Rating:  Summary: Excellent read! Review: Sets straight some long held myths.
Rating:  Summary: The Socialists are unmasked...and documented. Review: Ann goes through the painstaking effort to document what the Socialists/Marxists say in their bashing of America. Ann brings up excellent points like, Why is it off limits to question the Socialists/Marxists about their patriotism? Ann answers that question convincingly...because they don't.
Rating:  Summary: At Last Review: Ann Coulter finally give a point a view of McCarthy that no school text book would ever give! Imagine, finally hearing the other side of the argument! I wish Someone could have told me about this when I was in school. Another book by Coulter, chock full of valid historical references and well constucted criticism and argument!
Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly researched and historically accurate. Review: I must admit, I have not read Slander, Ann Coulter's first book, however I did read numerous reviews that said it was "poorly researched and filled with lies" and such forth. I suspect much the same will be said of this book simply b/c people feel like disagreeing with her. I, myself, have always been curious as to why McCarthy is so demonized when it's been well proven that he was right and I have yet to find anyone whose life was "irrevocably destroyed" by him. Treason is very well researched, I myself recognized about half of her quotes and documentation. I am fascinated by and take it upon myself to study history. What i've found in my study is that many people wish to comfort themselves with widely accepted but utterly nonsensical views of history, and for these people I say: Don't read the book. If you're one of the people who actually thinks the Civil War was about slavery, or that Thomas Jefferson was a racist, you're not going to enjoy this book. You already have your preconceived notions of how history took place and no amount of FACT is going to change your mind. For anyone who actually cares about history unfolded, read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Where are the reviews? One star too many Review: I find it intersting that the only "review" listed under editorial reviews is the one off the books jacket. How nice for Miss Coulter that she can review herself and be assured of a glowing assessment. However, simply calling oneself an intellectual and stating that anyone who believes otherwise is a traitor, doesn't make it so. Miss Coulter is living in a world of fantasy where she makes up the facts and by doing so makes them real. Her type of rhetoric is what divides this country, making it near impossible to move forward on any issue, regardless of one's relative "conservativeness." The author so polarizes the citizenery with her over-ripe rhetoric, that she puts everyone in an either or catagory; either you agree with her or you're a traitor. If anything, this kind of idealogically circular thinking is what is truly traitorous. Hello fascism, goodbye democracy. Dissent is verbooten!
Rating:  Summary: Smoking! Review: Ann just repeatedly exposes the left, acadamia, media, politicos and all other useful ... better than anyone else. All of her information is documented, sourced, and used completely in context. This drives the left nuts, since they cannot refute the facts in any legitimate way whatsoever. They can only attack Ann using thier usual tactics of screaming "Nazi", "racist", or "VRWC". They'll call this a book of lies, yet, if you've ever read Ann, she sources everything. Another brilliant expose of the anti-american left. I've always believed McCarthy was a great American patriot, this proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Rating:  Summary: My Civics teachers lied to me Review: This book is an amazing collection of facts pulled from the very sources that denounce that facts even exist. Every page revealed more and more history with full source references. The book is a very good read. When the facts get your dander up over Liberals revisionism, Ann Coulter injects enough perspective to show that the people aren't really fooled. Do you think you know how FDR felt about Stalin? Do you think Sen. McCarthy grilled Hollywood actors or ended up achieving nothing? Do you have any idea what the Venona Project was? My Civics teachers should be embarrassed and ashamed of glossing over and shading such important developments in our nation's history. Want perspective of how the Democratic party undermined America's interests? Ann Coulter presents a shocking look at what the Bush administration would look like today if Al-Queda infiltrated the government like the Soviet Communist agents did after WWII. Stunning to say the least. Trust me, you need to read this book!
Rating:  Summary: Exquisite!! Coulter is well-researched and on-target.... Review: This book is a great read...Ms. Coulter brings an impeccible defense of McArthy and how he was correct in his analysis of our country and our enemies. Her spellbinding defense of McArthy and factual evaluation of the left is superb. Mauer is correct in his assessment of her in her last book. The right does have an effective diva. (Actually there are many, but she is a great one...)
Rating:  Summary: Another Homerun for Ann Review: Ann does it again and has the left running for cover.
Rating:  Summary: Vintage Ann Review: Once again, Ann digs deeper than the headlines and gets to the truth. Very enlightening and educational. Could not put it down.