worse. Anne Coulter has done the nation the great service. She has meticulously researched her subject and has given us a new look at a man whose life was destroyed and who was demonized by those who supported one of the bloodiest tyrants in history. This is a must read for those whose eyes have been opened by the Jason Blair affair, and an even more important read for those who still believe in the old myths.
Rating:  Summary: LIberals ARE unpatriotic Review: Ann Coulter gives us the discussion liberals have previously not allowed us to have; and that is that liberals are in fact UNpatriotic. Though they claim the opposite, in fact Ann brings to our attention the notion we always knew in our minds but weren't allowed (by liberals) to say-- that liberals are forever harping on America and constantly criticizing it. They are decidedly NOT patriotic. Thank you, Ann, for once again telling the truth and debunking more liberal lies.
Rating:  Summary: Do you want to go where the "Progressives" want us to? Review: In Treason, Ann Coulter makes a compelling case for the absolute, mind-boggling pro-Communist attitude within the Democratic party. From the 1946 election wipeout caused by pro-Communist attitudes coming to the forefront, to the evidence of the policy of containment's failure to contain Communism, Coulter pulls no punches in her criticism of the liberal positions on foreign policy. In one of the more daring parts of the book, she gives credit to Joe McCarthy for his efforts in trying to root out Communism and actually finding spies in the government. She works to prove that McCarthy was a saint, not a sinner, for finding spies such as Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, and other Communist spies. Some may say, "Why revisit this whole episode?" The answer is simple, progressives play mostly by the same playbook that they used to destroy McCarthy (who effectively nailed Communist moles even as media and Congress went on a witch hunt that cost him his career and health), always using other people's words to paint a picture of Joesph McCarthy as a fascist and a right wing nutball like they do with other conservatives today. Coulter also praises former President Reagan, as she exorts her readers to uses the "Reagan won the Cold War" litmus test to draw liberals out of the woodwork. She also talks about she draws the Orwellian parallels between the Communists and modern-day Progressives, documenting the behavior of liberals from the end of World War II to the end of the Soviet Empire and beyond, also taking time to point to the pro-Communist attitudes of Hollywood actors such as Ed Asner, Mike Farrell, and Janeane Garofalo, just Whether you are conservative, liberal, or just out there, this book comes to the table with with no punches pulled and the vivid writing style that you have come to expect from Ann Coulter. It will make you think, it will challenge you, and it might even make you very angry, depending on your political background.
Rating:  Summary: Uncovering The Commie Left In America Review: Ann Coulter does it again!Fantastic research, she tells the true story of Senator Joe McCarthy's exposure of the actual hidden Commies in the US government and and shows why 57 current Democrat members of the US Congress admit to being members of the Socialist Democrats of America.Whether they hide from the tag "liberal" or attempt to be reborn claiming the "progressive" label, they are still hiding under the pillowcase from exposure as Socialist Communists.What a page turner!Atta lady Annie!Books don't get any better then this!
Rating:  Summary: Another Winner Review: Having just read Hillary's screed, "Living History," and now Ann Coulter's "Treason," I must say Ann's book is a much better read. It doesn't read as if it was written by several writers with different styles and, like in her other books, her sources are well-documented. Her grasp of actual history compares favorably with Hillary's made up version. Ann is a bright and humorous writer in a subject area that seems to elicit a considerable amount of animosity. Well done, Ann. I can hardly wait for your next book.