Rating:  Summary: More lies, more slander Review: Ann Coulter has indeed topped herself: this book contains more lies, more slander, more hatred against anyone who does not believe that Muslims should be forcibly converted to Christianity (as Coulter once famously said should be done) than any other book on the market. This woman is curdled, so sour from years of hatred and distorting facts that she is the literary equivalent of sour milk.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal Myths: Another one bites the dust Review: That liberals were and remain wrong on all aspects of foreign policy will come as no surprise to anyone not "embedded" in the editorial pages of the NY Times. The primary values of Ann's book are; 1) a succinct reminder of the litany of liberal failure, 2) the factual data you need to be confident in any debate, 3) the sheer entertainment of Ann Coulter's acerbic wit. If you aren't sure whether or not she's touched a nerve just check out the review from "Leni" elsewhere on this site. It will be fun if Ann continues writing and takes apart the fantasy, fallacy and failings of liberal economic, welfare and environmental policies. Go Ann!
Rating:  Summary: Good Book -- But Wear a Helmet Review: Coulter is the number one conservative grenade-thrower. Excellent book. There has not been enough popular commentary on so-called "McCarthyism" (hint: McCarthy was right) in light of the 1995 publication of the Venona Project (hint: the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were infested with Soviet sympathizers). Coulter is developing a style that makes even conservative readers wince. She is the conservative Michael Moore. Just as Moore says things like "Conservatives are racist" to shock and satire, Coulter uses this same motif in labelling liberals (even all liberals) as traitors, Soviet-lovers, etc. Read the book with this in mind, and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: This should be a high school history book. Review: This is beyond a doubt the most refreshing expose of the truth about liberals ever written. I ended the book wishing I had been an adult during the McCarthy days so as to know the truth of the day first hand. Lucky for all of us we have Ann Coulter to enlighten us with the real truth of what took place. Unfortunately, those who need to read this book most won't. Instead they will buy Hillary Clinton's book and only add fuel to the lies Ann is trying to expose.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting Book and an interesting comparison Review: Ann Coulter's book is taking off and ZOOOMING past Hillary Clinton's "Living History". While Hillary's book had excellent publicity and an increadible run at first it has plummeted to #7 while Treason was # 1 and now 2nd only to the new Harry Potter book. What does this tell us? Is America beggining to lean to the right? Are we as a nation beggining to realize that the far left is equally as bad as the far right? I think this is an indication that the democrats will have a rough ride in the presidential elections and if the congressional results are any indication, they will be out of power for quite a while.
Rating:  Summary: a screed of nonsense Review: Watching and reading Ann Coulter is equivalent to sitting in a room with someone running their nails across a blackboard. Oh so irritating. It is disheartening to have to contend with such extremism and bias coupled with the deification of McCarthyism. Coulter's words only serve to prove the point that second tier fame does not prevent you from believing one's own drivvle. Sadly there are those who will take this diatribe as total truth and use it to further desecrate the fabric of our society and culture. I'm only surprised that the book didn't include a copy of the petition to recall Governor Davis. Ann should spend her time dealing with truth and reality and not portray herself as the ultimate "party" girl!
Rating:  Summary: Must Read Review: She hits it right on the nail. If you want to know what is actually going on and who you can trust in politics you must read this.
Rating:  Summary: Conservative Ideas Rock Review: This was one of the most refreshing books I have read in years. It brought out points that I have believed were true for years.
Rating:  Summary: Hate mongering that will appeal to some Review: It's interesting that Coulter's incessant whining about the evils of Liberalism is even marketable to clear thinking individuals...my guess is that maybe it really isn't. I suspect that if she entitled a book "Liberals Are Very Bad People" and all the pages were blank, she'd sell just as many copies to those who are opposed to freedom of differing thought. Her customary ability to stretch and spin the truth to the edge of believability(and sometimes beyond)in order to back up her claims is uncanny. Thus this effort will certainly appeal to similiarly close-minded extremists. To put it another way, anyone who can listen to an afternoon of Rush Limbaugh and find nothing wrong with the glaring absence of any ideas opposing his, will probably like this book. As you might expect coming from a narrow-minded perspective, it is an easy read. It's also fairly well written. I recommend it to anyone with a far right slanted view of the world. Let's face it, propaganda is comforting to those who like the message they're hearing, especially if they have trouble thinking for themselves. If you are an angry person, full of hatred and you are intolerant of anyone with views that are not extremely right-winged Conservative(as Ann Coulter is) BUT you refuse to look at yourself long enough to see or admit this about yourself, then this is a must read book for you! Anyone else should pass on this one. A side note: I'm sure I'm not the only one who worries a little about Ms Coulter's health because of the sad birth defect the she's afflicted with-Born with no sense of humor. It is rumored that she has on occasion smiled, but there has never been conclusive proof. Since her dream of a Stepford Wives type world where everyone would have the exact same views as her will most likely never happen, here's another thing that could possibly allow her the joy of smiling: Someone in Congress starts a campaign to make Joe McCarthy's birthday a national holiday. Let's make this happen for her, come on Conservatives, show some compassion!
Rating:  Summary: Ann once again proves facts are not her strong point Review: Like all good conservative talking heads Ann Coulter has written a book of red meat for those like herself. Those in need of self-assuring that the 'evil liberals' are out to get them will love this one. Unfortunately those of us who read more these trashy manifestos can see this book for what it is: fact less hysterics with no basis in history. The basic premise of the bony one's book is that 'liberals', who translates to whomever fits that title at the time (it changes book to book), have this need to destroy the U.S. Of course she never addresses why or for what reason. That is never really the point of any of these books. The point: As long as Coulter can present the liberal boogieman to the mindless ditto heads they'll buy books. Which at the end of the day are what all these right wing book charlatans are about. Get the rabid few to buy the book in the first week and then go off to write the next one. It keeps her in the green and them mad at someone while the country goes south.